
Book Description

So, you have a great idea for the next big multiplayer game. Maybe it's a virtual world based on your favorite sci-fi television show. Or maybe it's an online bowling league for you and your friends. Regardless, the challenge of building a networked multiplayer computer game goes far beyond having a great idea. It can be so significant that it prevents great games from becoming reality. Darkstar breaks down this barrier of complexity. It provides an easy-to-use library of functions that handles the challenging aspects of networked game development for you. Further, it provides a robust, industrial-strength server that can scale with your game as it grows in popularity. With Darkstar, you can quickly turn your idea for a multiplayer game into a (virtual) reality.

Table of Contents

  1. Darkstar: The Java Game Server
    1. Introduction
      1. Multiplayer Games
      2. The Architecture of Multiplayer Games
      3. An Application Server for Games
      4. The Darkstar Game Server
      5. Your First Game
    2. Clients and Client Communication
      1. Server-Side Client Handling
      2. Client-Side implementation
        1. ServerSessionListener
        2. ServerSession
        3. SimpleClient
      3. Client-Server Authentication
      4. Sending Objects
    3. Managing Game State with Persistent Objects
      1. The DataManager and ManagedObjects
      2. ManagedReferences
      3. The Challenge of Concurrency
    4. Generating Action with Tasks
      1. Creating and Running Tasks
      2. Periodic Tasks
      3. Tasks and Server Performance
      4. Task Exceptions and Retry
    5. Efficient Client-Client Communication Through Channels
      1. Creating Channels
      2. Managing Channel Participants
      3. Channel Communication
    6. Space Game!
      1. Game State
      2. Game Server
      3. Game Client
    7. A. Serialization
    8. About the Author