
Book Description

Covering basic theory, components, installation, maintenance, manufacturing, regulation and industry developments, Gas Turbines: A Handbook of Air, Sea and Land Applications is a broad-based introductory reference designed to give you the knowledge needed to succeed in the gas turbine industry, land, sea and air applications.

Providing the big picture view that other detailed, data-focused resources lack, this book has a strong focus on the information needed to effectively decision-make and plan gas turbine system use for particular applications, taking into consideration not only operational requirements but long-term life-cycle costs in upkeep, repair and future use.

With concise, easily digestible overviews of all important theoretical bases and a practical focus throughout, Gas Turbines is an ideal handbook for those new to the field or in the early stages of their career, as well as more experienced engineers looking for a reliable, one-stop reference that covers the breadth of the field.

  • Covers installation, maintenance, manufacturer's specifications, performance criteria and future trends, offering a rounded view of the area that takes in technical detail as well as well as industry economics and outlook
  • Updated with the latest industry developments, including new emission and efficiency regulations and their impact on gas turbine technology
    • Over 300 pages of new/revised content, including new sections on microturbines, non-conventional fuel sources for microturbines, emissions, major developments in aircraft engines, use of coal gas and superheated steam, and new case histories throughout highlighting component improvements in all systems and sub-systems. 

    Table of Contents

    1. Cover image
    2. Title page
    3. Table of Contents
    4. Copyright
    5. Dedication
    6. Preface 2014
    7. Preface 2008
    8. Introduction, 2nd Edition
    9. Introduction, 1st Edition
    10. Acronyms
    11. Notes to the Reader
    12. About the Author
    13. Chapter 1. Gas Turbines: An Introduction and Applications
      1. Abstract
      2. Gas Turbines on Land
      3. Aeroengine Gas Turbines
      4. Gas Turbines at Sea
      5. Gas Turbines: Details of Individual Applications
    14. Chapter 2. Historical Development of the Gas Turbine
      1. Abstract
      2. Early History of the Gas Turbines
      3. Principles of Jet Propulsion
      4. The Gas Turbine Global Fleet: Model Designation and Production Prognosis as of 2013–2022
      5. Gas Turbine Global Fleet: Model Designation and Production as of May 2006
    15. Chapter 3. Gas Turbine Configurations and Heat Cycles
      1. Abstract
      2. Gas Turbine Configurations
      3. Gas Turbine Cycles: Summarized Theory and Economics
      4. Case Study 1: An End-User/EPC Contractor’s Experience with Some of the OEMs’ Latest Gas Turbine Models in Power Generation Service
      5. Case Study 2: An OEM's Development of a Gas Turbine The SGT6-5000F (Formerly Known as W501F) Engine
      6. Case Study 3: Operational Experience with Large Advanced Gas Turbines in Variable Load Conditions
      7. Appendix 3A: Steam Turbine Power Plant Theory Applicable to Combined Cycle and ‘Solo’ (as Competition to Gas Turbine Cycle) Operation
    16. Chapter 4. Gas Turbine Major Components and Modules
      1. Abstract
      2. Economics Dictates Design
      3. Gas Turbine Engine Modules
    17. Chapter 5. Cooling and Load Bearing Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. Internal Air System
      3. Lubrication
      4. An Operator’s Perspective on Turbine Oil Selection
    18. Chapter 6. Inlets, Exhausts, and Noise Suppression
      1. Abstract
      2. Gas Turbine Inlet Air Filtration
      3. Case Study 1: A Test Case of Two- vs. Three-Phase Filtration
      4. Gas Turbine Exhausts
      5. Gas Turbine Noise Suppression
      6. Sound Fundamental Concepts
      7. Measuring Tonal Noise Sources
      8. Case Study 2: The Use of Sound Intensity Measurement
      9. Case Study 3: Comparison of Noise on Two Nominally Identical Production Machines
      10. Acoustic Design of Lightweight Gas Turbine Enclosures
    19. Chapter 7. Gas Turbine Fuel Systems and Fuels
      1. Abstract
      2. Basic Gas Turbine Fuel System
      3. Gas Turbine Fuels
      4. Fuel and Fuel Oil Properties
      5. Unconventional Fuels
      6. Fuel Treatment Hardware
      7. Case Study 1: A Residual “Bunker” Fuel Case Study (Metro Manila, Limay Bataan Combined Cycle)
      8. Case Study 2: Autoignition Characteristics of Gaseous Fuels at Representative Gas Turbine Conditions
      9. Case Study 3: From Concept to Commercial Operation—Tri-Fuel Injector Used for LPG and Naphtha Applications
      10. Case Study 4: Multi-Fuel Concept of the Siemens 3A-Gas Turbine Series
      11. Case Study 5: Use of Blast Furnace Gas to Fuel 300 MW CC Plant
      12. Case Study 6: Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel in Siemens Dle Combustors - Atmospheric and High Pressure Rig Testing
    20. Chapter 8. Accessory Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. Accessory Drives
      3. Starting and Ignition Systems
      4. Ice Protection Systems
      5. Hot Air System
      6. Fire Protection Systems
      7. Water Injection Systems
      8. Systems Unique to Aircraft Engine Applications
      9. Systems Unique to Land or Marine Applications
    21. Chapter 9. Controls, Instrumentation, and Diagnostics (CID)
      1. Abstract
      2. System Scope and Selection for Gas Turbines
      3. Which Parameters on What Applications
      4. Basic Controls and Instrumentation (C&I) on GT Systems
      5. Principles and Functions of a Control System
      6. Components of a Control System
      7. Aeroengine Control Systems
