
Book Description

In this Apple-authorized guide, award-winning writer, producer, and director offers a self-paced, step-by-step approach to Compressor 3. Whether you're distributing dailies, authoring a DVD, or prepping video clips for the Web, Compressor is essential for creating quality digital content. Author Brian Gary teaches you real-world techniques for audio and video compression, batch-encoding, test-clip workflows, exporting podcasts, and more. The guide also provides a great summary of what's new in Compressor 3 including Blu-Ray Disc and DVD Burning; new batch templates; auto detect settings, and more.

Table of Contents

  1. Apple Pro Training Series
    1. Getting Started
      1. System Requirements
      2. About the Apple Pro Training Series
      3. Apple Pro Certification Program
      4. Resources
    2. 1. Compressor Basics
      1. Batch Window
        1. Batch Window
        2. The Preview Window
          1. Display Controls and Preview Screen
          2. Timeline Controls
        3. The History Window
        4. The Inspector Window
        5. The Settings Window
          1. Settings Tab
          2. Destinations Tab
        6. Window Layouts
    3. 2. Publishing with Batch Templates
      1. Publishing to Blu-ray Disc
        1. Publishing to Blu-ray Disc
          1. Choosing a Batch Template
          2. Importing Source Media
          3. Customizing the Job Action
          4. Submitting the Batch
        2. Publishing to MobileMe
          1. Choosing a Batch Template
          2. Importing Source Media
          3. Customizing the Job Action
          4. Submitting the Batch
        3. Integrating Batch Templates with Manual Workflows
    4. 3. Batch Encoding
      1. Using the Core Compressor Workflow
        1. Using the Core Compressor Workflow
        2. Exporting from Final Cut Pro
          1. Exporting a QuickTime Movie
          2. Using the Share Command
          3. Using the Send To Command
          4. Interaction Between Final Cut Pro and Compressor
        3. Importing QuickTime Media
        4. Exporting from Soundtrack Pro
        5. Batch Encoding
          1. Managing and Maximizing Batches
          2. Copying and Pasting Jobs and Targets
          3. Creating and Saving Batches
          4. Troubleshooting Batches
          5. Creating Custom Batch Templates
          6. Chaining Jobs
        6. Using Batch Monitor
          1. Viewing Job and Batch Status
    5. 4. Working with Settings, Destinations, and Actions
      1. Using Settings
        1. Using Settings
          1. Choosing Settings
          2. Choosing Settings in the Inspector
          3. Searching for Settings
          4. Applying Settings to Jobs
          5. Modifying the Apple Settings
          6. Saving Temporary Modifications to Settings
          7. Creating Custom Presets
          8. Organizing Custom Settings
        2. Using Automatic Settings
        3. Auto Detect Settings
        4. Using Destinations
          1. Modifying a Target’s Destination
          2. Creating Custom Destinations
          3. Choosing Local Destinations
          4. Choosing Remote Destinations
        5. Working with Droplets
          1. Creating Droplets
          2. Managing Multiple Settings in Droplets
          3. Modifying Droplets
        6. Working with Actions
          1. Using Job Actions
          2. Resolving Conflicts with Job Actions
          3. Using Settings Actions
    6. 5. Test Clip Workflows
      1. Viewing Real-Time Previews
        1. Viewing Real-Time Previews
        2. Encoding Test Clips
          1. Testing a Single Section
          2. Testing Multiple Sections
          3. Managing Test Clips
          4. Using the History Window
    7. 6. Converting with Frame Controls
      1. Using Frame Controls
        1. Using Frame Controls
          1. Resizing Controls
          2. Reverse Telecine
          3. Adding Pulldown
          4. Retiming Controls
          5. Retiming Audio
          6. Speed Changes
          7. Frame Controls in the Real World
    8. 7. Customizing with Filters
      1. Applying Filters
        1. Applying Filters
        2. Applying Additive Filters
        3. Applying a Corrective Filter
        4. Applying Color Filters
        5. Setting Render Order
    9. 8. Transforming with Geometry Settings
      1. Using the Geometry Pane
        1. Using the Geometry Pane
          1. Changing Frame Dimensions
          2. Cropping Media
          3. Padding the Output
          4. Exploring the Math Behind the Numbers
    10. 9. Advanced Output
      1. Working with Apple ProRes
        1. Working with Apple ProRes
        2. Creating Format Conversions
          1. Performing HD to SD Downconversions
          2. Applying Other Format Conversions
        3. Working with Image Sequences
          1. Creating Image Sequences
          2. Importing Image Sequences
        4. Creating Surround Sound Assets
        5. Auditioning AC3 Assets
        6. Working with Markers
          1. Viewing Edit/Cut Markers
          2. Creating Compression Markers
          3. Creating Chapter Markers
          4. Adding URL Podcast Markers
        7. Annotating Media with Metadata
        8. Working with Closed Captions
    11. 10. Compressionist’s Cheat Sheet
      1. Three Basic Rules of Compression
        1. Three Basic Rules of Compression
          1. Start with the Highest Quality Source Media
          2. Compare Encoded Media Only to the Source, Not Other Encodes
          3. Compression Requires Compromise
        2. Core Concepts and Tips
          1. Every Source Is Unique
          2. Find the “Impact Player”
          3. Intraframe vs. Interframe Compression
    12. 11. Expanding Compressor
      1. Using QuickTime Components
        1. Using QuickTime Components
        2. Using Compressor Plug-ins
          1. Encoding with Cinema Craft Encoder MP
          2. Compressing with Episode Encoder
          3. Encoding with Matrox CompressHD
        3. Using Compressor in the Command Line
    13. 12. Distributed Processing
      1. Installing Distributed Processing in Final Cut Studio
        1. Installing Distributed Processing in Final Cut Studio
        2. Creating a QuickCluster
          1. Setting Up the Cluster Controller
          2. Setting Up the Node Computer
          3. Submitting a Batch to a QuickCluster
          4. Monitoring a QuickCluster
          5. Troubleshooting QuickClusters
        3. Creating Local Clusters
        4. Technical Considerations
    14. Glossary
    15. The Apple Pro Training Series
      1. The Apple Training Series
        1. The Apple Training Series