
Book Description

This is the second volume of six in Michael Allen's e-Learning Library—a comprehensive collection of proven techniques for creating e-learning applications that achieve targeted behavioral outcomes through meaningful, memorable, and motivational learning experiences. This book examines common instructional design practices with a critical eye and recommends substituting success rather than tradition as a guide. Drawing from theory, research, and experience in learning and behavioral change, the author provides a framework for addressing a broader range of learner needs and achieving superior performance outcomes.

Book Description

This is the second volume of six in Michael Allen's e-Learning Library—a comprehensive collection of proven techniques for creating e-learning applications that achieve targeted behavioral outcomes through meaningful, memorable, and motivational learning experiences. This book examines common instructional design practices with a critical eye and recommends substituting success rather than tradition as a guide. Drawing from theory, research, and experience in learning and behavioral change, the author provides a framework for addressing a broader range of learner needs and achieving superior performance outcomes.

Table of Contents

  1. About this book
    1. Why is this topic important?
    2. What can you achieve with this book?
    3. How is this book organized?
  2. About the library series
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. Dedication
  7. Foreword
    1. Online Learning Continuum
    2. Why is the book important?
    3. Where does e-learning go from here?
  8. Preface
  9. Part One - Real-World Contexts
    1. The question is: What would you do?
    2. Scenario 1: Hoboken Automotive Devices
      1. Part One
    3. Scenario 2: Water Mountain Beverage Company
    4. Scenario 3: Top Tech Temps
    5. Scenario 4: Bellmore University
  10. Part Two - The Art & Science of Instructional Design
    1. Chapter 5—What is Instructional Design?
    2. Chapter 6—Success-Based Design
    3. Chapter 7—Designing Outside the Box
    4. Chapter 5 - What Is Instructional Design?
      1. The world is instructive
      2. The design challenge
      3. The big questions
      4. New challenges
      5. Systematic process
      6. Art or science?
      7. Education versus training
      8. Knowing versus doing
      9. Alternative design approaches
      10. Summary
    5. Chapter 6 - Success-Based Design
      1. Making good decisions
      2. Thinking helps
      3. The best of everything
      4. Watch where you step
      5. The three Ms
      6. The fourth M: Measurable results
      7. Characteristics of successful designs
      8. A practical and realistic guide
    6. Chapter 7 - Designing Outside the Box
      1. Buried in a box
      2. Broader perspectives
      3. Working the larger contexts
      4. The design challenge
      5. The psychology of behavioral change
      6. Expanding the purview of instructional design
      7. Summary
  11. Part Three - Designing Successful e-Learning
    1. Chapter 8—Designing Pre-Instructional Events
    2. Chapter 9—Designing Instruction: Foundations
    3. Chapter 10—Designing Instruction: Meaningful Events
    4. Chapter 11—Designing Instruction: Memorable Events
    5. Chapter 12—Designing Instruction: Motivational Events
    6. Chapter 13—Designing Performance Aids
    7. Chapter 8 - Designing Pre-Instructional Events
      1. Potent preludes
      2. Big stuff
      3. Cut the budget
      4. Achieving impact
      5. Change is difficult
      6. Facilitating change
      7. Preparatory events on a shoestring
      8. Achieving change via e-learning
      9. Summary
    8. Chapter 9 - Designing Instruction: Foundations
      1. Design foundations
      2. Backgrounding
      3. Iterative design
      4. Objectives x treatments matrix
      5. Design challenges
      6. Page-turning
      7. The fabulous four
      8. Summary
    9. Chapter 10 - Meaningful Events
      1. Success-based design
      2. Where to start?
      3. Meaningful learning events and instructional theories
      4. Summary
    10. Chapter 11 - Memorable Events
      1. Teaching versus preaching
      2. Success-based design
      3. Memorable Context
      4. Memorable Challenge
      5. Memorable Activity
      6. Memorable Feedback
      7. Memorable learning events and instructional theories
      8. Summary
    11. Chapter 12 - Motivational Events
      1. Motivation is a prime target
      2. Success-based design
      3. Motivational Context
      4. Motivational Challenge
      5. Motivational Activity Multi-step tasks
      6. Motivational Feedback
      7. Prescriptive outcomes
      8. Motivational learning events and instructional theories
      9. Summary
    12. Chapter 13 - Designing Performance Aids
      1. It’s all about performance
      2. Basing evaluation on observed performance
      3. Encouraging self-testing
      4. Teaching safety nets
      5. Providing refresher events and practice
      6. Applying behavioral change techniques
      7. Blended learning
      8. Summary
  12. Self-Assessment
  13. Success Assessment
  14. A Final Word
  15. Index
  16. About Allen Interactions Inc.
  17. About the Author