
Book Description

Unlock the magnificence in yourself and others

Born to Lead is a powerful book of transformation that shows every woman how to unlock the genius of her uniquely feminine style of leadership, and use it in her life. Starting with the Feminine Principle, it helps you add four new behaviors-keys that open a path for conscious self-examination. Through examples, directed exercises, and guided practices, this book helps you:
* Understand how behavior models affect your life ... and how it can be changed
* Identify personal areas where you are thriving or merely surviving ... and use appetite and desire to create a new Capacity for life
* Move beyond nonproductive beliefs and behaviors, and learn to recognize and tell the Truth about yourself
* Develop your Voice and take a Stand to define yourself as an individual and a leader

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  3. Contents
  4. Introduction: The New Feminine Principle
  5. 1 When Systems Fail
  6. 2 Models Invent Reality
  7. 3 Foundation of Genius: The Feminine Principle
  8. 4 The Key of Full Capacity
  9. 5 Appetite and Desire (the First Trimtab)
  10. 6 Completion (the Second Trimtab)
  11. 7 The Key of Truth
  12. 8 The Key of Voice
  13. 9 The Key of Stance
  14. Epilogue: Hunger is Ending