
Book Description

An action-based plan for building the career of your dreams

Best Job Ever! is the ultimate guide to creating your dream career and increasing your financial success by providing you with valuable and insightful career information, personal stories and examples of others who have successfully created their Best Job Ever! Written by a nationally recognized expert in career development, this book provides you with a concrete, step-by-step blueprint for revolutionizing your career and revamping your life. You'll find the motivation you need to climb out of your daily ruts as you dig deep to discover your personal motivation, financial needs, and career and life goals. This actionable guide gets you started right away as you explore various avenues for improvement—whether that means re-engaging with the job you have, getting that promotion or making a career change. You'll learn how to overcome career fear, beat job boredom, find and follow your passion while advancing your skill sets and building a career and life plan. The stories will help you decide when to forge ahead with your current career, when to change tracks entirely and how to increase your salary while doing it. If a career change is in the cards, you'll learn how to make the transition with minimal disruption to your finances and emotional well being so you can get quickly get back on track to achieving your dreams.

Do you currently love your job? Have you ever loved your job? Whether you're in the wrong career or just lost the passion somewhere along the way, this book gives you a clear action plan with step by step guidance to help you build the career and life you want.

  • Discover the principles of career development
  • Create a job that is meaningful and fulfilling
  • Increase Your Career Income
  • Minimize the financial impact of changing careers/What to do when you get laid off or fired.
  • Build the life and career you want and find happiness while doing it

The vast majority of employees feel disconnected from their careers and dread going to work. Life is short! Don't waste your days in unfulfilling career when there are options out there to create the Best Job Ever! and find meaningful, fulfilling and financially rewarding work.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright
  3. Acknowledgments
    1. The Joy is in the Journey, Not the Destination
  4. Introduction: My Story and Why You Need This Book
    1. Where It All Began
  5. Chapter 1: You Don't Have to Wait for Your Dream Career to Be Happy
    1. Your Dream Job May Not Be What You Expect
  6. Chapter 2: Eighty-Seven Percent of Employees Don't Like Their Jobs: Here Are the Top Five Reasons Why and What to Do About It
    1. The Top Five Reasons Why People Dislike Their Jobs
  7. Chapter 3: Why You Haven't Changed Anything: Career Fear
    1. Fear!
    2. Conclusion
  8. Chapter 4: What If I Don't Know What to Do?
    1. Step One: You Need More Information
    2. Step Two: You Don't Know What You Like to Do
    3. Step Three: Make a Choice and Take Action
  9. Chapter 5: Career Excuses: All the Reasons You Don't Have Your Best Job Ever!
    1. Why Do We Make Excuses?
    2. What Happens When We Make Excuses?
  10. Chapter 6: Career Boredom
  11. Chapter 7: Redefine Rich
    1. Defining Rich
    2. What Matters Most and What I Value
    3. What Do I Value and What Matters the Most to Me? Why?
    4. Money (Enough Is Enough)
    5. Time
  12. Chapter 8: Why You Are NOT Stuck in Your Career: The Power of Change
    1. Do You Feel You Are Stuck?
    2. The Truth About Being Stuck
  13. Chapter 9: What Career and Life Do You Want and Why?
    1. “I Don't Know!”
    2. Dream Job
  14. Chapter 10: You Can Follow Your Passion Without Quitting Your Job
    1. The Enticement of Follow-Your-Passion Jobs
    2. Obstacles to Following Your Passion
    3. The Three Steps to Following Your Passion without Quitting Your Day Job
    4. What Needs to Change?
    5. Conclusion
  15. Chapter 11: Career Plan Step #1: What Is Your Job?
    1. What Is Your Job?
    2. Career Development Plan
  16. Chapter 12: Career Plan Step #2: Discover Your Strengths
    1. What Are Your Strengths?
    2. Identifying Your Strengths and Talents
    3. Building Strengths and Talents
    4. It's Time to Compare
  17. Chapter 13: Career Plan Step #3: What Makes You Awesome at Work?
    1. Why Be Excellent at Work? Why Stand Out?
    2. What Value Do I Bring to My Company?
    3. How Do I Become Excellent?
    4. I Refuse to Broadcast My Successes
  18. Chapter 14: Career Plan Step #4: One-, Three-, and Five-Year Plan
    1. Begin Planning
    2. Putting It All Together
  19. Chapter 15: Career Plan Step #5: The Big “Why?”
    1. Break It Down
  20. Chapter 16: Career Plan Step #6: Your Community
    1. Networking Is Good … Networking Is Good (Repeat Three Times for Full Brainwash)
    2. Your Network Has the Inside Scoop
    3. How to Network Like Miss America (or Mr. Universe)
    4. If You're Scared
    5. If You Get Super, Super Nervous
    6. The “Gold Mine” of Your Network
  21. Chapter 17: Career Plan Step #7: Identify Both Personal and Professional Barriers to Your Success
    1. Internal Barriers
    2. Internal Barriers to Overcome
    3. External Barriers
    4. The Holy Grail of Barrier Busting
    5. Steps to Overcoming Your Barriers
  22. Chapter 18: Career Plan Step #8: Achieving Your Career Plan: The Power of Work
    1. Work for Satisfaction and Success
    2. It Is Better to Work Than Not to Work
    3. Learn to Love the Work You Are Doing
    4. The First Few Steps
  23. Chapter 19: Career Plan Step #9: Return on Investment
    1. Return on Investment (What Are You Going to Do for Others?)
    2. I Don't Have Extra Money
    3. Interesting Research
  24. Chapter 20: Career Change: Try Before You Buy
    1. What Is “Try Before You Buy”?
    2. Changing Careers for the Wrong Reason
    3. Getting the Right Information
    4. Prospective Careers and Jobs
  25. Chapter 21: Money, Finances, and Your Career Change
    1. Have a Financial Escape Plan
    2. How You Can Earn the Exit?
    3. Find an Individual to Keep You Accountable
    4. Back to Kyle
  26. Chapter 22: When Everything Goes Wrong
    1. Seven Life Tools to Get You Through Difficult Times
  27. Chapter 23: Start Doing: Take Focused, Smart Actions
    1. It Is Up to You
    2. Be Patient with Change
    3. No Excuses!
    4. Safety or the Storm?
    5. Just Do It Already!
  28. Index
  29. End User License Agreement