
Gain a better understanding of how to work with the modern OpenStack IaaS Cloud platform. This updated book is designed to help you pass the latest “Yoga” version of the Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA) exam from the Open Infrastructure Foundation. OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of computer storage and networking resources throughout a datacenter.

All exercises have been updated and re-written for the current version of the exam using the modern CLI tool. This book covers 100% of the exam requirements and each topic is taught using practical exercises and instructions for the command line and for the Horizon dashboard. All chapters are followed by review questions and answers. 

Even after you have taken and passed the COA exam, this book will remain a useful reference to come back to time after time.

What You Will Learn
  • Understand the components that make up the Cloud
  • Install OpenStack distribution from Red Hat, Canonical or community versions
  • Run OpenStack in a virtual test environment
  • Understand where to find information for to further work with OpenStack
Who This Book Is For

Cloud and Linux engineers who want to pass the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam. 

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Front Matter
  3. 1. Getting Started
  4. 2. How to Build Your Own Virtual Test Environment
  5. 3. OpenStack APIs
  6. 4. Identity Management
  7. 5. Image Management
  8. 6. OpenStack Networking
  9. 7. OpenStack Compute
  10. 8. OpenStack Object Storage
  11. 9. Block Storage
  12. 10. Troubleshooting
  13. 11. Conclusion
  14. Back Matter