
Book Description

Now may be the perfect time to enter the wearables industry. With the range of products that have appeared in recent years, you can determine which ideas resonate with users and which don’t before leaping into the market. In this practical guide, author Scott Sullivan examines the current wearables ecosystem and then demonstrates the impact that service design in particular will have on these types of devices going forward.

You’ll learn about the history and influence of activity trackers, smartwatches, wearable cameras, the controversial Google Glass experiment, and other devices that have come out of the recent Wild West period. This book also dives into many other aspects of wearables design, including tools for creating new products and methodologies for measuring their usefulness.

You’ll explore:

  • Emerging types of wearable technologies
  • How to design services around wearable devices
  • Key concepts that govern service design
  • Prototyping processes and tools such as Arduino and Processing
  • The importance of storytelling for introducing new wearables
  • How wearables will change our relationship with computers

Table of Contents

  1. Dedication
  2. Praise for Designing for Wearables
  3. Foreword
  4. Preface
    1. Because We Can
      1. What is Design’s Role in This?
    2. Who Should Read This Book
    3. How This Book Is Organized
    4. Acknowledgments
  5. 1. Design Follows Technology
    1. Digital Maturity
      1. Integrated Circuits
      2. The Internet
      3. Cellular Data Networks
      4. Open Source
    2. The Human Problem
      1. Input
        1. Detailed input
        2. Passive input
      2. Output
        1. Active output
        2. Passive output
    3. The “Us” Part of Maturity
  6. 2. Activity Trackers
    1. Early Step Tracking
    2. Connected Fitness Trackers
      1. Connecting the Dots
    3. Not All Steps Are Equal
    4. More of the Same
    5. More Sensors and Machine Learning
    6. Telling the Rest of the Health Story
    7. Designing Fitness Trackers
      1. Bioindicators to Sensors
      2. Sensors to Data
      3. Data to Metrics
      4. Metrics to Information
    8. Pulling It All Together
  7. 3. Smartwatches
    1. The First Calculator Watch
    2. The Microchip Explosion
    3. Early Wrist Computers
    4. Ecosystem Integration
    5. Cell Phones and The Modern Era
    6. Frameworks for Smartwatch Interaction
    7. Designing for Smartwatches
    8. Designing Smartwatches Themselves
    9. Pulling This All Together
  8. 4. The Glass Experiment
    1. A Truly Wearable Computer
      1. Early Wearable Computers
    2. The Development of Google Glass
    3. One Day
      1. Public Backlash
      2. Glassholes
      3. Not a Failure
    4. Pulling This All Together
  9. 5. Wearable Cameras
    1. Narrative: Design for the Photographed
    2. GoPros for Everyone!
      1. What a Digital Camera Does
    3. Handling the Data
      1. Narrative’s Moments
      2. GoPro’s Mobile Video Editing
    4. Computer-Mediated Reality
      1. Computer Vision and Supporting Technologies
      2. Augmented Reality
      3. Mixed Reality
      4. Diminished Reality
      5. The Future on (or in) Your Eyeballs
    5. Pulling It All Together
  10. 6. Cognitive Wearables
    1. Fitness Trackers for Your Mind
    2. Stress and Focus
      1. Spire
      2. Muse
    3. Altering Consciousness
      1. Thync
    4. Learning to Learn
      1. Language
      2. Causality
      3. Intimacy
    5. Pulling It All Together
  11. 7. Service Design
    1. Service Design
      1. Disney’s Magicband
    2. The Double Diamond
    3. Communication Tools
      1. Customer Journey Map
      2. Service Blueprint
      3. Going Big
    4. Service Design and Machine Learning
    5. What Machine Learning Looks Like
      1. Automation
      2. Behavioral Feedback
      3. Shaping
      4. Transparency
    6. Pulling It All Together
  12. 8. Embodiment and Perception
    1. How We Think
      1. Describing Our Minds
    2. What Is Embodiment?
    3. Cognition and Tools
    4. Embodied Wearable Devices
      1. Spire
      2. Lumo Lift
      3. Withings Activité
      4. Smartwatches
      5. Pokemon Go Plus
    5. Perception
      1. Embodied Perception
    6. Breaking Down Perception
      1. Raw Information
      2. Speed
      3. Biological Attention
      4. Cognitive Attention
      5. Memory and Expectations
    7. Sensory Substitution, Addition, and Augmentation
      1. Augmentation
      2. Substitution and Addition
    8. Gaining Physical Awareness
      1. Framework Structure
        1. Analyses
        2. Efforts
        3. Scenarios
    9. Pulling It All Together
  13. 9. Prototyping
    1. Why Prototype?
      1. What Does That Look Like?
    2. Foundational Tools
      1. Processing Overview
        1. The Processing IDE
        2. The structure of a sketch
        3. The sketch output window
        4. What the code looks like
        5. Drawing on the pixel grid
        6. Layers
        7. Reference and examples
        8. Libraries
        9. Android mode
        10. Getting comfortable with processing
      2. Arduino Overview
        1. The Arduino board
        2. Different boards
        3. The Arduino IDE
        4. Arduino code
        5. Sensors
        6. Short example
        7. Getting comfortable with Arduino
      3. Processing and Arduino Together
        1. Putting Firmata on your Arduino board
        2. Connecting to Processing
    3. More Prototyping Tools
      1. Adafruit FLORA
      2. Intel Curie
      3. Particle
      4. Android Mode in Processing
        1. Android–Ketai
        2. Android Watch
    4. Pulling It All Together
  14. 10. Selling the Invisible
    1. Hammers and Memories
      1. Service Avatars and Story Telling
    2. Retail
      1. Target’s Open House
    3. Pulling It All Together
  15. 11. Moving Forward
    1. We Can
    2. Still in the Wild West
      1. Mixed Reality
      2. Cognitive Wearables
      3. Machine Learning
      4. Sensory Augmentation
    3. Go Forth!
  16. A. O’Reilly®: Designing for Wearables
  17. Index
  18. About the Author
  19. Copyright