Note: page numbers in bold refer to photographs and captions

accessories 150–1

Adobe RAW 154

Aiguille de Midi 56

Alajuela 86–7

Alexandra Fjord 44–5, 71–3

Alice Springs 135

Andes 49, 54–5, 58, 138

Angkor Wat 128–9

Annapurna 60–1, 61

Anse Severe 81

Arc de Triomphe, Paris 100

Arctic 38, 44–5, 71–3, 71–3

Argentina 137

Arizona 25, 41

Asian Tsunami 132–3

Atacama Desert 138, 149

Australia 22, 41, 64, 82, 88–9, 95, 134–5

Austria 96

autumn 17, 21, 38, 40, 120–1

Ayers Rock (Uluru) 135

Badia 78

Bai women 52, 53

Bamburgh Castle 80–1, 119

Banff National Park 68–9

Bangkok 92, 99

Baptistry, Piazza del Duomo 154

Barcelona 95

barley 122

batteries 56, 61, 68

Bavarian Alps 68–9

Beijing 50–1

Berctesgarden 68–9

birds 31, 127

Black Mount 58–9

black and white images 30, 33

Blackmore Vale 32–3

bluebells 20

blur 42–3, 42–3

Bodiam Castle 32

Bologna 41

Buddhism 26, 130

built environment 92–100, 92–101

castles 23–4, 32, 40, 70, 80–1, 119, 142–3, 152

street scenes 33, 43, 50, 52, 92, 94, 97

busy lizzies 86–7

Buttermere 116–17, 147

Caledonians 59

Cambodia 128–9

camera bags 150

Canada 38, 39, 68, 68–9, 74, 88, 140–1

Canadian Arctic 44–5, 71–3, 71–3

Canon EOS-1Ds MKII camera 20–1, 24, 32–3, 35, 40–1, 74–5, 77, 82, 93, 94–5, 97, 102–3, 114–15, 118–19, 122–4, 139, 147–9, 147, 152–5

Cape Breton 39

Capitolio, Havana 98

Carcassonne 35, 122

castles 23–4, 32, 40, 70, 80–1, 119, 142–3, 152

Cazorla 74–5

Cefalu 85

Cerro Miniques 54–5

Champs de Mar 101

Charles Bridge, Prague 96–7

Chateau Chennonceau 14–15

Chateau St Ulrich 8–9

Chiang Mai 11, 104

Chile 12–13, 28, 40, 54–5, 138, 149

chillies 99

China 11, 50, 50–3, 80, 105

Chincerro 47–9

Chow Kit market 99

coastlines 18–19, 18–19, 31, 39, 41–2, 80, 80–5, 112–14, 117, 132–4, 136, 147, 148, 152

colour 30–3, 30–3

colour temperature 23, 25, 31, 39

composition 26–9, 26–9, 87, 94

Compton Pauncefoot 76–7

computers 147

contrast 124, 152

Cook, Captain James 82

Cordes-sur-Ciel 123

Corfe Castle 142–3

Cornwallis Island 71

Corton Denham 74–5

Costa Rica 86–7, 90–1, 90–1

Croome Park 115

Cuba 43, 98, 106

Cullin 18, 18–19

Curves 154

Czech Republic 96–7

Daintree 88–9

Damneon Saduak 11

Deadvlei 144

Derwentwater 29

deserts 62–4, 62–5, 66–7

Atacama 138, 149

Namib 62, 62, 65, 66–7, 126, 144, 145

digital darkrooms 147

digital negatives 153

digital photography 147–9, 152–5

distance 34–6, 34–7

Dolomites 4, 56–7, 78

Dunguaire Castle 40

Dunstanburgh Castle 152

Durdle Door 112

dust-busting 155

earth 74–9, 74–9

Eiffel Tower, Paris 100, 100–1

Eilean Donan Castle 23, 70

Ellesmere Island 38, 71

Embleton Beach 152

Endeavour (ship) 82

England 16–17, 20, 24, 29, 32–3, 39–40, 42, 74, 74–7, 80–1, 83–4, 93–4, 112–21, 142–3, 146–8, 152–3

Epson 147

equipment 145, 146–7

accessories 150–1

and flying 122

overload 54–6, 60–1

using in cities 97–8

using in deserts 138

using near water 83, 84

using in rainforests 90–1

Eus 77

exposure 153

for water scenes 84

for winter scenes 69, 70

Eype point 39

fill-in flashes 89

filters 151

neutral density graduated 19, 31, 84, 113, 151, 153.

