
Book Description

This document is intended to facilitate the deployment of the Cyber Resiliency solution for IBM® Spectrum Scale. This solution is designed to protect the data on IBM Spectrum™ Scale from external cyberattacks or insider attacks using its integration with IBM Spectrum Protect™ and IBM Tape Storage. To complete the tasks that it describes, you must understand IBM Spectrum Scale™, IBM Spectrum Protect, and IBM Tape Storage architecture, concepts, and configuration.

The information in this document is distributed on an as-is basis without any warranty that is either expressed or implied. Support assistance for the use of this material is limited to situations where IBM Spectrum Scale or IBM Spectrum Protect are supported and entitled, and where the issues are specific to a blueprint implementation.

Table of Contents

  1. About this document
    1. Executive summary
    2. Support for the Blueprint and its configurations
    3. Requesting assistance
    4. Scope
    5. Prerequisites
    6. National Institute of Standards and Technology framework
    7. Implementing a Cyber Resiliency solution with IBM Spectrum Scale
    8. Configuring a Cyber Resiliency solution for IBM Spectrum Scale
    9. Phases of an IBM Spectrum Scale Cyber Resiliency solution
    10. Summary
  2. Notices
    1. Trademarks
    2. Terms and conditions for product documentation
  3. Back cover