
Book Description

Elm in Action teaches you the Elm language along with a new approach to coding frontend applications. Chapter by chapter, you’ll create a full-featured photo-browsing app, learning as you go about Elm’s modular architecture, Elm testing, and how to work seamlessly with your favorite JavaScript libraries. You’ll especially appreciate author and Elm core team member Richard Feldman’s unique insights, based on his thousands of hours writing production code in Elm. When you’re done, you’ll have a toolbox of new development skills and a stunning web app for your portfolio.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Brief Table of Contents
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Preface
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. About this book
  7. About the author
  8. About the cover illustration
  9. Part 1. Getting started
    1. Chapter 1. Welcome to Elm
      1. 1.1. How Elm fits in
      2. 1.2. Expressions
      3. 1.3. Functions
      4. 1.4. Collections
      5. Summary
    2. Chapter 2. Your first Elm application
      1. 2.1. Rendering a page
      2. 2.2. Handling user input with The Elm Architecture
      3. Summary
    3. Chapter 3. Compiler as assistant
      1. 3.1. Documenting guarantees with type annotations
      2. 3.2. Using case-expressions and custom types
      3. 3.3. Generating random numbers with commands
      4. Summary
  10. Part 2. Production-grade Elm
    1. Chapter 4. Talking to servers
      1. 4.1. Preparing for server-loaded data
      2. 4.2. Fetching data from a server
      3. 4.3. Decoding JSON
      4. Summary
    2. Chapter 5. Talking to JavaScript
      1. 5.1. Using custom elements
      2. 5.2. Sending data to JavaScript
      3. 5.3. Receiving data from JavaScript
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 6. Testing
      1. 6.1. Writing unit tests
      2. 6.2. Writing fuzz tests
      3. 6.3. Testing views
      4. Summary
  11. Part 3. Building bigger
    1. Chapter 7. Data modeling
      1. 7.1. Storing values by keys in dictionaries
      2. 7.2. Modeling trees by using recursive custom types
      3. 7.3. Decoding graphs and trees
      4. Summary
    2. Chapter 8. Single-page applications
      1. 8.1. Framing the page
      2. 8.2. Routing
      3. 8.3. Delegating pages
      4. Summary
  12. Appendix A. Getting set up
    1. A.1. Installing Node.js and NPM
    2. A.2. Installing command-line tools
    3. A.3. Obtaining the Elm in Action repository
    4. A.4. Installing recommended optional tools
  13. Appendix B. Installing Elm packages
    1. B.1. Direct and indirect dependencies
    2. B.2. Semantic versioning in packages
    3. B.3. Example: Installing elm/url
  14. Appendix C. Html.Lazy’s change check
    1. C.1. lazy’s check for strings and numbers
    2. C.2. lazy’s check for everything else
    3. C.3. When memory locations stay the same
  15. Index
  16. List of Figures
  17. List of Tables
  18. List of Listings