Page numbers in italics denotes an illustration/figure


Acme-Dunn printer 71, 234

aerial image projection: and DIY optical printer 2414, 2415

Agfa 178, 180

Agfachrome 180

Alhazen 283

alligator clips 11617, 117

amp probes 134

Anderson, Benedict 394

Anger, Kenneth: Fireworks 9

Ann Arbor Film Festival 51, 291; (2010) 28

archival film 56

artist-run film laboratories 2256

Ascher, Bob 412, 42; Bar Yohai 43; Blue 43; Golem 44

assemblage 67

audio jumper cables 116

Avant Garde IV DVD 34

avant-garde film 6, 8, 634, 319, 320


Bacall, Lauren 67

Baldwin, Craig 6, 8

Battista della Porta, Giovanni 283

Bauer, Katherine: ‘Machine Gut’ 330

BB Optics 108

Beebe, Roger 106, 339, 3445, 353, 359; AAAAA Motion Picture 356; biography 3523; Composition in Red & Yellow 356; Congratulations 356; Famous Irish Americans 356; interview with 35360; S A V E 356; The Strip Mall Trilogy 355, 356; TB TX DANCE 341, 341, 355

Behrens, Christophe 365

Bell & Howell 70, 238, 247, 294, 315

Biafra, Jello 8

binaural microphone 13840

black and white developer 149

black and white hand-processing 14175; alternative black and white film stock 157; bucket processing method 1467, 147; developing the film 1656; general processing equipment 14850; jam it in the can method 146, 147; last notes on 166; negative 141, 142, 142, 14752; pushing and pulling motion picture film 1578; reversal/positive 1412, 142, 143, 1525; sepia redeveloper 15960, 159; and solarization 158; tools and space needed 1437; use of Liquid Light 1605

bleach 1821; Kodak SR-7 ferricyanide 185; reversal 154, 155

bleach pens 19

blue screen 70

Bolex 71, 74, 78, 826, 89, 239, 243, 248, 250, 292, 293, 357

Bourque, Louise 23

Brakhage, Stan 9, 356, 59; Glaze of Cathexis 36; Mothlight 53; A Moving Picture Giving and Taking Book 36; Panels for the Walls of Heaven 36

Brand, Bill 72, 73, 99110, 99; Angular Momentum 104; biography 100; Chuck Will’s Window 96; Coalfields 106; interview with 10010; Masstransiscope 100, 107; Moment 102, 104; Still at Work 104; Zip Tone Cat Tune 102

Briz, Nick 391

Brown, Bill 358

Brown, Marge 57, 58

Brundert, Dagie 203, 210, 210, 289, 290, 291; Alvarado/Sunset 290; biography of 211; flower recipe 215; interview with 21115; Zauberwald - Magic Wood 291

bucket processing method 1467, 147

burning in titles 945, 94

Butler, Brad: Untitled 3201, 321


C-41 process 179, 18790

caffenol 1979, 2001, 21112

Caffenol-C-M 2001

Cage, John 118, 119; 4′33″ 347

camera obscura 283

cameraless filmmaking 21732; contact printing by hand 2224; contact printing with rewinds and sync block 2202, 221; half-process 2245; ray-o-grams 217, 21920, 220, 222

capacitors 123, 127, 12930

Cates, Jon 391

Cavell, Stanley 239

Cinema Nova 195

circuit bending 132

circuit board 12930

Clair, René: Entr’acte 337

Cline, Robin 177, 331

Cloninger, Sally 578

coffee process (caffenol) 1979, 2001, 21112

Collins, Nicholas: Handmade Electronic Instruments 128; Handmade Electronic Music 121

color film: anatomy of 179, 180

color hand-processing 17796; negative (C-41) 179, 18790; reversal (E-6) 179, 1807, 190

Comerford, Tom 118, 135, 291, 296, 358; biography of 314; Cinema Obscura 314; Départ 315, 316; Fey Eyes Pin Holes Drums Hum 315; Figures in the Landscape 291, 292, 314; ILLA CAMERA OBSCVRA 315; interview with 31417; Pinhole Notes 297310

communitas 395

condenser microphones 1216, 122, 123

Conner, Bruce: Arachne 7; A Movie 8; REPORT 8

contact microphones 11821

contact paper 534

contact printing 217; by hand 2224; with rewinds and sync block 2202, 221

continuity tester 134

Cook, Lauren 2267, 339, 358; Altitude Zero 11, 11, 229; HandMade 229; interview with 22732; PXXXL 226, 227, 227, 22930, 231

