Part Two:

Each different environment introduces its own challenges for the photographer, both in the way we use light and construct images and in how we manage to be in the right place at the right time. The light in a rainforest is very different from that of a desert dawn; each particular environment will present the photographer with unique opportunities and problems. But often the photography can seem the easy bit; just getting around and sustaining yourself can be the toughest task. But when it all comes together, like watching the pink rays of dawn kiss the peak of Annapurna as the shutter clicks open, there’s nothing better.

Alexandra Fjord, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canadian Arctic

• Fuji GX617, 105mm lens

In the Footsteps of the Inca

By the cold light of dawn I encountered Marina, a young shepherdess, tending her flock alone on the pampas, high above the Sacred Valley. We chatted away, unhindered by our complete lack of a mutual language. My Spanish is weak, but it would have made no difference, for she is Quechua, a direct descendant of the Inca. It was one of those encounters that refresh the soul. Machu Picchu, Cusco, the soaring Andes; all of these make this a breathtaking experience, but for me, Marina is the face of Peru.

Machu Picchu?

Quechua woman in the mist near Marras

Quechua woman at Chincerro market, near Cusco

Chincerro market, near Cusco

Marina, a Quechua shepherd girl

Farmland above the Sacred Valley nears Chincerro, nears Cusco

Children, Chincerro, nears Cusco

Chincerro farmer

Quechua woman at Chincerro market, nears Cusco

Women with hats and double pigtails, Chincerro market, nears Cusco

Old woman in the square, Pisac, Sacred Valley

Farmland above the Sacred Valley with the Urubamba Cordillera of the Andes behind

Woman tilling a field with baby in the morning mist, Pampasmojo, Marras

The Road to Zhongdian

How can you possibly sum up China, geographically huge and populously vast? Working there is challenging, at one moment exhilarating, the next depressing. But the menu for the photographer’s take-away is enticing: haunting, massive, varied landscapes, bustling streets, frantic markets, new-age cities and rustic villages; and peoples of a rich and varied culture, despite the years under a monolithic government. A few travel tips: don’t forget your thermals, take a bath plug and prepare to have all your preconceptions shattered.

Rickshaws in the snow, Beijing

The Great Wall

Cyclists in Tian’anmen Square, Beijing

Imperial Palace (Forbidden City) in the snow, Beijing

Children playing among drying noodles, Yunnan Province

Wase market, Er Hai Lake, near Dali, Yunnan Province

Cobbled bridge in Lijiang at dusk, Yunnan Province

Bai women in traditional costume, Wase market, Er Hai Lake, near Dali, Yunnan Province

Naxi woman, Yunnan Province

Jietang Songlin Monastery outside Zhongdian with prayer flags, Yunnan Province

Li River, near Yangshuo, Guangxi Province

Wase market, Er Hai Lake, near Dali, Yunnan Province

Detail of Bai woman’s costume, Wase market, Er Hai Lake, near Dali, Yunnan Province

Farmer, Li Valley, Guangxi Province

Bai girls, Dali, Yunnan Province

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