
Book Description

The authoritative guide to Bluetooth! From two contributors to the Bluetooth specification!

For users, the new Bluetooth wireless standard will cut through the complexity of wireless communications, enabling devices to communicate seamlessly. Bluetooth Revealed offers the first insider's view of the Bluetooth standards: crucial information and insight professionals need to start implementing Bluetooth solutions—now. Written by leaders of the Bluetooth community, it presents the entire specification in unprecedented depth: its goals, scope, structure, interrelationships, and applications. Coverage includes:

  • Design challenges: 2.4 GHz spectrum characteristics, power consumption, global standardization, and other key issues

  • Usage models: cordless computing, advanced headsets, file transfer/sync, dial-up networking, conferencing, hidden computing, and more

  • The entire Bluetooth protocol stack: radio, baseband, and software layers; hardware and interfaces; and Link Manager and Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)

  • Bluetooth profiles: generic, telephony, networking, serial, and object exchange

Bluetooth Revealed previews Bluetooth's future, including next-generation vertical and horizontal applications, and introduces today's resources for Bluetooth development, including silicon and developer's kits, as well as legacy product enablers. If you're intending to build, deploy, or market Bluetooth solutions, start right here.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Foreword
  3. Preface
    1. Acknowledgements
    2. Trademark List
  4. 1. Introduction to Bluetooth Wireless Communication
    1. 1. What Is Bluetooth?
      1. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group
        1. Technology and SIG Origins
        2. SIG Progression
      2. The Bluetooth Name and History
      3. Reader's Guide to This Book
    2. 2. Technology Basics
      1. Wired and Wireless Communications
      2. Radio Frequency Wireless Communications
        1. RF Communications in the 2.4 GHz Frequency Spectrum
        2. Spread Spectrum RF Communications
      3. Infrared Wireless Communication
      4. The Bluetooth RF Communications Solution
        1. Master and Slave Roles
        2. Baseband Modes and Energy-Conserving Features
        3. Communications Topology
    3. 3. Bluetooth Usage Models
      1. The Cordless Computer
      2. The Ultimate Headset
      3. The Three-in-One Phone
      4. The Interactive Conference (File Transfer)
      5. The Internet Bridge
        1. Dial-Up Networking
        2. Direct Network Access
      6. The Speaking Laptop
      7. The Automatic Synchronizer
      8. The Instant Postcard
      9. Ad Hoc Networking
      10. Hidden Computing
    4. 4. Introduction to the Bluetooth Specification
      1. Purpose of the Specification
      2. Scope
      3. The Specification's Structure
        1. Volume One Structure
        2. Volume Two Structure
      4. Relationships
      5. Guide to Understanding the Specification
        1. For General Knowledge
        2. From a Device Perspective
        3. From a Solutions Perspective
  5. 2. The Bluetooth Specification Examined
    1. 5. The Bluetooth Protocol Stack
      1. The Protocol Stack Components
      2. The Transport Protocol Group
        1. The L2CAP Layer
        2. The Link Manager Layer
        3. The Baseband and Radio Layers
        4. HCI Layer
      3. The Middleware Protocol Group
        1. RFCOMM Layer
        2. SDP Layer
        3. IrDA Interoperability Protocols
        4. Networking Layers
        5. TCS Layer and Audio
      4. The Application Group
    2. 6. The Lower Protocols of the Transport Group
      1. The Bluetooth Radio
      2. The Link Controller and Baseband
        1. The Piconet
        2. The Bluetooth Device Address (BD_ADDR)
        3. The Bluetooth Clock
        4. The Frequency-Hopping Sequences
          1. Normal Piconet Operation
          2. Page Operation
          3. Inquiry Operation
        5. The Access Code
          1. Normal Piconet Operation
          2. Page Operation
          3. Inquiry Operation
        6. The Connected State
          1. Baseband BB_PDU Types
            1. Asynchronous Connectionless (ACL) Packets
          2. The Baseband Link Types
        7. Inquiry State
        8. Page State
      3. The Link Manager and Link Manager Protocol
        1. Security Management
          1. Device Authentication
          2. Link Encryption
        2. Power Management and Power-Managed States
          1. Sniff Mode
          2. Hold Mode
          3. Park Mode
        3. Bandwidth-Conscious Communications
          1. SCO Links
          2. Quality of Service (QoS) for ACL Links
        4. Link Controller Management
