
Book Description

Learn C++ the quick, easy, and “lazy” way. This book is an introductory programming text that uses humor and fun to make you actually willing to read, and eager to do the projects -- with the popular C++ language.

C++ for Lazy Programmers is a genuinely fun learning experience that will show you how to create programs in the C++ language. This book helps you learn the C++ language with a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals and helps you understand how to be a productive programmer. It provides detailed help with both the Visual Studio and g++ compilers plus their debuggers, and includes the latest version of the language, C++17, too.  

Along the way you’ll work through a number of labs: projects intended to stretch your abilities, test your new skills, and build confidence. You'll go beyond the basics of the language and learn how build a fun C++ arcade game project. After reading and using this book, you’ll be ready for your first real-world C++ application or game project on your own.  

What You Will Learn
  • Program for the first time in C++ in a fun, quick and easy manner
  • Discover the SDL graphics and gaming library
  • Work with SSDL, the Simple SDLwrapper library
  • Use the most common C++ compilers: Visual Studio, and g++ (with Unix or MinGW)
  • Practice “anti-bugging” for easy fixes to common problems 
  • Work with the debugger
  • Acquire examples-driven concepts and ideas 
  • Build a C++-based arcade game application 
  • Apply built-in Standard Template Library (STL) functions and classes for easy and efficient programming
  • Dip your toe in C, C++'s ancestor, still extensively used in industry
  • Use new C++11/14/17 features including lambda functions, constexpr, and smart pointers

Who This Book Is For

Those who are new to C++, either as a guide for self-learners or as an accessible textbook for students in college-level courses.  

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Front Matter
  3. 1. Getting Started
  4. 2. Images and Sound
  5. 3. Numbers
  6. 4. Mouse, and if
  7. 5. Loops, Input, and char
  8. 6. Algorithms and the Development Process
  9. 7.  Functions
  10. 8. Functions (Continued)
  11. 9. Using the Debugger
  12. 10. Arrays and enum
  13. 11. Animation with structs and Sprites
  14. 12. Making an Arcade Game: Input, Collisions, and Putting It All Together
  15. 13. Standard I/O and File Operations
  16. 14. Character Arrays and Dynamic Memory
  17. 15. Classes
  18. 16. Classes (Continued)
  19. 17. Operators
  20. 18. Exceptions, Move Constructors, Recursion, and O Notation
  21. 19. Inheritance
  22. 20. Templates
  23. 21. Virtual Functions and Multiple Inheritance
  24. 22. Linked Lists
  25. 23. The Standard Template Library
  26. 24. Building Bigger Projects
  27. 25. History
  28. 26. Esoterica (Recommended)
  29. 27. Esoterica (Not So Recommended)
  30. 28. C
  31. 29. Moving On with SDL
  32. Back Matter