polarizers 151

fjords 44–5, 71–3, 156–7, 156–7

flowers 20, 74–5, 84, 86–7, 114, 122, 153

flying 122, 145

formats 146–7

fountains 94

framing 26–9, 26–9

France 14–15, 27, 33, 35, 55–6, 75, 77, 122–3

French Alps 55–6

French Polynesia 136

Fuji GX617 camera 4, 6–9, 12–19, 19, 22–3, 25, 27, 29, 31–2, 34, 38–42, 44–5, 54–6, 58–9, 63, 68–9, 74–6, 79, 80–1, 83–4, 86–9, 93, 96, 110–13, 116–17, 120–1, 125, 128–30, 132, 134–8, 140–4, 146, 148

gannets 31

Germany 68–9

Ghorepani 61

giant cedar trees 88

glaciers 137

Golden Rule of Thirds 26–8, 26–7, 29, 94

gondolas 93, 125

Gran Teatro, Havana 98

Grand Canyon 25, 41

grapevines 78–9, 79

Great Hangman 153

Great Wall of China 50

Greece 37

Gurkhas 61

Hadrian’s Wall 146

Hanoi 10, 43, 98, 103

Hassleblad 146

Havana 43, 98, 106

heather 114, 153

Highveer Point 114

Himalayas 58, 60–1, 60–1

Hotel les Invalides, Paris 27

huasos (Chilean cowboys) 28

Hyde Park, London 94

ice, focus on 68–73

Imperial Palace, Beijing 51

Inca people 46, 47–9, 58

India 108

Indian culture 30

Indian Ocean 81, 133

Ireland 40

Iserables 21

Isle of Harris 4

Isle of Skye 18–19, 18–19, 110–11

Italy 24, 41, 56–7, 78–9, 78–9, 93, 97, 124–5, 154

Jietang Songlin Monastery 52

JPEGs 155

Kathmandu 109, 109, 127

Kerala 108

Kho Phi Phi 132

Kootenay River and Rockies 140–1

Kuala Lumpur 99

la Cité Médiévale 122

La Defense, Paris 101

La Digue 38, 81

Laguna Miscanti 54–5

Lake Garda 4, 78

Lake Mathesson 58–9

Lake Pehoe 12–13

lakes/lochs 4, 6–7, 12–13, 23, 29, 40, 54–5, 58–9, 70, 78, 115–17, 128–9, 147

le Brevent 55

leeches 89


24mm shift 97

fisheye 36, 36, 62, 147

long 67

super-telephoto 64

wide-angle 64

Levels 154

Li River 53

light 22–5, 38, 156–7, 157

colour temperature 23, 25

direction 23

in rainforests 87–9, 91

in winter 70

Lijiang 52, 105

Littondale 76

Lizard Peninsula 42, 84

location (Being There) 1421, 144–5

Loch Alsh 23, 70

Lochan nah-Achlaise 58–9

London 93, 94

Machu Picchu 46

Malaga 106–7

Malaysia 99

Mamiya RZ67 148

markets 10, 1011, 43, 47–9, 51–3, 98–9, 103

Matera 24

Meares Island 88

Mekong Delta 11, 131

Milborne Port 1617

Milford Sound 156–7, 156–7

Millennium Bridge, London 93

Milsons Point, Sydney 95

misty conditions 16, 22, 24, 32–3, 42, 118, 123–4, 142–3

monitors 147

monochromatic images

black and white 30, 33

colour 30, 31, 119

Montemartre, Paris 33

Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve 86–7

Monti Sibillini 124

Monument Valley 63

motion photography 42–3, 42–3, 84, 84–5, 94–5,103, 108, 127, 151

Mount Blanc 55–6

Mount Cook 34

Mount Rundle 67, 7

Murawai 31

Namib Desert, Namibia 62, 62, 65, 66–7, 126, 144, 145

Naxi women 52

Nepal 26, 58, 60–1, 60–1, 109, 109, 127

neutral density graduated filters 19, 31, 84, 113, 151, 153

New York 36, 92

New Zealand 31, 34, 58–9, 82, 89, 144, 156–7, 156–7

Nikon 147, 148

Nikon F5 camera 4, 26, 28, 31, 33, 36–7, 3940, 43, 55–7, 62, 70, 82, 85, 8990, 92, 94–6, 103–5, 108, 126–7, 131, 133, 146

