
When users try your product for the first time, what keeps them coming back? Onboarding can make the difference between abandoned accounts and devoted use—if we design it as a holistic, ongoing process.

Krystal Higgins demonstrates how the best onboarding experiences guide people as they interact, helping them follow their own path to success. Gain practical strategies and techniques for designing effective guidance, whether you’re working through a redesign, launching new features, rolling out service updates, or welcoming back returning users. Set aside the tutorials, manuals, and intrusive instructions of the past, and learn how to use guided interaction to help users find their way—and get value out of every step.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Foreword
  3. “Let’s get started!”
  4. Chapter 1. What Is Onboarding?
  5. Chapter 2. Getting Ready for New Users
  6. Chapter 3. Mapping Onboarding Journeys
  7. Chapter 4. Guidance in Action
  8. Chapter 5. Presenting Guidance
  9. Chapter 6. Scaling Guidance
  10. “You’re all set!”
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. Resources
  13. References
  14. Index
  15. About A Book Apart
  16. About the Author