
Book Description

Understand the architecture of the AIR framework, the merits of AIR applications vs. Flex applications, and the capabilities of the framework including reading and writing files, interacting with local databases, and detecting and manipulate storage devices connected to the computer. Example projects demonstrate how to set up an AIR project, how AIR might be considered an extension to the Flex library to handle interaction with the operative system, and the variety of methods package an application for distribution.
Building AIR Applications is the first of fourth articles that will be compiled in the book, Data Visualization with Flash Builder: Designing RIA and AIR Applications with Remote Data Sources. Each full-color article illustrates specific aspects of Flash Builder data visualization with techniques to employ them. The book, Data Visualization with Flash Builder, features exclusive material in the form of a related real-world tutorial project to go alongside each article. This article is equivalent to 43 print pages.

Book Description

Understand the architecture of the AIR framework, the merits of AIR applications vs. Flex applications, and the capabilities of the framework including reading and writing files, interacting with local databases, and detecting and manipulate storage devices connected to the computer. Example projects demonstrate how to set up an AIR project, how AIR might be considered an extension to the Flex library to handle interaction with the operative system, and the variety of methods package an application for distribution.
Building AIR Applications is the first of fourth articles that will be compiled in the book, Data Visualization with Flash Builder: Designing RIA and AIR Applications with Remote Data Sources. Each full-color article illustrates specific aspects of Flash Builder data visualization with techniques to employ them. The book, Data Visualization with Flash Builder, features exclusive material in the form of a related real-world tutorial project to go alongside each article. This article is equivalent to 43 print pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Architecture of an AIR Application
  6. Differences between Web and Desktop Applications
  7. First Dummy Application
  8. Detect Storage Devices
  9. Interacting with the Database
  10. Create a Database
  11. Building a Simple Address Book
  12. Deploy an AIR Application
  13. Interacting with Native Processes
  14. Conclusion