
Book Description

Get a head start on building apps for Windows 8. With a series of examples, this hands-on guide takes you through the process of creating complete touch-enabled apps that respond to native sensors. Through the course of the book, you’ll learn how to work with the Windows Runtime application model while building a Bing Image Search app.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with Windows 8 Apps
  2. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
  3. Preface
    1. The Windows Runtime
    2. Disclaimer
    3. Who This Book Is For
    4. How This Book Is Organized
    5. Conventions Used in This Book
    6. What You Need to Use This Book
    7. Subscribing to the Bing Search API Service on Windows Azure Marketplace
    8. Using Code Examples
    9. Safari® Books Online
    10. How to Contact Us
    11. How to Contact the Author
    12. Acknowledgements
  4. 1. Windows 8: A Quick Tour
    1. A User Interface for Touch
      1. Start Screen
      2. Start Bar
        1. Search
        2. Share
        3. Devices
        4. Settings
    2. Windows Programming Reimagined
      1. A New Native APIJ: The Windows Runtime
      2. Language Support
        1. JavaScript
        2. C# and Visual Basic
        3. C++
      3. Hosted Application Model
      4. Single File Deployment
      5. Windows Store
    3. Inside Windows 8 Apps
      1. Application Bar
      2. Semantic Zoom
      3. Animation
    4. Outside Your App
      1. Tiles
      2. Pickers
      3. Charms
      4. Sensors and Devices
    5. Summary
  5. 2. Getting Started
    1. Where Is the Hello World app?
    2. Bing Search API
    3. Getting Started: The BingSimpleSearch App
      1. Bing Search API Service class
      2. Calling the Bing Search API
      3. Wrapping Up the UI
    4. Running the BingSimpleSearch App
    5. Unlocking WinRT (the FileSavePicker)
    6. Summary
  6. 3. Application Architecture
    1. The Bing Image Search App
    2. Goals
      1. Usability
      2. Non-functional
      3. Development Process Goals
    3. Design of the User Interface
    4. Application Diagram
    5. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
      1. Who Comes First: the View or the ViewModel (the ViewModelLocator)?
      2. Commands
    6. Inversion of Control (IoC) Container
    7. Navigation
      1. NavigationService
    8. MessageHub
      1. Sending a Message
      2. Alternatives to the MessageHub
    9. Application Storage and Tombstoning
    10. Settings
    11. Summary
  7. 4. Interacting with the Operating System
    1. Search
      1. Declaring Your Search Intentions
      2. Handling SearchPane.QuerySubmitted
      3. Launching Your App Directly into Search Mode
    2. Tiles
      1. Updating the Tile with a Collection of Images
      2. Updating Multiple Tiles with a Single Command
    3. Pickers
      1. FileOpenPicker
        1. Declaring the FileOpenPicker in the manifest
        2. Launching the FileOpenPicker
        3. Handling the FileOpenPickerUI
      2. FileSavePicker
    4. Sharing
      1. ShareDataRequestedMessagePump
      2. ShareUriHandler
      3. ShareImageResultsHandler
    5. Sensors
    6. LockScreen
    7. Summary
  8. 5. Windows Store
    1. Marketing
      1. Windows Store App
      2. Opening Your Developer Account
      3. Selling Your App
      4. Ratings and Reviews
    2. Distribution
      1. Packaging Your App
        1. Packaging your app from Visual Studio
        2. Packaging your app from the Appx Packager
      2. Inside your Appx
      3. Running Windows App Cert Kit
      4. Publishing Your App
    3. Global Reach
      1. Exposure to Global Markets
      2. Localization
        1. Setting up resources
        2. Localizing text in XAML
        3. Localizing text in code
    4. Summary
  9. About the Author
  10. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
  11. Copyright