
This IBM® Redpaper publication documents how to containerize and deploy SAP software into Red Hat OpenShift 4 Kubernetes clusters on IBM Power Systems by using predefined Red Hat Ansible scripts, different configurations, and theoretical knowledge, and it documents the findings through sample scenarios.

This paper documents the following topics:

  • Running SAP S/4HANA, SAP HANA, and SAP NetWeaver on-premises software in containers that are deployed in Red Hat OpenShift 4 on IBM Power Systems hardware.
  • Existing SAP systems running on IBM Power Systems can be repackaged at customer sites into containers that use predefined Red Hat Ansible scripts.
  • These containers can be deployed multiple times into Red Hat OpenShift 4 Kubernetes clusters on IBM Power Systems.

The target audiences for this paper are Chief Information Officers (CIOs) that are interested in containerized solutions of SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, developers that need containerized environments, and system administrators that provide and manage the infrastructure with underpinning automation.

This paper complements the documentation that is available at IBM Knowledge Center, and it aligns with the educational materials that are provided by IBM Garage™ for Systems Education.

Table of Contents

  1. Front cover
  2. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  3. Preface
    1. Authors
    2. Now you can become a published author, too!
    3. Comments welcome
    4. Stay connected to IBM Redbooks
  4. Chapter 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1 Introduction
    2. 1.2 Use cases and value proposition
    3. 1.3 Solution design overview
    4. 1.4 Functional restrictions
    5. 1.5 Paper overview
  5. Chapter 2. Setting up the Red Hat OpenShift infrastructure
    1. 2.1 Introduction
    2. 2.2 Requirements for the Red Hat OpenShift cluster
    3. 2.2.1 Software
    4. 2.2.2 Hardware
    5. 2.3 Size nodes for SAP workloads
    6. 2.4 Red Hat OpenShift software subscription
    7. 2.5 Red Hat OpenShift setup with PowerVM
    8. 2.5.1 Creating the helper node (ocp4-helpernode)
    9. 2.5.2 Creating cluster nodes
    10. 2.5.3 Obtaining the MAC address of the LPAR from the HMC
    11. 2.5.4 Preparing the helper node
    12. 2.5.5 Setting SELinux to permissive (if SELINUX=disabled)
    13. 2.5.6 Downloading the Red Hat OpenShift pull-secret
    14. 2.5.7 Creating the user SSH keys on the helper node
    15. 2.5.8 Authorizing password-less SSH for the helper node user on the HMC
    16. 2.5.9 Checking password-less SSH for the helper node user on the HMC
    17. 2.5.10 Downloading all playbooks for the Red Hat OpenShift installation
    18. 2.5.11 Creating the installation variable file vars-powervm.yaml in the ocp4-upi-powervm-hmc directory
    19. 2.5.12 Running the playbook
    20. 2.5.13 Checking the installation progress
    21. 2.5.14 Finishing the installation
    22. 2.5.15 Deleting the bootstrap LPAR
    23. 2.5.16 Logging in to the web console
    24. 2.6 Postinstallation tasks
    25. 2.6.1 Configuring an HTPasswd identity provider
    26. 2.6.2 Setting SELinux to disabled on all worker nodes
    27. 2.6.3 Setting runtime limits on all worker nodes
    28. 2.6.4 Setting up an NFS server for database data and logs on the helper node
    29. 2.6.5 Releasing node resources by using garbage collection
  6. Chapter 3. Automated installation of SAP S/4HANA and SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems with Red Hat Ansible
    1. 3.1 Introduction
    2. 3.2 Customer value
    3. 3.3 Use case: Unattended installation of SAP reference and test systems
    4. 3.4 Preconfiguring and setting up the environment
    5. 3.4.1 Repeating a playbook and uninstalling SAP
    6. 3.5 Installing SAP software with Red Hat Ansible CLI
    7. 3.5.1 Getting started
    8. 3.5.2 Red Hat Ansible inventory
    9. 3.5.3 General installation definitions
    10. 3.5.4 SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA specific definitions
    11. 3.5.5 Getting Community and System Roles from the Red Hat Ansible Galaxy requirements.yml file
    12. 3.5.6 SAP software deployment: The sap-deploy.yml file
    13. 3.6 Installing SAP software with Red Hat Ansible Tower
    14. 3.6.1 Starting with Red Hat Ansible Tower
    15. 3.6.2 Setting up a directory for Ansible roles
    16. 3.6.3 Preparing a custom repository
    17. 3.6.4 Setting up a project
    18. 3.6.5 Setting up inventory
    19. 3.6.6 Setting up target host credentials
    20. 3.6.7 Defining a job template
    21. 3.7 Conclusion
  7. Chapter 4. Building and deploying container images with scripts
    1. 4.1 Introduction
    2. 4.1.1 The init image
    3. 4.1.2 The SAP AppServer image
    4. 4.1.3 SAP HANA image
    5. 4.2 Requirements for the build system
    6. 4.2.1 File system for the image build environment
    7. 4.2.2 Software requirements
    8. 4.3 Cloning the containerization-for-sap-s4hana code repository
    9. 4.3.1 Setting up SSH
    10. 4.4 Setting up the Red Hat OpenShift environment for building and deploying
    11. 4.4.1 Creating a user ID
    12. 4.4.2 Creating a project by using the Red Hat OpenShift Console
    13. 4.4.3 Creating a project by using the Red Hat OpenShift command-line interface
    14. 4.4.4 Retrieving login tokens from the Red Hat OpenShift Console
    15. 4.4.5 Obtaining the anyuid Security Context Constraint for your project
    16. 4.4.6 Creating the service account
    17. 4.4.7 Enabling the default route to the internal Red Hat OpenShift registry
    18. 4.5 Building the images by using the scripts from the repository
    19. 4.6 Deploying with Red Hat OpenShift CLI
    20. 4.6.1 Creating a deployment configuration file
    21. 4.6.2 Starting the deployment
    22. 4.7 Testing images locally
    23. 4.7.1 Testing the SAP HANA image
    24. 4.7.2 Testing the SAP AppServer image
    25. 4.8 Pushing the images to the Red Hat OpenShift registry
    26. 4.9 Deploying container images by using scripts
    27. 4.9.1 Introduction
  8. Chapter 5. Building and deploying container images with Red Hat Ansible
    1. 5.1 Requirements for Red Hat Ansible
    2. 5.1.1 Directory for the image build environment
    3. 5.1.2 Cloning the containerization-for-sap-s4hana code repository
    4. 5.1.3 Setting up ssh
    5. 5.1.4 Providing an IP route from the build server to the helper node
    6. 5.2 Building with Red Hat Ansible
    7. 5.3 Deploying with Red Hat Ansible
    8. 5.4 Building and deploying with Red Hat Ansible Tower
  9. Chapter 6. Operating the containers
    1. 6.1 Checking the status of containerized SAP instances
    2. 6.2 Checking the status of the pod
    3. 6.3 Accessing containers
    4. 6.4 Connecting with SAP GUI to your containerized SAP system
    5. 6.5 Restarting the SAP workload
    6. 6.6 Deleting the SAP workload
  10. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Online resources
    3. Help from IBM
  11. Back cover