
Book Description

In 2012, early cloud pioneer Heroku developed the Twelve Factor App, a set of rules and guidelines for helping organizations build cloud-native applications. It served as an excellent starting point, but as technology inevitably marched forward, some areas needed revisiting. To accommodate current best practices, this practical book expands on the original guidelines to help you build applications that not only function in the cloud, but also thrive.

Information architect Kevin Hoffman takes you through each factor in detail, explaining why these guidelines are important and, in some cases, pointing out how and why today’s new approaches work better. You’ll learn exactly what a 12 factor app is, and discover how to evaluate your existing applications against the guidelines in this book.

  • Compare the original 12 factors to the author’s 15 expanded and revised factors
  • Understand why the concept of “API First”, as well telemetry and security have been added
  • Learn the caveats or exceptions to the original factors that reflect today’s best practices

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
    1. The Original 12 Factors
    2. Beyond the Twelve-Factor Application
  3. 1. One Codebase, One Application
  4. 2. API First
    1. Why API First?
    2. Building Services API First
  5. 3. Dependency Management
    1. Reliance on the Mommy Server
    2. Modern Dependency Management
  6. 4. Design, Build, Release, Run
    1. Design
    2. Build
    3. Release
    4. Run
  7. 5. Configuration, Credentials, and Code
    1. Externalizing Configuration
  8. 6. Logs
  9. 7. Disposability
  10. 8. Backing Services
  11. 9. Environment Parity
    1. Time
    2. People
    3. Resources
    4. Every Commit Is a Candidate for Deployment
  12. 10. Administrative Processes
  13. 11. Port Binding
    1. Avoiding Container-Determined Ports
    2. Avoiding Micromanaging Port Assignments
    3. Applications are Backing Services
  14. 12. Stateless Processes
    1. A Practical Definition of Stateless
    2. The Share-Nothing Pattern
    3. Data Caching
  15. 13. Concurrency
  16. 14. Telemetry
  17. 15. Authentication and Authorization
  18. 16. A Word on Cloud Native
    1. What Is Cloud Native?
    2. Why Cloud Native?
    3. The Purist vs the Pragmatist
  19. 17. Summary