Cornell, Joseph 67; Rose Hobart 7, 7

Cossman, Steve 2932, 106; Forever Friends 31; TUSSLEMUSCLE 1113, 12, 14, 28, 29, 30; WHITE CABBAGE 29, 30

Crackpot Crafters 612

Curwood, Kenneth Zoran: DIY optical printer with aerial image projection 2414, 2414, A Young Colossus 245


da Vinci, Leonardo 283

Dali, Salvador 7

Damonte, Devon 49, 54, 55, 339, 344; Auroroborous 59; interview with 5666; Stalking the Wild Washi 64

Daniel, Bill 358

darkroom 143, see also cameraless filmmaking

data compression 3656, 366, 367

data editing 3756

data manipulation 36670

David, Sky 263

Dead Kennedys 8

Dean, Tacita 2, 106, 322; FILM 322

Debord, Guy 8; Society of the Spectacle 8

Dery, Jo 61

destructive techniques see film-destroy

developers: C-41 188; color 1845; heating 28; Josh Lewis’s recipe 1945; Kodak D-94 153; Kodak D-96 149; Kodak SC-50 color 185; prepackaged black and white 149

developing tank 1435; Lomo 1445, 145, 165; Morse 144, 144, 150, 199

digital pinhole camera 296, 31113

DIY optical printing see optical printing/printer (DIY)

Donaldson, Jeff 364

Dornieden, Anja: Oro Parece 224

Double Negative (Montreal) 321, 395

drawing 414

Dreyer, Carl: Vampyr 314

Duchamp, Marcel 6

Dunn, Linwood 71

dyes/dyeing film 26, 38


E-6 process 179, 1807, 190

E-6 substitute process 1827, 188

East of Borneo (film) 7

Echo Park Film Center (Los Angeles) 214

eco hand-processing 197216; and caffenol 1979, 2001, 21112; Dagie’s flower recipe 215; disposing of spent fixer 2078; grassenol 201, 2024; kartoffel (potato caffenol) 2045; salt fixer 2067; tinting with vegetables and fruits 20810; winenol (wine caffenol) 2056

Ektachrome 180

electricity 115

Emerson College 135, 137, 177, 178, 234

emulsion, painting on 1602

emulsion coating box 162, 162

emulsion/frame orientation 37

Eros, Bradley 326

Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, The 69

expanded cinema 354

exposure: and optical printing/printer 97, 98


f-stop: and pinhole camera 288

farmer’s reducer 152

Fielding, Raymond: The Techniques of Special Effects Cinematography 2334

Field, Brendan 2224

Fields, Jahiliyya 29

film: anatomy of color 179, 180; anatomy of 1413; as installation 31936; as performance 33761

film loop: making a 1718

film plane 292, 292

film stocks 97, 1412, 148, 178, 179; alternative black and white 157; and optical printing 97

film-create 3368; drawing 414; letraset 501; painting 33, 3441; printing onto film 545; process 45; rubbings 4950, 60; soundtrack 457; stamping 478; stickers/tape/contact paper 534, 54; transfers from plastic bags 513, 52

film-destroy 532, 33; and bleach 1821; chemical experiments 268; dyeing film naturally 26; letting nature take its course 236; making a film loop 1718; process 17; reticulation 278; scratching 913, 17, 28; sodium carbonate 212; splicers 1617; toning with chemicals 26; tools required 1517 195

Filters: and optical printing/printer 97, 97

fixers 14950, 206; disposing of spent 2078; Kodak F-5 14950; salt 2067

Fonseca, David 345

food coloring 38

found-footage collage 58, 1112

Frampton, Hollis 107

Freyer, Sasha Waters 226

fruit: tinting with 20810

Frye, Brian 326; Oona’s Veil 236, 25, 326

Fuji 178, 180


Gallagher, Kelly 358

gallery work 31936; loop/loopers 3201, 320; and Perlin 3316; and Schlemowitz 32631

