
Book Description

Designers and managers hope their products become essential for users—similar to the way Instagram and Lyft have become a way of life for many. Such as deep integration into people’s lives isn’t accidental: it’s a process of careful design and iterative learning. This guide shows you how to apply behavioral science to help your users achieve their goals.

In this updated edition, Stephen Wendel, Head of Behavioral Science at Morningstar, takes you step-by-step through the process of incorporating behavioral science into product design and development. Product managers, UX and interaction designers, and data analysts will learn a simple and effective approach for identifying target users and behaviors, building the product, and gauging its effectiveness.

  • Learn the three main strategies to help people change behavior
  • Identify the behaviors your target audience seeks to change, and their obstacles
  • Develop effective designs that are enjoyable to use
  • Measure your product’s impact and learn ways to improve it
  • Combine behavioral science with data science to pinpoint problems and test potentials solutions in practice

Table of Contents

  1. 1. How We Think and Act
    1. Behavior Change…
      1. And Behavioral Science
    2. Behavioral Science 101: How Our Minds Are Wired
      1. We’re Limited
      2. We’re of Two Minds
      3. We Use Shortcuts, Part 1: Biases and Heuristics
      4. We Use Shortcuts, Part 2: Habits
      5. We’re Deeply Affected by Context
      6. We Can Design Context
    3. What Can Go Wrong
      1. Quirks of Decision Making
      2. Quirks of Action
    4. A Map of the Decision-Making Process
  2. 2. Creating Action
    1. From Problems to Solutions
    2. A Simple Model of When, and Why, We Act
      1. Cue
      2. Reaction
      3. Evaluation
      4. Ability
      5. Timing
      6. Experience
    3. The Create Action Funnel
      1. Each Stage Is Relative
      2. The Stages Can Interact with One Another
      3. The Funnel Repeats Each Time the Person Acts & Each Time Is Different
    4. On a Napkin
    5. Worksheet
  3. 3. Stopping the Bad
    1. Interfering with Bad Decisions
    2. Changing Existing Habits
      1. Option 1: Avoid the Cue
      2. Option 2: Hijack the Cue
      3. Option 3: Use Conscious Interference
      4. Option 4: Increase Attention to the Process with Mindfulness
      5. Option 5: Increase the Power of Other Habits
  4. 4. The Process of Behavioral Design
    1. Understanding Isn’t Enough: We Need Process
    2. Nope, That’s Not Really Anything Special
    3. It’s the Details that Matter
    4. Practical Guidelines and Worksheets – Since We’re Human Too
  5. 5. Ethics of Behavioral Science
    1. Digital Tools, Especially, Seek to Manipulate Their Users
    2. Where Things Have Gone Wrong? Four Types of Behavior Change
      1. Poisoning the Water
      2. Addictive Products
    3. The Behavioral Science of Ethics
    4. We’ll Follow the Money, Too
    5. A Path forward: Using Behavioral Science on Ourselves
      1. Assess Intention
      2. Assess Behavioral Barriers
      3. Remind Ourselves
      4. Create a Review Body
      5. Remove the Fudge Factor
      6. Raising the Stakes: Using Social Power to Change Incentives
      7. Remember the Fundamental Attribution Bias
    6. Why Designing for Behavior Change is Especially Sensitive
    7. On a Napkin