
Book Description

Targets human factors and how they affect the implementation of any kind of automation in the information system environment. Includes discussion of: accurately portraying the apparent whimsy of upper management; tactics, strategy negotiation, and politics.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents
  4. Foreword
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. 1 Assessing the Need
  8. 2 Selecting the Candidate Products
  9. 3 Evaluating the Products
  10. 4 Presenting the Product to Upper Management
  11. 5 Presenting the Product to Your Users
  12. 6 Gathering Information
  13. 7 The Interproject Team
  14. 8 Planning the Implementation
  15. 9 Standards and Naming Conventions
  16. 10 Implementing Change
  17. 11 Finishing the Implementation: Following Up
  18. 12 Finishing the Implementation: Averting Disasters
  19. 13 Finishing the Implementation: Measuring the Benefit
  20. 14 Finishing the Implementation: Handling Success
  21. Bibliography
  22. Index