
Book Description

Over the last five years, CoffeeScript has taken the web development world by storm. With the humble motto "It's just JavaScript," CoffeeScript provides all the power of the JavaScript language in a friendly and elegant package. This extensively revised and updated new edition includes an all-new project to demonstrate CoffeeScript in action, both in the browser and on a Node.js server. There's no faster way to learn to write a modern web application.

Table of Contents

  1.  Foreword
  2.  Acknowledgments
  3.  Introduction
    1. The New Kid in Town
    2. Who This Book Is For
    3. How This Book Is Organized
    4. What’s Changed Since CoffeeScript 1.0.0?
    5. The CoffeeScript Community
  4. 1. Getting Started
    1. Installing CoffeeScript
    2. Running and Compiling CoffeeScript
    3. Using Source Maps
    4. Editing CoffeeScript
  5. 2. Functions, Scope, and Context
    1. Functions 101
    2. Variable Scope
    3. Execution Context
    4. Mini-Project: Checkbook Balancer
  6. 3. Collections, Iteration, and Destructuring
    1. Objects as Hash Maps
    2. Arrays
    3. Iterating over Collections
    4. Mini-Project: Refactored Checkbook Balancer
  7. 4. Classes, Prototypes, and Inheritance
    1. The Power of Prototypes
    2. Classes: Giving Prototypes Structure
    3. Inheritance: Classy Prototype Chains
    4. Mini-Project: All-Purpose Checkbook Balancer
  8. 5. Web Applications with jQuery and Backbone.js
    1. Building the Project with Grunt
    2. Managing Front-End Dependencies with Bower
    3. Building the Page with Templates
    4. Structuring Data for Persistence
    5. Representing Data in Backbone Models and Collections
    6. Presenting Data with Views
  9. 6. Web Servers with Node and Express
    1. What Is Node?
    2. Writing Node Modules
    3. Compiling a Node Project with Grunt
    4. Creating a Web Server with Express and NeDB
    5. Using a RESTful API in Backbone
  10. 7. Testing with Intern
    1. Getting Started with Intern
    2. Mock-Testing Backbone with Sinon
    3. Mock-Testing a Node Server with Supertest
  11.  Bibliography