
Book Description

An easily digestible guide, Campus Emergency Preparedness: Meeting ICS and NIMS Compliance helps you develop and organize emergency operation plans. It incorporates the key components recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the US Department of Education and outlines the roles and responsibilities of campus personnel before, during, and after an emergency. Events covered include chemical spills, toxic gas releases, terrorist attacks, active shooter events, pandemics, floods, hurricanes, tornados, fires, and other natural or man-made hazards.

The information in this book is extracted from FEMA and US Department of Education documents and training, as well as concepts and strategies from a cross-section of college and university emergency plans. These resources have been melded together to provide you with strategies for protecting, preventing, mitigating, responding, and recovering from threats and hazards that may occur at an institute of higher education.

The book aids you in creating emergency response plans that comply with standards set by the ICS and NIMS. Ultimately, these are all-hazards strategies that can be applied to all phases of campus emergency management with efficient coordination among all levels of campus administration.

Safety in higher education institution campuses is a critical issue today in the wake of several events in recent years. Campus Emergency Preparedness helps you work toward creating a campus environment that is as safe as possible for your students, faculty, and staff. It is a valuable source for anticipating and handling a broad range of emergencies.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
    1. Reference
  2. Chapter 1 - Is Your School Really Ready for Any Crisis?
    1. References
  3. Chapter 2 - Preparedness Triggers
    1. Changes to Protocol and Procedure as a Result of Acts of Violence
    2. Changes to Protocol and Procedure as a Result of Natural Events
    3. Changes to Protocol and Procedure to Enhance Cyber Security
    4. Changes to Protocol and Procedure to Integrate Social Media
    5. References
  4. Chapter 3 - A Case for Including Retention Strategies in the Campus Emergency Management Plan
    1. Introduction
    2. Literature Review
    3. Conceptual Framework
    4. Method
      1. The Narratives
      2. Respondents
        1. Debbie
        2. Cathy
        3. Gail
        4. Henry
      3. Emerging Themes
        1. Future Orientation
        2. Connectedness to People and Place
        3. Learning Environment
        4. Structural Influences
    5. Discussion
    6. Conclusion
    7. References
  5. Chapter 4 - Federal Emergency Management Agency and Department of Education Guidelines
    1. Planning
    2. Public Information and Warning
    3. Operational Coordination
    4. Forensics and Attribution
    5. Intelligence and Information Sharing
    6. Interdiction and Disruption
    7. Screening, Search, and Detection
    8. Access Control and Identity Verification
    9. Cyber security
    10. Physical Protective Measures
    11. Risk Management for Protection Programs and Activities
    12. Supply Chain Integrity and Security
    13. Community Resilience
    14. Long-term Vulnerability Reduction
    15. Risk and Disaster Resilience Assessment
    16. Threats and Hazard Identification
    17. Critical Transportation
    18. Environmental Response/Health and Safety
    19. Fatality Management Services
    20. Infrastructure Systems
    21. Mass Care Services
    22. Mass Search and Rescue Operations
    23. On-scene Security and Protection
    24. Operational Communications
    25. Public and Private Services and Resources
    26. Public Health and Medical Services
    27. Situational Assessment
    28. Economic Recovery
    29. Health and Social Services
    30. Housing
    31. Natural and Cultural Resources
    32. FEMA and DOE Working Together
      1. NRF Principle 1: Engaged Partnerships
      2. NRF Principle 2: Tiered Response
      3. NRF Principle 3: Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabilities
      4. NRF Principle 4: Unity of Effort through Unified Command
      5. NRF Principle 5: Readiness to Act
      6. Principle 1: Engaged Response
      7. Principle 2: Tiered Response
      8. Principle 3: Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabilities
      9. Principle 4: Unity of Effort through Unified Command
      10. Principle 5: Readiness to Act
    33. Summary and Discussion
    34. References
  6. Chapter 5 - Organizing an Incident Command System/National Incident Management System Compliant Team
    1. Organization and Assignment of Duties
      1. Executive Policy Group
    2. Functions of the Command Staff
      1. Public Information Officer
      2. Safety Officer
      3. Liaison Officer
    3. Function of the Four Sections