North Sea 80–1

Notre Dame Cathedral 101

Old Man of Storr 1819, 1819

Old Sherborne Castle 24

Olgas, The 64

olive groves 74–5

Olympus 146

Oponohu Bay 136

oryx vertebra 65

Pad Thai 99

paddy fields 131

palm trees 81

Pampasmojo 49, 139

panoramic cameras 70, 75, 79, 91

see also Fuji GX617 camera

panoramic format 64, 75, 119, 146, 146, 148, 149

Paris 27, 33, 100, 100–1

Parma 97, 154

Perito Moreno Glacier 137

perspective 34–6, 34–7

long-lens 34, 35, 37

wide-angle 36, 36

Peru 46, 46–9, 102–3, 139, 149

Phase One C1 Pro 154

Photoshop 155, 155

Piazza del Duomo, Parma 154

Piazza della Signoria, Bologna 41

Piazza San Marco, Venice 93

Pic de Canigou 77

Plaza d’Armas, Havana 106

Pokhara 60–1, 60–1

polarizers 151

Polblue Marshes 22

Pont Alexandra III 27, 100

poppies 74–5, 122

Port Campbell National Park 134

Portland Bill 83

portraits 1011, 30, 4753, 102–9, 102–9, 131, 133, 145, 149, 151, 153

post-production 124, 152–5

Prague 96–7

prayer wheels 26

Preci 124

Pyrenees 77

Quecha people 46, 47–9, 58, 103, 149

rain 63

rainbows 148

rainforests 8691, 8691

RAW files 124, 147, 152–4

conversion 154

exposure 153

Resolute 71, 73

rivers 13, 27, 38, 53, 100–1, 140–1

rock, focus on 5461, 5461

Rockefeller Centre 36

Rome 92

Roussanou Monastery 37

Saco Valley 38

saddlery 28

St Michael’s Mount 113, 148

St Paul’s Cathedral 93

St Remy de Provence 75

Salisbury Cathedral 118

Salzburg 96

San Giorgio Maggiore 125

San Marco, Venice 125

sand 62–4, 62–5, 66–7, 138

sand dunes 62–3, 62, 66, 66, 126

Santa Helena Cloud Forest Reserve 90–1, 90–1

scanners 147

Scotland 1819, 1819, 23, 38, 58–9, 70, 83, 110–11

seasons 1617, 120–1

autumn 17, 21, 38, 40, 120–1

spring 1617, 120

summer 1617, 120–1

winter 17, 50–1, 55–6, 6873, 6873, 120–1, 151

Seine River 27, 100–1

Semana Santa fiesta 106–7

Seychelles 38, 81

shapes 26–9

shutter speed 42

Sicily 85

silhouettes 34

Singapore 30

Sleepy Bay 147

snow scenes 17, 50–1, 55–6, 6873, 120–1, 151

South East Asia 10, 1011

Southern Alps 34, 58–9

Spain 74–5, 95, 106–7

Sri Lanka 130, 133

stilt fishermen 133

storm clouds 25

Stourhead 120–1

street scenes 33, 43, 50, 52, 92, 94, 97

sunlight 25, 38

Swayambhunath Temple 26, 127

Switzerland 21, 155

Sydney 92, 95

Tahiti 80

Tarn Hows 40

Tasman Sea 31

Tasmania 147

Te Pare Point 82

tea plantations 130

Thailand 11, 99, 104, 132

Tian’anmen Square, Beijing 51

TIFF images 154

time 38–9, 3841

Torres del Paine 1213, 40

Trafalgar Square, London 94

tripods 61, 98, 150

Trotternish Peninsula 110–11

Tuscany 77, 78–9, 78–9

Twelve Apostles, The, Victoria 41

Uluru (Ayers Rock) 135

UNESCO World Heritage Sites 112

United States 25, 36, 38, 41, 63, 92

Utah 63

Val de la Luna 138

Val di Fassa 56–7

Venice 93, 125

Vermillion Lake 67, 7

Verona 78

verticals, correction 97

Via Cardinal Ferrari, Parma 97

Vietnam 10, 11, 43, 98, 103, 131

vineyards 155

Vosges Mountains 89

Wall St, New York 92

Wase market 11, 51, 52, 53

Wat Phra Singh 11, 104


focus on 80–4, 80–5

fountains 94

movement 84, 84–5

rivers 13, 27, 38, 53, 100–1, 140–1

waterfalls 86–7

see also coastlines;


Weary Bay 82

Westland National Park 89

White Mountains 38

winter 17, 50–1, 55–6, 6873, 6873, 120–1, 151

wood 8691, 8691

Zhongdian 80

road to 50, 50–3

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