
Book Description

Effective time-management techniques to revolutionise the way you work!

Do you struggle to get everything done in the time you have available? Are you deluged with interruptions to your work flow? Do you find it difficult to prioritise your tasks and wish you were more organised?

Today's working environment moves at a very fast pace and, at times, it can be difficult to keep up. Expectations are high, and there are so many things competing for our attention. On top of the workload, we're interrupted by the phone ringing, e-mails landing in the inbox, people dropping in the office and, before we know it, the day has passed and we've only achieved half of what we intended to do.

If any of this sounds familiar, then this book is for you! Essential Time Management and Organisation will help you transform the way you work and regain control of your working day. This clear and concise guide offers tried and tested techniques for organising your time and achieving your goals.

Be more productive

Drawing on current best practice and personal experience, Sarah Cook shows you how to:

  • accomplish more in the working day
  • reduce your stress levels by being more organised
  • get things done efficiently and effectively
  • enjoy a reputation as a highly-efficient member of the team.

Improve your working practices

With the help of clear diagrams, checklists and models, this pocket guide will enable you to:

  • transform your methods of working
  • prioritise your tasks
  • follow the 4D model for dealing with e-mails
  • take full advantage of your most productive time of day
  • manage interruptions
  • eliminate timewasters
  • delegate effectively – including upwards!

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Chapter 1: How Successful Are You As A Time Manager?
    1. Recognise where you are now
    2. Your score
    3. Improving your time management and organisation
    4. Your motivation to improve your time management
  6. Chapter 2: Setting Objectives, Goals And Priorities
    1. Establishing goals
    2. Be a macro- not a micromanager
    3. Set SMART objectives
    4. Prioritising tasks
    5. Using the priority ranking system
  7. Chapter 3: Planning Your Time
    1. Are you a procrastinator?
    2. Do you focus only on today?
    3. Do you underestimate the time you lose each day and overestimate the time you have to complete tasks?
    4. The OATS process
    5. Monthly schedule
    6. Weekly schedule
    7. Daily schedule
  8. Chapter 4: Avoiding Timewasters
    1. Are you a morning or an evening person?
    2. Energy flows
    3. Identifying timewasters
    4. Identify your own timewasters
    5. Strategies to overcome timewasters
  9. Chapter 5: E-Mail Management
    1. Don’t be an e-mail junkie
    2. Organise your e-mail folders
    3. Working through your e-mails
    4. The 4D model for dealing with e-mails
  10. Chapter 6: Delegation Techniques
    1. Why do people not delegate?
    2. Tips on how to delegate
  11. Chapter 7: Summary And Overview Of Time Management Tools And Techniques
    1. Good time management ideas
    2. Self-discipline and time management
  12. ITG Resources