      1. Operations Section
        1. Public Safety Branch
        2. Communications/Public Relations Branch
        3. Academic Affairs Branch
        4. Student Affairs Branch
        5. Health Services Branch
        6. Food Services Branch
        7. Housing Branch
        8. Enrollment Services Branch
      2. Planning Section
        1. Situation Analysis Branch
        2. Damage Assessment Branch
        3. Recovery Branch
      3. Logistics Section
        1. Communications and Information Technology Branch
        2. Facilities Branch
        3. Supply/Procurement Branch
        4. Transportation Branch
      4. Finance and Administration Section
        1. Business Management Branch
        2. Human Resources Branch
        3. Legal Branch
    4. References
  7. Chapter 6 - Developing Campus PPMRR Strategies
    1. Section 1: THE Basic Guideline
      1. Threat and Hazard Analysis
    2. Section 2: Functional Annex
      1. Accountability
      2. Communications
      3. Evacuation
        1. Scheduling Evacuation Drills
      4. Lock-Down
      5. Shelter-in-Place
    3. Section 3: Threat- and Hazard-Specific Annex
      1. Cyber Attacks
      2. Bomb Threats
      3. Death on the Campus of Student/Staff/Faculty
      4. Displaced Students
      5. Extreme Weather Emergencies
      6. Fires
      7. Hate Crimes
      8. Hazardous Materials Release
      9. Missing Persons
      10. Pandemic/Ebola or Other Public Health Emergency
    4. References
  8. Chapter 7 - Ongoing Management and Maintenance
    1. Course Descriptions
      1. IS-100.HE: Introduction to Incident Command System for Higher Education
      2. IS-200.b: ICS for Single Resource and Initial Action Incidents
      3. ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
      4. ICS-400: Advanced ICS, Command, and General Staff for Complex Incidents
      5. IS-700.a: National Incident Management System (NIMS)—An Introduction
      6. IS-800.b: National Response Framework—An Introduction
    2. Discussion-Based and Operational Exercises
    3. Exercise Design
    4. Exercise Materials
    5. Recommended HSEEP AFTER ACTION PLAN (AAP) Format
    6. References
  9. Chapter 8 - Creating a Campus-Based Community Emergency Response Team
    1. Organizing a CERT on Your Campus
    2. Logistics
    3. Training
    4. Evaluation
    5. How the Project Relates to Student Learning
    6. References
  10. Appendix A: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery TEMPLATE
    1. Introduction
    2. Section 1: The BASIC GUIDELINE
    3. Threat and Hazard Analysis
    4. Emergency Classification Levels
    5. Emergency Plan Activation and Notification Process
    6. Organization and Assignment of Duties
    7. Executive Policy Group
    8. Director of Emergency Management
    11. Liaison OFFICER
    12. Operations Section
    13. Public Safety Branch
    14. Communications/Public Relations
    15. Academic Affairs Branch
    16. Student Affairs Branch
    17. Health Services Branch
    18. Food Services Branch
    19. Housing Branch
    20. Enrollment Services Branch
    21. Planning Section
    22. Situation Analysis Branch
    23. Damage Assessment Branch
    24. Recovery Branch
    25. Logistics Section
    26. Communications and Information Technology Branch
    27. Facilities Branch
    28. Supply/Procurement Branch
    29. Transportation Branch
    30. Finance and Administration Section
    31. Business Management Branch
    32. Human Resources Branch
    33. Legal Branch
    34. Section 2: Functional Annex
    35. Accountability
    36. Communications Strategies
    37. Evacuation Drills/Actual events
    38. Lock-Down Strategies
    39. Shelter-in-Place Strategies
    40. Section 3: Threat- and Hazard-specific Annex
    41. Active Shooter
    42. Cyber Attacks
    43. Bomb Threats
    44. Death on the Campus of Student/Staff/Faculty
    45. Displaced Students
    46. Extreme Weather Emergency
    47. Fires
    48. Hate Crimes
    49. Hazardous Materials Release
    50. Missing Persons
    51. Pandemic/Ebola or Other Public Health Emergency
    52. Section 4: TRAINING and exercising
    53. Training Schedule
    54. Section 5: Campus Policies
  11. Appendix B: Mutual Aid Agreements
  12. Appendix C: Emergency Operations Center Setup Procedures
    1. Activation of the EOC
    2. EOC Setup
    3. Sample Emergency Operations Center Floor Plan
    4. Incident Documentation
    5. Shift Changes
    6. Deactivation and Demobilization of the EOC
    7. Response Capability Performance Objectives
  13. Appendix D: University Crisis Action Team Decompressed Training Model
    1. A Culture of Preparedness
    2. Preparedness Foundation
    3. Composition of the Team
    4. Individual Training Requirements
    5. Collective Training
    6. Decompressed Training
    7. Tools for Success
    8. Assessment and Conclusion
    9. References