Gardner, Robert 239

Gatten, David 23

gauge 367

Geertz, Clifford 393

Gibson, Sandra 339, 358

Gidal, Peter 1067

gift economy 64

Gioli, Paolo 291

Glabicki, Paul 263

glitches/glitch art 36392; data compression 3656, 366, 367; data editing 3758; data manipulation 36675; definition and origin of word 363; forced and pure 364; history 364; hot and cool 365, 375; and Meaney 38892; slide scanning 363, 364; step-by-step overview of glitching an image 37884; step-by-step overview of glitching a movie 3857; things you need 378

grassenol 201, 2024

Great Train Robbery, The 70

Griffin, George 263

guillotine splicers 16, 16

Guzman, Adaliz 147


hacking kids’ toys 12832; circuit bending 132; circuit board 12930; components of toys 12930, 130; creating leads 131; kits 132; things not to hack 128

half-process 2245

Hall, James Baker 110

hand-cranked cameras 70

hand-processing: black and white 14175; color 17796; eco 197216

Handmade Film Institute 166, 167

Hanley, Sean 28, 190

Haraway, Donna 389

headphones: and microphones 11415, 115

Heemskerk, Joan 364

HexEdit 369, 375, 378, 3857

Hi-con 95, 172, 177, 218; Kodak 7363 78, 95, 157, 160, 172

Hoolboom, Michael 177

Hurt, Will 365

Husta, Chris 1268


imagined communities 394

imagined geographies 394

India ink 38

inks 38

installation see gallery work


Jacobs, Ken: Nervous Magic Lantern Performances 339; Nervous System Performances 339; Star Spangled Death 8, 9; Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son 102

jam it in the can method 146, 147

Jameson, Fredric 356

JK optical printer 72, 73, 75, 233, 246; basic checks before shooting 812; bellows/lens 746; camera 74; changing film format/film speed 901; checklist 912; cleaning camera and projector 82; components of 7380; focusing the diopter on the Bolex 823; focusing of 835, 84; lamp 778; loading camera with film 856; loading the projector 869; magazine 7980, 80; projector 76, 76; rails 79; sequence for loading the camera 89; sequencer 789, 79 364

Joritz, Cathy: Give AIDS the Freeze 9; Negative Man 9, 10

July, Miranda 360


Kahl Film 181

kartoffel (potato caffenol) 2045

Keeney, Chris: Pinhole Cameras 311

kids’ toys, hacking of see hacking kids’ toys

Kodachrome 180

Kodak 178, 18; D-94 developer 153; D-96 developer 149; E-6 process 1812; F-5 fixer 14950; Hi-con 7363 film stock 78, 95, 157, 160, 172; R-9 black and white reversal bleach 154; SC-50 color developer 185; SR-7 ferricyanide bleach 185; 7266 (Tri-X) 152, 153, 157, 160

Kurhi, Jaakko 71, 76, 110


L’Abominable (Paris) 195, 195, 2256, 395

laser printing on film 545

latent edge numbers 152, 155

Lawder, Standish 239

Le Grice, Malcolm: Horror Film 337

Leaf, Carline: Two Sisters 910, 10

LeMaster, Christy 391

L’Etna (Paris) 225, 395

LeTourneau, Alain 358

letraset 501

Lewis, Josh 106, 190, 1916; Doubt 190, 194

light mic 1268, 129

light table 14, 15, 378

Liquid Light 160, 165

Lockhart, Sharon 319

Lomo tank processing 1445, 145, 165

loop/loopers 1718, 320, 320

Lye, Len 34, 59, 60, 623; Free Radicals 9; Trade Tattoo 34


McCarthy, John 147

McClure, Bruce 358

McCormick, Matt 358

Mack, Jodie 64

McLaren, Norman 34, 345, 412; Begone Dull Care 35; Blinkity Blank 9, 35; Pen Point Percussion 35, 45

McNamee, Brian 116, 1358

McWilliams, Matt: code for printer 26580; DIY optical printer + open-source code 24654; interview with 24654; Produce 245

magazine (JK optical printer) 7980, 80

Man with a Movie Camera 70

Man Ray 28, 217, 225; Emak Bakia 217; La Retour à la Raison 217, 230

Meaney, Evan 363, 366, 38892; Ceibas Cycle 390, 391

Mekas, Jonas 78

Méliès, George 6970

Menkman, Rosa 365, 375, 391; Vernacular of File Formats 370, 378

microphones 11326, 1334; binaural 13840; condenser 1216, 122, 123; contact 11821; and headphones 11415, 115; light mic 1268, 129; and speakers 11518, 117; and transducer 114

Microscope Gallery (Brooklyn) 328, 329

Miller, Peter 3445, 3456; biography of 346; Fulcrum 3512, 351, 352; interview with 34652; projectionism 350

