
Book Description

Patterned after the best selling Founders at Work, Coders at Work represents two years of interviews with some of the top programmers of our times. Readers will find out what their work habits are, coding preferences, language preferences, style choices and idiosyncrasies in the fascinating look at how some of the best in the world do their work.

Table of Contents

  1. Title
  2. Dedication
  3. Contents
  4. About the Author
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Introduction
  7. Chapter 1: Jamie Zawinski
  8. Chapter 2: Brad Fitzpatrick
  9. Chapter 3: Douglas Crockford
  10. Chapter 4: Brendan Eich
  11. Chapter 5: Joshua Bloch
  12. Chapter 6: Joe Armstrong
  13. Chapter 7: Simon Peyton Jones
  14. Chapter 8: Peter Norvig
  15. Chapter 9: Guy Steele
  16. Chapter 10: Dan Ingalls
  17. Chapter 11: L Peter Deutsch
  18. Chapter 12: Ken Thompson
  19. Chapter 13: Fran Allen
  20. Chapter 14: Bernie Cosell
  21. Chapter 15: Donald Knuth
  22. Appendix A: Bibliography
  23. Index