          1. Paging Scheme
          2. Master-Slave Role Switch
          3. Clock and Timer Information
          4. Information Exchange
          5. Connection Establishment and Link Detachment
      4. Summary
    3. 7. The Upper Protocols of the Transport Group
      1. The L2CAP Layer
        1. L2CAP Channels
        2. L2CAP_PDU Types
          1. The Connectionless (CL) L2CAP_PDU Type
          2. The Connection-Oriented (CO) L2CAP_PDU Type
        3. L2CAP Channel Management: The L2CAP Signaling
          1. The L2CAP_Connection_Request Signaling Command
          2. The L2CAP_Connection_Response Signaling Command
          3. The L2CAP_Configuration_Request Signaling Command
          4. The Configuration Options
          5. Other Configuration Commands
      2. The Host Controller Interface (HCI)
        1. The HCI_PDU Packet Classes
        2. The HCI_PDUs
          1. Link Control HCI_PDUs
          2. Link Policy HCI_PDUs
          3. Host Controller and Baseband HCI_PDUs
          4. Informational Parameters HCI_PDUs
          5. Status Parameters HCI_PDUs
          6. Testing HCI_PDUs
      3. Summary
    4. 8. The RFCOMM and SDP Middleware Protocols
      1. The RFCOMM Protocol
        1. RFCOMM Protocol Development
        2. The RFCOMM Protocol Examined
        3. RFCOMM Protocol Usage
      2. The Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)
        1. SDP Development
        2. SDP Examined
        3. SDP Usage
    5. 9. IrDA Interoperability Middleware Protocols
      1. IrDA and Bluetooth Wireless Communication Compared
      2. The IrDA Interoperability Protocols
        1. IrDA Interoperability Protocol Development
        2. The OBEX Protocol Examined
        3. IrMC Synchronization Examined
        4. IrDA Interoperability Usage
    6. 10. Audio and Telephony Control
      1. Audio and Telephony Control Operation
        1. TCS Protocol Development
        2. The TCS Protocol Examined
          1. TCS Call Control
          2. TCS Group Management
          3. Connectionless TCS
        3. Bluetooth Audio Development
        4. Bluetooth Audio Examined
        5. Audio and Telephony Control Usage
  6. 3. The Bluetooth Profiles Examined
    1. 11. The Bluetooth Profiles
      1. The Version 1.0 Profiles
        1. Part 3 Chapter Organization
    2. 12. The Generic Profiles
      1. Relationships
      2. The Generic Access Profile
        1. GAP Development
        2. GAP Examined
          1. Connectivity Modes
            1. Discoverability Modes
            2. Connectability Modes
            3. Pairing Modes
          2. Security Modes
          3. Idle Mode Procedures
      3. The Service Discovery Application Profile
        1. SDAP Development
        2. SDAP Examined
      4. Summary
    3. 13. The Telephony Profiles
      1. Relationships
      2. The Cordless Telephony Profile
        1. CTP Development
        2. CTP Examined
        3. CTP Usage
      3. The Intercom Profile
        1. IntP Development
        2. IntP Examined
        3. IntP Usage
      4. The Headset Profile
        1. HSP Development
        2. HSP Examined
        3. HSP Usage
    4. 14. The Serial and Object Exchange Profiles
      1. Relationships
      2. The Serial Port Profile
        1. SPP Development
        2. SPP Examined
        3. SPP Usage
      3. The Generic Object Exchange Profile
        1. GOEP Development
        2. GOEP Examined
        3. GOEP Usage
      4. The Object Push Profile
        1. OPP Development
        2. OPP Examined
        3. OPP Usage
      5. The File Transfer Profile
        1. FP Development
        2. FP Examined
        3. FP Usage
      6. The Synchronization Profile
        1. SP Development
        2. SP Examined
        3. SP Usage
    5. 15. The Networking Profiles
      1. Relationships
      2. The Dial-Up Networking Profile
        1. DUNP Development
        2. DUNP Examined
        3. DUNP Usage
      3. The LAN Access Profile
        1. LAP Development
        2. LAP Examined
        3. LAP Usage
      5. The Fax Profile
        1. FaxP Development
        2. FaxP Examined
        3. FaxP Usage
  7. 4. The Future of Bluetooth Technology
    1. 16. Beyond the Version 1.0 Specification
      1. The SIG Reconstituted
        1. New Working Groups and Profiles
          1. Radio 2.0 and Coexistence Working Groups
        2. Extensions and Enhancements Working Groups
        3. New Applications Working Groups
        4. Creating Additional Profiles
      2. Bluetooth Products
        1. Silicon and Developers Kits
        2. Legacy Product Enablers
        3. Computers and Mobile Phones
        4. Other Products
    2. 17. Concluding Thoughts
      1. Interoperability
      2. Opportunities
    3. Cited References