Minty, Pam 358

Mirza, Karen: Untitled 3201, 321

Mitchells 237

mold: distressing films with 23

Mono No Aware 28, 29, 301, 194, 394, 395, 396

Monroy, Juan: Oro Parece 224

Moradi, Iman 364

Moreau, Jeanne 59

Morrison, Bill: Decasia 23

Morse tank 144, 144, 150, 199

Murphy, JJ: Print Generation 365

Murray, Julie: and DIY optical printer 23841, 239, 240; If You Stand with Your Back to the Slowing of the Speed of Light in Water 239, 241

Museum of Modern Art (New York) 322

mushroom dyes 208


nail polish 1920, 38

Nanian, John 208

Nash, Graham 351

national film archive (US) 6

nature: destruction of film through 236

negative black and white hand-processing 141, 142, 142, 14752

negative color hand-processing 179, 18790

Neubauer, Bärbel 59

Nolan, Christopher: Memento 355


O’Neill, Pat 71, 234, 236; Water and Power 234, 235, 235

open-source code: and DIY optical printer (McWilliams) 24654

optical printing/printer (DIY) 23381; with aerial image projection (Curwood’s) 2414, 2414; basic components 2378, 238; and Murray 23841, 239; plus open-source code (McWilliams) 24654; plus super-complicated matte work (Rose) 25460; setting up camera to shoot film 2378

optical printing/printer (JK) 69111; avant-garde history 713; burning in titles 945, 94; changing film format/film speed 912; changing the gate 83; checklist 812, 912; cleaning camera and projector 82; definition 69; dissolves 93; and exposure 97, 98; film stocks 97; and filters 97, 97; focusing dioper on the Bolex 823; industrial history 6971; JK components 7380; loading camera with film 856; loading the projector 869, 87, 88; and major motion picture industry 2337; optical effects 927; preparing for your shoot 801; sequence for loading the camera 89; setting the frame and focusing the JK 835, 84; superimposition 923; travelling mattes 956; zooms 934

Oregon Experimental Film Festival 64

ORWO 1478; UN54 150, 152, 153

Oxberries 234, 254


Paesmans, Dirk 364

painting 33, 3441; application tools/techniques 401; emulsion/frame orientation 37; and gauge 367; inks and paints 38; resists 38, 40; sound speed 37; workspace/tools 378

Peoples, Alee 358

performance, film as 33761; and Beebe 35260; history 3379; and Miller 34652; practicum 344; shooting 16mm film in a 35mm camera 3414; and slot-loading projectors 340, 340

Perlin, Jenny 3316; Funes 334; A Thousand Sentences 332; Transcript 335

phantom power adapter 1236, 124

Photographer’s Formulary 149, 152

Photoshop 159, 222, 286, 293, 295, 3667, 368, 370, 378, 379, 389

piezo discs 118, 119, 120, 121, 133

Pinhole Calculator 293, 294

pinhole camera 2847; loading 287; making camera 2867; making the pinhole 2856; testing 287

pinhole cinematography 2916, 297310

pinhole photography 213, 283317; digital/video 296, 31113; image diameter/angle of view 2889; making prints from your pinhole negatives 28991; pinhole camera 2847

plane mark 295

Plante, Mike 341

plastic bags: transfers from 513, 52

‘point right and go left’ Craig Baldwin theory 8

Porter, Edwin S. 70

potato caffenol 2045

potentiometer 132

Povey, Thad 51

Price, Luther: Sodom 1011

printing: contact see contact printing; onto film 545; step 901

process photography 70

projectors 76, 76; cleaning 82; loading 869; and optical printing (DIY) 237; slot-loading 17, 37, 40, 340, 340

pulling film 1578

pushing film 1578


Quall, Donald 197


rails 79

Ramey, Kathryn: Endless Present 158, 159, 177, 254; fall 177; the passenger 96, 177; Razed by Wolves 72, 177; Story of Sarah 26, 27, 71, 177; Yanqui WALKER and the OPTICAL REVOLUTION 73, 135, 147, 177, 187

