
Book Description

Get the essential information you need to implement CSS effectively with this concise yet comprehensive quick reference. Ideal for intermediate to advanced web designers and developers, this 4th edition is revised and updated for CSS3, the latest version of the Cascading Style Sheet specification. You'll find a short introduction to the key concepts of CSS and alphabetical references to all CSS3 selectors and properties.

Table of Contents

  1. CSS Pocket Reference
  2. Preface
    1. Conventions Used in This Book
    2. Using Code Examples
    3. SafariĀ® Books Online
    4. How to Contact Us
  3. 1. Basic Concepts
    1. Adding Styles to HTML and XHTML
      1. Inline Styles
      2. Embedded Style Sheets
      3. External Style Sheets
        1. @import directive
        2. link element
        3. xml-stylesheet processing instruction
        4. HTTP Link headers
    2. Rule Structure
    4. Style Precedence
      1. Specificity Calculations
      2. Inheritance
      3. The Cascade
    5. Element Classification
      1. Nonreplaced Elements
      2. Replaced Elements
    6. Element Display Roles
      1. Block-Level
      2. Inline-Level
      3. Run-In
    7. Basic Visual Layout
      1. Block-Level Layout
      2. Inline Layout
    8. Floating
    9. Positioning
      1. Types of Positioning
      2. The Containing Block
      3. Layout of Absolutely Positioned Elements
        1. Horizontal layout of absolutely positioned elements
        2. Vertical layout of absolutely positioned elements
    10. Table Layout
      1. Table Arrangement Rules
      2. Fixed Table Layout
      3. Automatic Table Layout
      4. Collapsing Cell Borders
        1. Collapsing borders
      5. Vertical Alignment Within Cells
  4. 2. Values
    1. Keywords
    2. Color Values
    3. Number Values
    4. Percentage Values
    5. Length Values
      1. Absolute Length Units
      2. Relative Length Units
    6. URIs
    7. Angles
    8. Times
    9. Frequencies
    10. Strings
  5. 3. Selectors
    1. Selectors
      1. Universal Selector
      2. Type Selector
      3. Descendant Selector
      4. Child Selector
      5. Adjacent Sibling Selector
      6. General Sibling Selector
      7. Class Selector
      8. ID Selector
      9. Simple Attribute Selector
      10. Exact Attribute Value Selector
      11. Partial Attribute Value Selector
      12. Beginning Substring Attribute Value Selector
      13. Ending Substring Attribute Value Selector
      14. Arbitrary Substring Attribute Value Selector
      15. Language Attribute Selector
    2. Structural Pseudo-Classes
      1. :empty
      2. :first-child
      3. :first-of-type
      4. :lang
      5. :last-child
      6. :last-of-type
      7. :nth-child(an+b)
      8. :nth-last-child(an+b)
      9. :nth-last-of-type(an+b)
      10. :nth-of-type(an+b)
      11. :only-child
      12. :only-of-type
      13. :root
    3. The Negation Pseudo-Class
      1. :not(e)
    4. Interaction Pseudo-Classes
      1. :active
      2. :checked
      3. :disabled
      4. :enabled
      5. :focus
      6. :hover
      7. :link
      8. :target
      9. :visited
    5. Pseudo-Elements
      1. ::after
      2. ::before
      3. ::first-letter
      4. ::first-line
    6. Media Queries
      1. Basic Concepts
      2. Media Query Values
      3. Media Features
  6. 4. Property Reference
    1. Universal Values
    2. Visual Media
      1. animation
      2. animation-delay
      3. animation-direction
      4. animation-duration
      5. animation-iteration-count
      6. animation-name
      7. animation-play-state
      8. animation-timing-function
      9. backface-visibility
      10. background
      11. background-attachment
      12. background-clip
      13. background-color
      14. background-image
      15. background-origin
      16. background-position
      17. background-repeat
      18. background-size
      19. border
      20. border-bottom
      21. border-bottom-color
      22. border-bottom-left-radius
      23. border-bottom-right-radius
      24. border-bottom-style
      25. border-bottom-width
      26. border-collapse
      27. border-color
      28. border-image
      29. border-image-outset
      30. border-image-repeat
      31. border-image-slice
      32. border-image-source
      33. border-image-width
      34. border-left
      35. border-left-color
      36. border-left-style
      37. border-left-width
      38. border-radius
      39. border-right
      40. border-right-color
      41. border-right-style
      42. border-right-width
      43. border-spacing
      44. border-style
      45. border-top
      46. border-top-color
      47. border-top-left-radius
      48. border-top-right-radius
      49. border-top-style
      50. border-top-width
      51. border-width
      52. bottom
      53. box-align
      54. box-decoration-break
      55. box-direction
      56. box-flex
      57. box-lines
      58. box-ordinal-group
      59. box-orient
      60. box-pack
      61. box-shadow
      62. box-sizing
      63. caption-side
      64. clear
      65. clip
      66. color
      67. column-count
      68. column-fill
      69. column-gap
      70. column-rule
      71. column-rule-color
      72. column-rule-style
      73. column-rule-width
      74. column-span
      75. column-width
      76. columns
      77. content
      78. counter-increment
      79. counter-reset
      80. cursor
      81. direction
      82. display
      83. empty-cells
      84. float
      85. font
      86. font-family
      87. font-size
      88. font-size-adjust
      89. font-style
      90. font-variant
      91. font-weight
      92. height
      93. left
      94. letter-spacing
      95. line-height
      96. list-style
      97. list-style-image
      98. list-style-position
      99. list-style-type
      100. margin
      101. margin-bottom
      102. margin-left
      103. margin-right
      104. margin-top
      105. max-height
      106. max-width
      107. min-height
      108. min-width
      109. opacity
      110. outline
      111. outline-color
      112. outline-offset
      113. outline-style
      114. outline-width
      115. overflow
      116. overflow-x
      117. overflow-y
      118. padding
      119. padding-bottom
      120. padding-left
      121. padding-right
      122. padding-top
      123. perspective
      124. perspective-origin
      125. position
      127. resize
      128. right
      129. ruby-align
      130. ruby-overhang
      131. ruby-position
      132. ruby-span
      133. table-layout
      134. text-align
      135. text-decoration
      136. text-indent
      137. text-overflow
      138. text-shadow
      139. text-transform
      140. top
      141. transform
      142. transform-origin
      143. transform-style
      144. transition
      145. transition-delay
      146. transition-duration
      147. transition-property
      148. transition-timing-function
      149. unicode-bidi
      150. vertical-align
      151. visibility
      152. white-space
      153. width
      154. word-spacing
      155. word-wrap
      156. z-index
    3. Paged Media
      1. break-after
      2. break-before
      3. break-inside
      4. image-orientation
      5. marks
      6. orphans
      7. page
      8. page-break-after
      9. page-break-before
      10. page-break-inside
      11. page-policy
      12. size
      13. widows
    4. Aural Media
      1. cue
      2. cue-after
      3. cue-before
      4. pause
      5. pause-after
      6. pause-before
      7. phonemes
      8. rest
      9. rest-after
      10. rest-before
      11. speak
      12. speakability
      13. voice-balance
      14. voice-duration
      15. voice-family
      16. voice-pitch
      17. voice-pitch-range
      18. voice-rate
      19. voice-stress
      20. voice-volume
  7. Index
  8. About the Author
  9. Copyright