
Book Description

We spend 90 percent of our lives indoors, in increasingly interconnected environments. Internet-enabled devices creep into the spaces we inhabit, and these devices report back on spatial conditions such as light, radiation, air quality and temperature, count the number of people stopping at retail displays minute by minute, detect intruders and security breaches, monitor locations and track characteristics of equipment and supply chain elements, enable us to open locked doors remotely using our mobile devices, and pass terabytes of data to backend systems that analyze, report, and modify the environments we occupy.

What you'll learn—and how you can apply it

In this lesson you’ll learn about new models of convergence, changing definitions of space, and a framework for designing interconnected environments as we consider the repercussions of the IoT and architecture as interface.

This lesson is for you because…

  • You're an industrial or user experience designer interested in expanding your skillset to include the basics of interaction design for connected environments for the IoT.
  • You're a technologist and you want to learn about interaction design for connected environments and the IoT as it pertains to future scenarios for your products.


  • None

Materials or downloads needed

  • None

This Lesson is taken from Designing for Emerging Technologies by Jonathan Follett.

Table of Contents

  1. Architecture as Interface: Advocating a Hybrid Design Approach for Interconnected Environments
    1. The Blur of Interconnected Environments
      1. Design Traditions from Architecture
      2. Architectural Design Theory: Models of Interaction and Meaning
    2. Theorizing Digital Culture: New Models of Convergence
      1. Enter Interconnected Environments
    3. Hybrid Design Practice
      1. Trapelo Road Case Study
      2. Human to Machine, Machine to Machine
      3. Emerging Models of Convergent Design
    4. Changing Definitions of Space
    5. A Framework for Interconnected Environments
      1. Modes of Interaction
    6. Spheres of Inquiry
    7. An Exercise in Hybrid Design Practice
    8. Architecture as Interface
    9. Conclusion
    10. References