Randlette, Peter 57

ray-o-grams 160, 217, 21920, 220, 222

Reble, Jürgen 23

Recoder, Luis 339, 358

redeveloper, sepia 15960, 159

reducers 152; Farmer’s 152

Reeves, Jennifer 36; Fear of Blushing 36; The Girl’s Nervy 36

Renner, Eric: Pinhole Photography 315

Renwick, Vanessa 358

RepRap project 246

resist technique 1921, 34, 36, 38, 40

reticulation 278

reversal bleach 154, 155

reversal black and white hand-processing 1412, 142, 143, 1525

reversal color hand-processing 179, 1807, 190

Rice, Miriam Cohen 208

Rivas type splicer 16, 17

Robert Beck Memorial Cinema 326

Rogers, Johnny 364

Rose, Kathy 263

Rose, Peter 71, 99, 255; Analogies 257; DIY optical printer plus super-complicated matte work 25460; Incantation 261; The Indeserian Tablets 264; interview with 2604; The Man Who Could not See Far Enough 254, 258, 259, 260; Transfalumination 264

rotoscope device 2414

rubbings 4950, 60

Ruby, Jay 254

Russell, Ben 339, 358; cloenda Xcèntric 340


Said, Edward 394

salt fixer 2067

salvaged parts, using 1334

Sanguedolce, Steve 217

Satrom, Jon 391

Sauerwald, Frank 71

scavenging for parts 1334

Schaller, Robert 162, 16672, 182, 291; biography of 1667; in Lightning Agnes 162, 163, 164; interview with 16972; silver gelatin emulsion recipe 1725; To the Beach 168

Scher, Jeff 2412

Schlemowitz, Joel 32631

Schneemann, Carolee 54, 71, 322; Fuses 54; Plumb Line 71; Viet Flakes 337, 339

Schou, Paul 378

scratching 913, 17, 28

sepia redeveloper 15960, 159

sequencers 789, 79, 89; K-103 78; K-105 78, 79; K-107/108 789, 79

Sharits, Paul 101, 107, 322, 323; Shutter Interface 323, 323

silver gelatin emulsion recipe 1725

silver plating 26

slide scanning 363, 364

situationalism 87

slot-loading projectors 17, 37, 40, 340, 340

Smith, Henry: Interwoven No.3 34, 36

Smool, Carl 62

soda ash 21, 212, 22

sodium carbonate 212

solarization 158, 158

soldering 119

sound 11340; hacking kids’ toys 12832; kits 132; and microphones 11326; scavenging for parts 1334; tweaking speakers 1323; voltage and continuity testers 134

sound speed 37

soundtrack, drawing of 457; on black leader 46, 47; on clear leader 467

speakers: and microphones 11518, 117; tweaking 1323

special effects 6970, 2334

splicer, film 16, 16

spray paint 38

stamping 478

step printing 901

stickers 534

stop bath, C-41 188

Street, Mark 23

Sullivan, Chris 316

superimposition 923

Suzuki, David 59

Szlam, Malena 321; Chronogram in Inexistent 321, 322; Una esfera 321


Tamburo, Nicholas 296

tape 534, 53, 601

tape lift image transfer 667

tape splicer 16

Taylor, Charlotte 358

Teal, Ariel 345

Tetenal 187

TextEdit 3667, 369, 375, 378

TextEdit/Photoshop .raw method 37884

Thatcher, Anita 263

35mm camera, shooting 16mm film in 3414

tie-dying 24, 26

tinting 159; difference between toning and 208; with vegetables and fruits 20810

titles, burning in 945, 94

Tobin Time Lapse & Animation Motor 253

Todd, Rob 349

toning/toners 26, 27, 159; difference between tinting and 208

Torossain, Gariné: Girl from Moush 10

Toscano, Mark 239

Town, Matt 330

toys, hacking kids’ 12832

tranfalumination (Peter Rose) 264

transducer 114

transfers: from plastic bags 513, 52

traveling mattes 956, 96, 234

Tscherkassky, Peter 217, 346; Outer Space 217

Tuohy, Richard 224

Turner, Victor 396

Tyson, John 324; Luziden 324, 325


Uman, Naomi: Hand Eye Coordination 53; Removed 18, 20


VanDerBeek, Stan 322, 354; Movie-Drome 337, 338, 339

variable shutter 91, 95

Vaseline 38, 40

vegetables, tinting with 20810

Vertov, Dziga 70

video pinhole camera 296, 31113

voltage tester 134

Vorkapich, Slavko 261


Walker, Melanie 170

Walley, Jonathan 354

washing soda 21, 217

Williams, Dr Scott 1978

winenol (wine caffenol) 2056

Woloshen, Steven 23; Recipes for Reconstruction 217


X-Actos 15


yeast, distressing film with 23

Youngblood, Gene 337


zooms 934

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