
Book Description

The only guide for software developers who must learn and implement cryptography safely and cost effectively.

The book begins with a chapter that introduces the subject of cryptography to the reader. The second chapter discusses how to implement large integer arithmetic as required by RSA and ECC public key algorithms The subsequent chapters discuss the implementation of symmetric ciphers, one-way hashes, message authentication codes, combined authentication and encryption modes, public key cryptography and finally portable coding practices. Each chapter includes in-depth discussion on memory/size/speed performance trade-offs as well as what cryptographic problems are solved with the specific topics at hand.

* The author is the developer of the industry standard cryptographic suite of tools called LibTom
* A regular expert speaker at industry conferences and events on this development
* The book has a companion Web site with over 300-pages of text on implementing multiple precision arithmetic

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  5. Copyright
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Lead Author
  8. Technical Editor and Coauthor
  9. Preface
  10. Chapter 1: Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. Threat Models
    3. What Is Cryptography?
    4. Asset Management
    5. Common Wisdom
    6. Developer Tools
    7. Summary
    8. Organization
  11. Chapter 2: ASN.1 Encoding
    1. Overview of ASN.1
    2. ASN.1 Syntax
    3. ASN.1 Data Types
    4. Implementation
    5. Putting It All Together
  12. Chapter 3: Random Number Generation
    1. Introduction
    2. Measuring Entropy
    3. How Bad Can It Be?
    4. RNG Design
    5. PRNG Algorithms
    6. Putting It All Together
  13. Chapter 4: Advanced Encryption Standard
    1. Introduction
    2. Implementation
    3. Practical Attacks
    4. Chaining Modes
    5. Putting It All Together
  14. Chapter 5: Hash Functions
    1. Introduction
    2. Designs of SHS and Implementation
    3. PKCS #5 Key Derivation
    4. Putting It All Together
    5. PKCS #5 Example
  15. Chapter 6: Message - Authentication Code Algorithms
    1. Introduction
    2. Security Guidelines
    3. Standards
    4. Cipher Message Authentication Code
    5. Hash Message Authentication Code
    6. Putting It All Together
  16. Chapter 7: Encrypt and Authenticate Modes
    1. Introduction
    2. Design and Implementation
    3. Putting It All Together
  17. Chapter 8: Large Integer Arithmetic
    1. Introduction
    2. What Are BigNums?
    3. The Algorithms
    4. Putting It All Together
  18. Chapter 9: Public Key Algorithms
    1. Introduction
    2. Goals of Public Key Cryptography
    3. RSA Public Key Cryptography
    4. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
    5. Putting It All Together
  19. Index