
Book Description

The new Microsoft platform, Microsoft.NET provides countless opportunities for different services and systems to interact, allowing programmers to develop powerful solutions for the internet. If you are a programmer or developer wanting to take full advantage of Microsoft.NET, this book, which provides essential information for the whole of the .NET platform, is for you.

A Programmer's Guide to .NET will help you to gain an in-depth understanding of the .NET framework, its architecture, main components and supported technologies. Alexei Federov describes how the main components of the platform -- Windows Forms, Web Forms, ADO.NET, web services and the Common Language Runtime -- can work together, enabling you to create high-performance applications more easily and efficiently.

A Programmer's Guide to .NET:

  • Explains all of the significant parts of the Microsoft.NET framework -- not just one technology

  • Contains practical examples showing how you can use .NET to create a variety of applications -- from console applications to XML web services

  • Includes code examples written in VB.NET that can also be imported into other .NET languages

  • Provides a comprehensive list of web resources in the appendix.

  • 0321112326B07152002

    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
    2. About the author
    3. Introduction
    4. .NET platform overview
      1. Development tools
      2. .NET languages
      3. .NET Enterprise servers
      4. The .NET Framework
      5. Installing the Microsoft .NET Framework
      6. Conclusion
    5. Common Language Runtime
      1. Components of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
      2. Managed code
      3. Conclusion
    6. The .NET Framework class library – types and structures
      1. Console class and applications
      2. System namespace
      3. Object class
      4. Type class and Reflection namespace
      5. Types
      6. Conversions with the System.Convert class
      7. Reference types
      8. Arrays
      9. Collections
      10. Strings
      11. System.Text namespace
      12. Formatting
      13. Conclusion
    7. More on the .NET Framework class library – streams, the file system, and networking
      1. System.IO namespace – streams and file system access
      2. Working with the file system
      3. Environment.SpecialFolder enumeration
      4. The System.Net namespace – internet programming under .NET
      5. Helper classes
      6. Conclusion
    8. The Microsoft .NET Framework class library – more goodies
      1. System.Math class
      2. System.Random class
      3. Date and time support
      4. Formatting date and time values
      5. Access to the environment
      6. Conclusion
    9. ASP.NET and web forms
      1. How ASP.NET works
      2. System.Web namespace
      3. ASP.NET applications
      4. ASP applications configuration files
      5. Web forms pages
      6. Control class
      7. Page class
      8. Practice
      9. Web forms’ internals
      10. Conclusion
    10. ASP.NET server controls
      1. Types of server controls
      2. Server controls
      3. HTML server controls
      4. Web server controls
      5. Validation controls
      6. Validation controls and page validation
      7. Conclusion
    11. Windows forms
      1. Windows forms – an introduction
      2. System.Windows.Forms namespace
      3. Windows forms and events
      4. Dialog boxes
      5. Message boxes
      6. Creating MDI windows applications
      7. Conclusion
    12. Windows forms controls
      1. Windows controls
      2. Buttons
      3. Text controls
      4. Labels
      5. List controls
      6. Menus
      7. Conclusion
    13. Additional Windows forms controls
      1. Additional controls
      2. Toolbars
      3. Common dialog boxes
      4. Using ActiveX controls
      5. Conclusion
    14. Graphical functions and GDI+
      1. The graphics device interface
      2. The graphics device interface plus (GDI+)
      3. Graphics in Microsoft .NET
      4. System.Drawing namespace
      5. System.Drawing.Drawing2D namespace
      6. System.Drawing.Imaging namespace
      7. Practice
      8. System.Drawing.Text namespace
      9. Printing
      10. Graphics in ASP.NET applications
      11. Conclusion
    15. Working with data – ADO.NET
      1. ADO.NET and its namespaces
      2. Managed providers
      3. Connections
      4. Commands
      5. DataReader class
      6. DataAdapter class
      7. Tables, rows, and columns
      8. Using transactions
      9. Processing errors
      10. Conclusion
    16. Using data binding controls
      1. Working with data in web forms applications
      2. Working with data in Windows forms applications
      3. Conclusion
    17. Working with XML
      1. System.Xml namespace
      2. Conclusion
    18. Building and consuming web services
      1. Web service protocols
      2. Service description language
      3. Discovery
      4. System.Web.Services namespace
      5. Creating a web service
      6. Consuming a web service
      7. Microsoft .NET My Services
      8. Conclusion
    19. Appendix: Selected .NET web resources