
Book Description

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for creating modern client-side web applications. Through its elegant conventions, AngularJS provides solutions to common problems and save you a large amount of code that you would otherwise have to write. With AngularJS you can focus on the actual task, instead. This book introduces you to AngularJS through a sample project that builds gradually. You will learn about the basic concepts, which allow you to create structured, modular and thus easy-to-maintain applications. In particular, we explain concepts such as modules, scopes, services and directives, and show how you can use them effectively. A separate chapter is devoted to connecting to a REST-based web service. In addition, we discuss tools such as Bower, Grunt, Karma and Yo. These tools can save you time by rendering certain tasks unnecessary. With Yeoman we outline a workflow that defines how these tools can be employed to create a productive environment for developers.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Who This Book Is For
    2. Prerequisites
    3. Who This Book Is Not For
    4. About This Book
    5. Downloading Examples and Getting An Update
    6. Contacting the Authors
  2. Chapter 1: AngularJS Quick Start
    1. Hello AngularJS!
    2. Directives: An HTML Element and an Attribute
    3. Filters
    4. Summary
  3. Chapter 2: Basic Principles and Concepts
    1. Key Concepts
    2. Application Building Blocks
    3. Isolated Scopes
    4. The Relationship to Polymer
    5. Summary
  4. Chapter 3: The BookMonkey Project
    1. Project and Process Presentation
    2. Requirements
    3. Setting up the Project Environment
    4. Project Start: The Book Details View
    5. The List View
    6. Navigating within the Application
    7. The First Service
    8. Summary
  5. Chapter 4: Extending the Application
    1. The Administration Area
    2. Creating Categories with Tags
    3. Connecting to A REST Web Service
  6. Chapter 5: Project Management and Automation
    1. Node.js: The Runtime Environment for Tools
    2. Managing Frontend Dependencies with Bower
    3. Automating Tasks with Grunt
    4. Executing Tests Automatically with Karma
    5. Yeoman: A Defined Workflow
  7. Chapter 6: Debugging
    1. Chrome Developer Tools
    2. Batarang: Inspecting A Running AngularJS Application
    3. The WebStorm IDE
  8. Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions
    1. AngularJS Modules: How Do You Structure Applications with Modules?
    2. Promises: How Do You Deal with Asynchronicity?
    3. AngularJS and RequireJS: Is This the Right Mix?
    4. Mobile Devices: Does AngularJS Support Mobile Devices?