
Book Description

This book provides a short introduction to the philosophy of humanism and discusses how and why it is being applied to business and why it is so effective when you do so.>

You can’t understand humanistic business management unless you understand what humanism is. This book provides a short introduction to the philosophy of humanism and discusses how and why it is being applied to business and why it is so effective when you do so. Humanism helps us prioritize human value as important. It supports positive interpersonal relationships and collaborative and respectful decision-making. Since all businesses are in the business of solving problems, good problem solving is essential to good business.

Humanism has already transformed many other disciplines including psychology, medicine, nursing, and more. Additionally, humanism is foundational to the practice of human resources, without which businesses cannot operate. It is important for business managers to understand the philosophy fully so they can understand how to not only manage people more effectively, but how to operate their businesses in a way that helps the communities in which they operate. This book will provide the primer they need to create more effective and ethical businesses.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Introduction
  4. Part I What Is Humanism
  5. Chapter 1 Introduction
  6. Chapter 2 What Is Humanism and Why Should I Care?
  7. Chapter 3 A Short History of Humanism
  8. Chapter 4 Gratuitous Name Dropping
  9. Chapter 5 Humanist Morality Explained
  10. Chapter 6 I Think, Therefore I am
  11. Chapter 7 Cockeyed Optimism
  12. Chapter 8 Resources
  13. Part II Applying Humanism to the World of Business
  14. Chapter 1 Why Apply Humanism to Business?
  15. Chapter 2 Rule #1 Do No Evil
  16. Chapter 3 Rule #2 Reality Matters
  17. Chapter 4 Rule #3: R*E*S*P*E*C*T
  18. Chapter 5 Rule #4 It Is Your Responsibility
  19. Part III Problem-Solving Like a Humanist
  20. Chapter 1 Introduction: Why Critical Thinking?
  21. Chapter 2 Strategic Planning
  22. Chapter 3 Reality-Based Decision-Making
  23. Chapter 4 Six Necessary Critical Thinking Skills
  24. Chapter 5 Proxy Problems and How to Avoid Them
  25. Chapter 6 Root Causes and Real Problems
  26. Chapter 7 Real Solutions to Real Problems
  27. Chapter 8 Examples
  28. Part IV Case Studies
  29. Chapter 1 Using Science, Humanism, and Technology to Finally Fix Our Harassment Problem
  30. Chapter 2 Combining Humanist Philosophy, Science, and Education to Create More Diverse Workforces
  31. About the Author
  32. Index
  33. BackCover