      8. Marine C&I Systems
      9. Typical C&I System, Land-Based (Power Generation)
      10. Significant Advances in Controls Instrumentation and Diagnostics Technology
      11. Case Study 1: A Survey of New Technologies Used by Siemens Energy for the Monitoring and Diagnosis of a Global Fleet of Power Generation Systems
      12. Case Study 2: Pulsation Analysis: New Techniques and Their Limitations
      13. Case Study 3: Performance and C&I System Verification with Modeling
    22. Chapter 10. Performance, Performance Testing, and Performance Optimization
      1. Abstract
      2. Performance
      3. Case Study 1: The W501G Testing and Validation in the Siemens Westinghouse Advanced Turbine Systems Program
      4. Case Study 2: A Systems Approach to Hot Section Component Life Management
      5. Case Study 3: Strategies for Integration of Advanced Gas and Steam Turbines in Power Generation Applications
      6. Case Study 4: A Study on the Life Cycle Impact of Steam Injection
      7. Case Study 5: Augmentation of Gas Turbine Power Output by Steam Injection
      8. Case Study 6: Integrating Gas Turbines in Power and Cogeneration Applications
      9. Case Study 7: An Integrated Combined-Cycle Plant Design that Provides Fast Start Capability at Base-Load
      10. Case Study 8: Challenges in the Design of High Load Cycling Operation for Combined-Cycle Power Plants
    23. Chapter 11. Gaseous Emissions and the Environment
      1. Abstract
      2. Gaseous Emissions
      3. Effects of Emissions on Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines
      4. Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
      5. Case Study 1: The Capture, Storage, and Utilization of Carbon Dioxide by Statoil
      6. Appendix 11A: Emissions Legislation
      7. References for Section 3.1
      8. Emissions Permits [11-1]
    24. Chapter 12. Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul
      1. Abstract
      2. Operating and Maintenance Strategies
      3. Maintenance
      4. Maintenance Information Systems
      5. Audits of and Retrofits with GT Components and Systems
      6. Changing Legislative Requirements
      7. Retrofits Aimed at Operational Optimization
      8. Performance Analysis
      9. Assessing Audit Findings
      10. Major Repair and Overhaul Case Studies
    25. Chapter 13. Installation
      1. Abstract
      2. Installation of Aircraft Engines
      3. Energy, (Power Generation), and Marine Installations
      4. Installation of Land-Based and Marine Engines
    26. Chapter 14. The Business of Gas Turbines
      1. Abstract
      2. Contemporary Business Climate
      3. Culture
      4. Risk
      5. “Shifting Target” Data during Project Development, Negotiation, and New Model Introduction
      6. Market Assessment Risk
      7. Plant Siting
      8. Design Development and Operational Assessment by Both OEMs and End Users
      9. Case Study 1: Enhancing Reliability and Reducing O&M Expenditures in Advanced Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plants
      10. Case Study 2: How Close Is the Measured Performance to the True Output and Heat Rate? The Proof Is in the Testing!
      11. Case Study 3: Comparative Evaluation of Power Plants with Regard to Technical, Ecological and Economical Aspects
    27. Chapter 15. Manufacturing, Materials, and Metallurgy
      1. Abstract
      2. Basic Manufacture
      3. Inspection
      4. Optimizing Gas Turbines with Manufacturing Technology
    28. Chapter 16. Microturbines, Fuel Cells, and Hybrid Systems
      1. Abstract
      2. Microturbines
      3. Fuel Cells
      4. Applications and Case Studies
      5. Case Study 1: Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC)
      6. Case Study 2: PEM Fuel Cells (FCs) on Naval Submarines
      7. Case Study 3: Microturbine in a CHP Application
      8. Case Study 4: A Fuel Cell Application
      9. Case Study 5: Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Hybrid Cycle Power Systems
      10. Case Study 6: A Turbogenerator for a Fuel Cell/Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Plant
    29. Chapter 17. Training and Education
      1. Abstract
      2. Industry Training
      3. Case Study 1: OEM Project Application Engineers Training
      4. Training Programs within Academia
      5. Case Study 2: Industry Supported Multimedia Aeroengine Design Case
      6. Case Study 3: Theoretical Calculations Compared with Actual Cogeneration Plant
      7. Case Study 4: Undergraduate Engine Design Program
      8. Mission Analysis
      9. Case Study 5: Gas Turbine University Laboratory Study
      10. Case Study 6: OEM Working with Several Universities on Gas Turbine Prototype Development
    30. Chapter 18. Future Trends in the Gas Turbine Industry
      1. Abstract
      2. Some Newer Technologies
      3. Future Business Trends
      4. Positioning with Respect to Technology
      5. Using Technology to Advantage
      6. Environmental International Caucuses
      7. OEM Changing Fortunes
      8. End-User Associations
      9. Distributed Power: How Large Does a Power Plant Need to Be?
      10. The Power Mix
    31. Chapter 19. Basic Design Theory
      1. Abstract
      2. Operational Envelope
      3. Properties and Charts for Dry Air, Combustion Products, and Other Working Fluids
      4. Case Study 1: Prediction Effects of Mass-Transfer Cooling on the Blade-Row Efficiency of Turbine Airfoils
      5. Case Study 2: Advanced Technology Engine Supportability: Preliminary Designer’s Challenge
    32. Chapter 20. Additional References and Appendix for Unit Conversion
      1. Additional General References
      2. Some Specific References
      3. Pressure and Stress
      4. Temperature
    33. Index