
Book Description

Learn how to succeed in the digital economy

The paradigms of big business have changed. Business models that were once lucrative now seem to barely move the needle. Incumbents of the old guard find themselves superseded by new, digitally-charged, data-fuelled organisations that leverage platform-based business models. How can pre-digital businesses survive? They’re loaded with resources, brand power and deeply embedded networks, they just need a new playbook. Chasing Digital is that playbook.

Outlining a clear and detailed framework, this book is designed to help leaders re-design their organisation from the bottom up by leveraging their strengths to create a new competitive advantage in the digital economy. From laying the foundations of transformation: developing a considered strategy, growing a conducive culture and building a receptive organisational design; to building core digital capabilities: taking advantage of data, harnessing artificial intelligence and embracing appropriate platforms; to adapting the accelerators of change: navigating board expectations, mitigating potential roadblocks and making the right investments, this playbook will give you the tools and mindsets needed to not only survive but to thrive and leave a legacy for future leaders.

  • Integrate technology into your business strategy and culture
  • Prioritise and manage your company’s digital transition
  • Create opportunities for fast and intentional digital growth
  • Learn how to minimise friction with stakeholders

Cut through the jargon and hype, and focus on what is critical to undertaking a truly successful, company-wide, digital transformation. In a world where digital is changing everything, Chasing Digital will help your organisation to transition beyond old business models to adopt the new digital paradigm and a new era of business. Embrace the chase.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Introduction: The Fourth Revolution
    1. Why this book, and why now?
    2. A step-by-step guide to digital transformation
    3. So what will this book give you?
    4. Creating a long-lasting legacy
    5. The Chasing Digital Three-Part Framework
  4. Part I: The big decisions
    1. Chapter 1 Strategies for success
      1. The old model
      2. One giant juggling act
      3. Reconstruct your castle
      4. Widen your moat
      5. Digital moats: the flywheel revisited
    2. Chapter 2 Organisational design
      1. When your primary engine runs out of fuel
      2. The ultimate pivot
      3. Engine A
      4. Engine B
    3. Chapter 3 Culture
      1. Will your culture help or hinder?
      2. The cornerstones of a digital culture
      3. Building a digitally mature team
  5. Part II; Digital enablers for transformation
    1. Chapter 4 Data
      1. Three things you need to know about data
      2. Data on wheels
      3. The application of thick data
      4. A framework to harness and apply data
      5. Three areas where data can drive growth
    2. Chapter 5 Platforms
      1. The network effect of platforms
      2. A platform crash course
      3. From pipeline to platform
      4. Building the platform
      5. Managing inside out
      6. Measuring success
    3. Chapter 6 Systems of intelligence
      1. The rise of machine learning
      2. The perfect companion to your data
      3. Five crucial factors in applying AI successfully
      4. Creating a system of intelligence
      5. Assembling your team
      6. The five Vs of big data
      7. Constructing a highly defensible moat
  6. Part III: Accelerating change
    1. Chapter 7 Investment management
      1. The three types of innovation
      2. Balancing short-term returns and long-term investments
      3. The investor’s mindset
    2. Chapter 8 Technology risk management
      1. Navigating the new rules of cybersecurity
      2. Open-source software may be your friend
      3. Busting the myths of cloud computing
    3. Chapter 9 Advice for boards and directors
      1. Secure support from the board
      2. Appoint digital experts
      3. Encourage diversity and fresh thinking
      4. Address technology risk management at board level
  7. Conclusion: A cornucopia of opportunity
  8. Sources
  9. Index
  10. EULA