
Book Description

Daily pressures of the workplace force every employee, worker, manager or even executive to focus on the tasks that will move the ball forward one more day. Time is rarely spent reflecting on career choices and future goals. Written for workplace learning and performance professionals, this book will help you discover career options, energize a stalling career or transition to a new career. If you are considering a transition to a training and HRD career, you will be able to chart a path to success using the exercises, checklists, and tips from experienced practitioners.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Part 1: Introduction
    1. Chapter 1: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
      1. Trend 1: Shifting Demographics
        1. The Aging Workforce
        2. New Workforce Entrants
        3. The Demands of Diversity
        4. The Dwindling Workforce
      2. Trend 2: Globalization
      3. Trend 3: Emphasis on Nonstop Learning
      4. Trend 4: The Transformation of Training
      5. Trend 5: The Changing Nature of Work
        1. Where, when, and how Work is Done
        2. How Work is Organized
        3. Who does the Work
        4. Redefining “Career”
      6. Trend 6: Technology
      7. Trend 7: Organizational Shifts
      8. Trend 8: Quality-of-Life Issues
    2. Chapter 2: Moving your Career Forward
      1. Changes in Job Titles and Descriptions
      2. Choosing your Next Career Move
        1. Opportunities in Training
        2. Opportunities in Career Development
        3. Opportunities in Organization Development
        4. Opportunities in Education, Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and Performance
        5. Opportunities in Consulting, Contract, and Project-Based Assignments
        6. Quality-of-Life Intervention Opportunities
      3. Your Next Steps
    3. Chapter 3: Developing New Skills for the Future
      1. Roles and Competencies for Training
      2. Roles and Competencies for Career Development
      3. Roles and Competencies for Organization Development
      4. Roles and Competencies for Workplace Learning and Performance
      5. Future Opportunities in Closely Related Areas
        1. Knowledge and Learning Opportunities
        2. Employee Assistance Opportunities
        3. Consulting and Contract Opportunities
      6. Your Next Steps
    4. Chapter 4: Taking Charge of your Career
      1. The Career Opportunities Model
      2. Case Examples for Applying the Career Opportunities Model
        1. Sam’s Story
        2. Amelia’s Story
      3. How you can Use the Model to Take your Next Step
  7. Part 2: Introduction
    1. Chapter 5: Preparing for Change
      1. The Three Transition Phases
        1. Phase 1: Winding Down
        2. Phase 2: Calling Time Out
        3. Phase 3: Taking Off
      2. Career Movements and Professional Shifts
        1. Moving Within your Current Work Situation
        2. Transferring to a New Geographical Location
        3. Being Out of Work
        4. Making Professional Shifts
        5. Retiring
      3. Relationship of Professional Transitions to Career Pathing
      4. Characteristics of Successful Transitions
      5. Preparing for Moves to Other Businesses or Professional Settings
        1. Recognizing the Situation
        2. Accepting the Situation
        3. Disengaging from the Situation
        4. Redefining the Situation
      6. Practical Exercise 1: Navigating the Three Transition Phases
    2. Chapter 6: Creating a New Career Path
      1. The Professional Design Plan Defined
      2. Importance of the Plan
      3. Defining Fulfilling Work
      4. Elements of a Professional Design Plan
        1. Career Calling Statement
        2. Professional Niche
        3. Long- and Short-Range Goals
        4. Practical Considerations
        5. Your Action Plan
        6. Interim Measurable Milestones of Success
        7. Adjustments and Revisions
      5. Practical Exercise 2: Defining Fulfilling Work
      6. Practical Exercise 3: Drafting a Professional Design Plan
    3. Chapter 7: Building your Career
      1. Your Commitment to a Lifelong Activity
      2. Basic Elements of Professional Development
      3. Professional Continuing Education Alternatives
        1. Employer-Sponsored On-Site Training and Development Activities
        2. Off-Site Education and Training Options
      4. Assessing Personal Lifestyle Factors and Learning Options
        1. Personal and Work Factors
        2. Your Education and Training Options
      5. Practical Exercise 4: Assessing Constraints on your Learning Options
      6. Practical Exercise 5: Selecting Among Education and Training Options
    4. Chapter 8: Volunteering and Professional Development
      1. Benefits of Volunteering for Association Leadership
      2. Let Volunteer Activities Support Career Goals and Needs
      3. Identify your Goals and Needs Before you Volunteer
        1. Write a Learning Contract
      4. Evaluate your Volunteer Experience
      5. Practical Exercise 6: Identifying your Personal Needs
      6. Practical Exercise 7: Matching your Professional Development Needs with Volunteer Opportunities
      7. Practical Exercise 8: Developing a Volunteer Work Learning Contract
      8. Practical Exercise 9: Evaluating your Leadership/Committee Experience
    5. Chapter 9: Marketing your Professional Strengths
      1. Challenges You Face
        1. Having Career Fluidity
        2. Making Career Management a Priority
        3. Maintaining Career Healthiness
      2. Job Search and Marketing Strategies and Resources
        1. Know your Product—Yourself
        2. Know your Professional Niche
        3. Know your Action Plan
        4. Know your Market
        5. Know the Marketing Tools to Use
        6. Know your Networking and Opportunities Resources
        7. Know When You’re Ready to Market Yourself
      3. Long-Term Career Survival
      4. Defining your Professional Success
      5. Practical Exercise 10: The Market-Readiness Checklist
      6. Practical Exercise 11: Defining your Professional Success
  8. For Further Reading
  9. Web-Based Resources
  10. About the Authors