
Book Description

Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL: Insights from a Connected World, Second Edition, provides readers with a thorough, practical and updated guide to NodeXL, the open-source social network analysis (SNA) plug-in for use with Excel. The book analyzes social media, provides a NodeXL tutorial, and presents network analysis case studies, all of which are revised to reflect the latest developments. Sections cover history and concepts, mapping and modeling, the detailed operation of NodeXL, and case studies, including e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. In addition, there are descriptions of each system and types of analysis for identifying people, documents, groups and events.

This book is perfect for use as a course text in social network analysis or as a guide for practicing NodeXL users.

  • Walks users through NodeXL while also explaining the theory and development behind each step
  • Demonstrates how visual analytics research can be applied to SNA tools for the mass market
  • Includes updated case studies from researchers who use NodeXL on popular networks like email, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
  • Includes downloadable companion materials and online resources at https://www.smrfoundation.org/nodexl/teaching-with-nodexl/teaching-resources/

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. About the Authors
  7. Contributors
  8. Preface
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Part I: Getting started with analyzing social media networks
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 1: Introduction to social media and social networks
      1. Abstract
      2. 1.1 Introduction
      3. 1.2 A historical perspective
      4. 1.3 The rise of enterprise social media applications
      5. 1.4 Individual contributions generate public wealth and risks
      6. 1.5 Who should read this book
      7. 1.6 Applying social media to national priorities
      8. 1.7 Worldwide efforts
      9. 1.8 Practitioner’s summary
      10. 1.9 Researcher’s agenda
    3. Chapter 2: Social media: New technologies of collaboration
      1. Abstract
      2. 2.1 Introduction
      3. 2.2 Social media defined
      4. 2.3 Social media design framework
      5. 2.4 Social media examples
      6. 2.5 Practitioner’s summary
      7. 2.6 Researcher’s agenda
    4. Chapter 3: Social network analysis: Measuring, mapping, and modeling collections of connections
      1. Abstract
      2. 3.1 Introduction
      3. 3.2 The network perspective
      4. 3.3 Types of networks
      5. 3.4 The network analysis research and practitioner landscape
      6. 3.5 Network analysis metrics
      7. 3.6 Social networks in the era of abundant computation
      8. 3.7 The era of abundant social networks: From the desktop to your hand
      9. 3.8 Tools for network analysis
      10. 3.9 Node-link diagrams: Visually mapping social networks
      11. 3.10 Common network analysis questions applied to social media
      12. 3.11 Practitioner’s summary
      13. 3.12 Researcher’s agenda
  11. Part II: NodeXL tutorial: Learning by doing
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 4: Installation, orientation, and layout
      1. Abstract
      2. 4.1 Introduction
      3. 4.2 Downloading and installing NodeXL
      4. 4.3 Getting started with NodeXL
      5. 4.4 Layout: Arranging vertices in the graph pane
      6. 4.5 Undirected and directed graph type
      7. 4.6 Working with NodeXL files
      8. 4.7 Practitioner’s summary
      9. 4.8 Researcher’s agenda
    3. Chapter 5: Labeling and visual attributes
      1. Abstract
      2. 5.1 Introduction
      3. 5.2 Labeling
      4. 5.3 Visual properties
      5. 5.4 Practitioner's summary
      6. 5.5 Researcher’s agenda
    4. Chapter 6: Calculating and visualizing network metrics
      1. Abstract
      2. 6.1 Introduction
      3. 6.2 ABCD network example
      4. 6.3 Computing graph metrics
      5. 6.4 Marvel cinematic universe network example
      6. 6.5 CSCW 2018 conference Twitter network example
      7. 6.6 Practitioner’s summary
      8. 6.7 Researcher’s agenda
    5. Chapter 7: Grouping and filtering
      1. Abstract
      2. 7.1 Introduction
      3. 7.2 U.S. Senate voting analysis
      4. 7.3 CSCW 2018 Twitter network analysis
      5. 7.4 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lobbying coalition network
      6. 7.5 Practitioner’s summary
      7. 7.6 Researcher’s agenda
    6. Chapter 8: Semantic networks
      1. Abstract
      2. 8.1 Introduction
      3. 8.2 Creating the Twitter Gardasil HPV word pair network
      4. 8.3 Analyzing word networks
      5. 8.4 Visualizing work networks
      6. 8.5 Visualizing computing dissertation and thesis connections
      7. 8.6 Practitioner’s summary
      8. 8.7 Researcher’s agenda
  12. Part III: Social media network analysis case studies
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 9: Email: The lifeblood of modern communication
      1. Abstract
      2. 9.1 Introduction
      3. 9.2 History and definition of email
      4. 9.3 Email networks
      5. 9.4 What questions can be answered by analyzing email networks?
      6. 9.5 Working with email data
      7. 9.6 Cleaning email data in NodeXL
      8. 9.7 Analyzing personal email networks
      9. 9.8 Creating a living org-chart with an organizational email network
      10. 9.9 Historical and legal analysis of Enron email
      11. 9.10 Practitioner's summary
      12. 9.11 Researcher's agenda
    3. Chapter 10: Thread networks: Mapping message boards and email lists
      1. Abstract
      2. 10.1 Introduction
      3. 10.2 Definition and history of threaded conversation
      4. 10.3 What questions can be asked
      5. 10.4 Threaded conversation networks
      6. 10.5 Identifying important people and social roles in the CSS-D Q&A reply network
      7. 10.6 Understanding groups at Ravelry
      8. 10.7 Practitioner's summary
      9. 10.8 Researcher's agenda
    4. Chapter 11: Twitter: Information flows, influencers, and organic communities
      1. Abstract
      2. 11.1 Introduction
      3. 11.2 Defining your topic-networks: Formulating a social media monitoring query
      4. 11.3 Twitter data collection
      5. 11.4 The raw data layout
      6. 11.5 Network analysis
      7. 11.6 Visualization
      8. 11.7 Analysis of content
      9. 11.8 Share your work on the NodeXL graph gallery
      10. 11.9 Practitioner's summary
      11. 11.10 Researcher's agenda
    5. Chapter 12: Facebook: Public pages and inter-organizational networks
      1. Abstract
      2. 12.1 Introduction to Facebook: The social graph of 2 billion people
      3. 12.2 Facebook networks
      4. 12.3 Organizational networks: Fan pages
      5. 12.4 Practitioner’s summary
      6. 12.5 Researcher’s agenda
    6. Chapter 13: YouTube: Exploring video networks
      1. Abstract
      2. 13.1 Introduction
      3. 13.2 What is YouTube?
      4. 13.3 YouTube’s structure
      5. 13.4 Networks in YouTube
      6. 13.5 Hubs, groups, and layers: What questions can social network analysis of YouTube answer?
      7. 13.6 Importing YouTube data into NodeXL
      8. 13.7 Preparing YouTube network data
      9. 13.8 Analyzing YouTube networks
      10. 13.9 Practitioner’s summary
      11. 13.10 Researcher’s agenda
    7. Chapter 14: Wiki networks: Connections of culture and collaboration
      1. Abstract
      2. 14.1 Introduction
      3. 14.2 Key features of wiki systems
      4. 14.3 Wiki networks from edit activity
      5. 14.4 Using the NodeXL MediaWiki page network importer to access Wikipedia networks
      6. 14.5 Understanding topics through page-to-page connections
      7. 14.6 Analyzing the structure of discussion page interaction
      8. 14.7 Choosing the right sample frame for your wiki research
      9. 14.8 Practitioner’s summary
      10. 14.9 Researcher’s agenda
  13. Index