
Book Description

Inclusivity continues to be a challenge in most workplaces. These essays and articles lay out statistics about where companies are today and discuss strategies for doing better.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright
  3. Contents
  4. Introduction
  5. Why the Influence of Women on Boards Still Lags
    1. When Women Are in Power Roles
    2. Within Our Power
  6. Rationalizing Yourself Out of a Promotion
    1. Language Triggers Reactions, and Reactions Trigger Rationalization
    2. The Message for Business: Pay Attention to Job Descriptions
  7. Could AI Be the Cure for Workplace Gender Inequality?
    1. Jobs That Currently Demand High EQ Are Dominated by Women
    2. EQ Is Likely to Become a Critical Job Differentiator in More Roles
    3. Three Steps to Prepare for the EQ Revolution
  8. It’s Time to Make Paternity Leave Work
    1. Traditional Economic Models No Longer Hold
    2. What’s Stopping Dads From Taking Parental Leave?
    3. What It Will Take to Move the Dial on Parenting
  9. Bringing Lessons From #MeToo to the Boardroom