
Get an A grade in C

As with any major language, mastery of C can take you to some very interesting new places. Almost 50 years after it first appeared, it's still the world's most popular programming language and is used as the basis of global industry's core systems, including operating systems, high-performance graphics applications, and microcontrollers. This means that fluent C users are in big demand at the sharp end in cutting-edge industries—such as gaming, app development, telecommunications, engineering, and even animation—to translate innovative ideas into a smoothly functioning reality.

To help you get to where you want to go with C, this 2nd edition of C Programming For Dummies covers everything you need to begin writing programs, guiding you logically through the development cycle: from initial design and testing to deployment and live iteration. By the end you'll be au fait with the do's and don'ts of good clean writing and easily able to produce the basic—and not-so-basic—building blocks of an elegant and efficient source code.

  • Write and compile source code
  • Link code to create the executable program
  • Debug and optimize your code
  • Avoid common mistakes

Whatever your destination: tech industry, start-up, or just developing for pleasure at home, this easy-to-follow, informative, and entertaining guide to the C programming language is the fastest and friendliest way to get there!

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Introduction
    1. Why the C Language?
    2. The C Programming For Dummies Approach
    3. How This Book Works
    4. Icons Used in This Book
    5. Parting Thoughts
  5. Part 1: The ABs of C
    1. Chapter 1: A Quick Start for the Impatient
    2. What You Need to Program
    3. Command Prompt Programming
    4. IDE Programming
    5. Your First Program
    6. Chapter 2: The Programming Thing
    7. The History of Programming
    8. The Programming Process
    9. Chapter 3: Anatomy of C
    10. Parts of the C Language
    11. Behold the Typical C Program
  6. Part 2: C Programming 101
    1. Chapter 4: Trials and Errors
    2. Display Stuff on the Screen
    3. More Text Output Nonsense
    4. Chapter 5: Values and Simple Math
    5. A Venue for Various Values
    6. The Computer Does the Math
    7. Chapter 6: A Place to Put Stuff
    8. Values That Vary
    9. Variable Madness!
    10. Constants Always the Same
    11. Chapter 7: Input and Output
    12. Character I/O
    13. Text I/O, but Mostly I
    14. Chapter 8: Decision Making
    15. What If?
    16. Multiple Decisions
    17. Multiple Comparisons with Logic
    18. The Old Switch Case Trick
    19. The Weird ?: Decision Thing
    20. Chapter 9: Loops, Loops, Loops
    21. A Little Déjà Vu
    22. The Thrill of for Loops
    23. The Joy of the while Loop
    24. Loopy Stuff
    25. Chapter 10: Fun with Functions
    26. Anatomy of a Function
    27. Functions and Variables
    28. Constants of the Global Kind
  7. Part 3: Build Upon What You Know
    1. Chapter 11: The Unavoidable Math Chapter
    2. Math Operators from Beyond Infinity
    3. Math Function Mania
    4. It’s Totally Random
    5. The Holy Order of Precedence
    6. Chapter 12: Give Me Arrays
    7. Behold the Array
    8. Multidimensional Arrays
    9. Arrays and Functions
    10. Chapter 13: Fun with Text
    11. Character Manipulation Functions
    12. String Functions Galore
    13. Fun with printf() Formatting
    14. Gently Down the Stream
    15. Chapter 14: Structures, the Multivariable
    16. Hello, Structure
    17. Weird Structure Concepts
    18. Chapter 15: Life at the Command Prompt
    19. Conjure a Terminal Window
    20. Arguments for the main() Function
    21. Time to Bail
    22. Chapter 16: Variable Nonsense
    23. Variable Control
    24. Variables, Variables Everywhere
    25. Chapter 17: Binary Mania
    26. Binary Basics
    27. Bit Manipulation
    28. The Joy of Hex
  8. Part 4: The Advanced Part
    1. Chapter 18: Introduction to Pointers
    2. The Biggest Problem with Pointers
    3. Sizing Up Variable Storage
    4. The Hideously Complex Topic of Pointers
    5. Chapter 19: Deep into Pointer Land
    6. Pointers and Arrays
    7. Strings Are Pointer-Things
    8. Pointers in Functions
    9. Chapter 20: Memory Chunks and Linked Lists
    10. Give Me Memory!
    11. Lists That Link
    12. Chapter 21: It’s About Time
    13. What Time Is It?
    14. Time to Program
  9. Part 5: And the Rest of It
    1. Chapter 22: Permanent Storage Functions
    2. Sequential File Access
    3. Random File Access
    4. Chapter 23: File Management
    5. Directory Madness
    6. Fun with Files
    7. Chapter 24: Beyond Mere Mortal Projects
    8. The Multi-Module Monster
    9. Other Libraries to Link
    10. Chapter 25: Out, Bugs!
    11. Simple Tricks to Resolve Problems
    12. The Debugger
    13. Improved Error Messages
  10. Part 6: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 26: Ten Common Boo-Boos
    2. Conditional Foul-Ups
    3. == v. =
    4. Dangerous Loop Semicolons
    5. Commas in for Loops
    6. Missing break in a switch Structure
    7. Missing Parentheses and Curly Brackets
    8. Don’t Ignore a Warning
    9. Endless Loops
    10. scanf() Blunders
    11. Streaming Input Restrictions
    12. Chapter 27: Ten Reminders and Suggestions
    13. Maintain Good Posture
    14. Use Creative Names
    15. Write a Function
    16. Work on Your Code a Little Bit at a Time
    17. Break Apart Larger Projects into Several Modules
    18. Know What a Pointer Is
    19. Add Whitespace before Condensing
    20. Know When if-else Becomes switch-case
    21. Remember Assignment Operators
    22. When You Get Stuck, Read Your Code Out Loud
  11. Part 7: Appendices
    1. Appendix A: ASCII Codes
    2. Appendix B: Keywords
    3. Appendix C: Operators
    4. Appendix D: Data Types
    5. Appendix E: Escape Sequences
    6. Appendix F: Conversion Characters
    7. Appendix G: Order of Precedence
  12. Index
  13. About the Author
  14. Connect with Dummies
  15. End User License Agreement