
Apache is far and away the most widely used web server platform in the world, running on Windows NT as well as Unix and other platforms. It powers about half of the world's existing web sites and is still increasing market share. Apache also forms the basis of a number of commercial web servers, such as IBM HTTP Server powered by Apache and C2Net's Stronghold.Apache is at the leading edge of web server development with many new technologies being implemented first. Apache has a flexible architecture that allows independent developers to add their own functionality by way of modules, written either in C or, with the advent of mod_perl, in Perl.The Apache Pocket Reference, a companion volume to Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C and Apache: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition, covers Apache 1.3.12. It provides a complete overview of the command-line options, configuration directives, and modules, and covers Apache support utilities.

Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Conventions
  3. Starting and Stopping Apache
  4. Apache Modules
  5. Directory Layout
  6. Support Utilities
  7. General Configuration
  8. Request Processing
  9. Post-Read Request Phase
  10. URL Translation Phase
  11. Access Restrictions
  12. MIME Type Checking Phase
  13. Content Generation Phase
  14. Request Logging Phase
  15. strf( ) Time Formats
  16. Secure Versions of Apache
  17. CGI Environment Variables
  18. Standard Environment Variables