
Book Description

This O’Reilly report explains the capabilities of cloud-native platforms and examines the fundamental changes enterprises need to make in process, organization, and culture if they’re to take real advantage of this approach.

Author Duncan Winn focuses on the open source platform Cloud Foundry. You’ll learn how cloud-native applications are designed to be "infrastructure unaware" so they can thrive and move at will in the highly distributed and constantly evolving cloud environment.

You’ll explore:

  • Technical driving forces that are rapidly changing the way organizations develop and deliver software today
  • How key concepts underpinning the Cloud Foundry platform leverage each of the technical forces discussed
  • How cloud-native platforms remove the requirement to perform undifferentiated heavy lifting, such as provisioning VMs, middleware, and databases
  • Why cloud-native platforms enable fast feedback loops as you move from agile development to agile deployment
  • Recommended changes and practical considerations for organizations that want to build cloud-native applications

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. 1. Introduction
    1. The Competitive Advantage
    2. The Development-Feedback Cycle
    3. Velocity Over Speed
    4. The Critical Challenge
    5. Becoming Cloud Native
    6. Undifferentiated Heavy Lifting
      1. Platforms Benefit Developers
      2. Platforms Benefit Operations
      3. Platforms Benefit the Business
    7. Chapter Summary
  3. 2. Adapt or Die
    1. Anything As A Service
    2. Cloud Computing
      1. Platform as a Service
    3. Containers
      1. Understanding Containers
    4. Agile
    5. Automate Everything
      1. Continuous Integration
      2. Continuous Delivery
    6. DevOps
    7. Microservices
    8. Business-Capability Teams
    9. Cloud-Native Applications
    10. Chapter Summary
  4. 3. Cloud-Native Platforms
    1. You Need a Cloud-Native Platform, Not a PaaS
      1. Legacy PaaS
      2. Cloud-Native Platforms
    2. The Structured Platform
    3. Platform Opinions
    4. The Open Platform
      1. Choice of Infrastructure
      2. Choice of Languages and Services
      3. The Open Source Ecosystem
    5. Cloud Foundry Constructs
    6. Chapter Summary
  5. 4. Do More
    1. Resiliency and Fault Tolerance
    2. User Access and Authentication Management
    3. Security
    4. The Application Life Cycle
    5. Aggregated Streaming of Logs and Metrics
    6. Release Engineering through BOSH
      1. Deploying and Scaling
      2. A Marketplace of On-Demand Services
    7. Chapter Summary
  6. 5. Breaking Down Silos
    1. Embracing Cloud Foundry
    2. Decentralized Deployments
    3. Shared Centralized Deployment
      1. The Platform Operations Team
    4. Changing the Culture
    5. The Platform Champion
    6. Chapter Summary
  7. 6. Summary
    1. Becoming Cloud Native
    2. Why Cloud Foundry?
    3. Enabling the Fundamental Shift