
Using his experiences of life in the corporate jungle, K.F. Dochartaigh has produced a survival manual that assists and guides the reader on how best to navigate corporate pitfalls and avoid being ‘trapped’.

The book fuses three separate but intertwined disciplines of the animal kingdom, the guerrilla battlefield, and the corporate world to help establish patterns of behavior and to understand the motivations that drive each action.

All three areas share a common environment: the jungle, where visibility is limited, and ambush is the only method of attack by predators. The book blends animal and human psychology and provides safe passage in all its encounters.

This book does not condone war—in fact, quite the opposite—and, as you will see, it takes more of a defensive position in repelling attacks and seeks to promote the occurrence of collaboration over individual competition, which will also become apparent. It is not a “call to arms” or a promotion of anarchy—not by any stretch of the imagination—as it merely assists the individual in adapting within their environment in order to ensure their survival. Whether you work as an accountant, IT consultant, lawyer, salesperson, or project manager, the same logic still applies because there is a natural order in all corporate vocations.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. Chapter 1 Introduction to the Corporate Jungle
    1. The Jungle
    2. The Emergent Layer
    3. The Canopy
    4. The Understory
    5. The Forest Floor
    6. The Corporate Jungle
    7. Security Layer
    8. Strategic Layer
    9. Service Layer
    10. Specialist Layer
    11. Fruits of the Jungle
    12. Corporate Ladder
  8. Chapter 2 Know Your Opponent
    1. The ID
    2. The Ego
    3. The Superego
    4. Personalities
    5. Amphibians
    6. Salamanders (Caudata)
    7. High Profile: Salamander: Mushroom-tongued Salamanders (Bolitoglossa)
    8. Frogs and Toads (Anura)
    9. Toads
    10. Caecilians (Apoda)
    11. Reptiles
    12. Snakes and Lizards (Squamites)
    13. Lizards (Squamata)
    14. Turtles and Tortoises (Testudines)
    15. Crocodiles, Alligators, and Caimans (Crocodilians)
    16. Birds
    17. Parrots (Psittaciformes)
    18. Songbirds: (Passennes)
    19. Pheasants, Peacocks, Chickens, and Turkeys (Galliformes)
    20. Birds of Prey
    21. Falcons (Falconiformes)
    22. Eagles and Vultures (Accipitriformes)
    23. Eagles
    24. Vultures
    25. High Profile: King Vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)
    26. Creepy Crawlies
    27. Spiders, Scorpions (Arachnids)
    28. Spiders
    29. Scorpions
    30. Trapping a Scorpion
    31. Centipedes, Millipedes (Myriapods)
    32. Ants (Formicidea)
    33. Bees (Apoidea)
    34. Wasps and Hornets (Vespa)
    35. Mosquitos and Flies (Diptera)
    36. Butterflies and Moths (Including Caterpillars) (Lepidoptera)
    37. Snails and Slugs (Gastropods)
    38. Fish
    39. Cartilaginous Fish: Sharks and Rays (Chondrichthyes)
    40. Sharks (Selachimorpha)
    41. Rays (Batoidea)
    42. Bony Fish (Osteichthyes)
    43. Piranha (Serrasalmidae)
    44. Mammals
    45. Rodents: Mice, Rats, Beavers (Rodentia)
    46. Bats (Chiroptera)
    47. Shrews and Hedgehogs (Eulipotyphla)
    48. Sloths and Anteaters (Pilosa)
    49. Anteaters
    50. Sloths
    51. Hoofed Animals (ungulates)
    52. Elephants (Elephantidae)
    53. Apes and Monkeys (Primates)
    54. Great Apes
    55. Lesser Apes
    56. Monkeys
    57. Prosimians
    58. Trapping a Primate
    59. Meat-Eating Predator Cats (Carnivora feliformia)
    60. Tigers (Panthera tigris)
    61. Sumatran Tigers (Panthera tigris sondaica)
    62. Jaguars (Panthera onca)
  9. Chapter 3 Know Your Environment
    1. Unnatural Selection
    2. Game Theory
    3. Cooperative and Noncooperative Games
    4. Prisoner’s Dilemma
    5. Social Dilemma
    6. Evolutionary Game Theory
  10. Chapter 4 Know Yourself
    1. Before Entering the Jungle
    2. Instinct versus Learned Behaviors
    3. Systematic Desensitization
    4. Cognitive Dissonance
    5. Denial
    6. Repression
    7. Stockholm Syndrome
    8. Displacement
    9. Reaction Formation
    10. Stress
    11. The Importance of Compasses
    12. Success and Enemies
    13. Respect
    14. Ambition
  11. Chapter 5 Warfare
    1. Corporate Psychological Warfare
    2. Baiting
    3. Camouflage
    4. Infrasound and Ultrasound
    5. False Retreats
    6. False Movements and Decoys
    7. Trapping (Flypaper Theory)
    8. Gaslighting
    9. Strategic Deterrents
    10. Operational Tactics
    11. Natural Reluctance to Kill
    12. Prebattle Considerations
    13. Reconnaissance, Infiltration, and Espionage
    14. Ambush Strategy
    15. Summary
    16. Ambush Tactics
    17. Effective Counterinsurgency Methods
    18. Positions with Increased Level of Difficulties
    19. Summary
    20. Skirmishes
    21. Other Offensive Tactics Utilized by Opponents
    22. Collateral Damage
    23. Summary
    24. False Flags
    25. Effective Counterinsurgency Methods
    26. Offensive Strategies and Tactics Used by You against Your Opponents
    27. Strategies for Dealing with Difficult People
    28. Human Emotions
    29. Anxiety, Fear
    30. Disgust, Awkwardness
    31. Envy
    32. Anger, Sadness
    33. Rivalries and Vendettas
    34. Bullying
    35. Identifying and Dealing with a Bully
    36. Benefits and Limitations of Engaging HR
    37. Defending Coworkers
    38. Hierarchies
    39. Unconsciously Inept Managers
    40. Consciously Inept Managers
    41. Winning by Not Winning
    42. Psychology of an Ambush
    43. Factors of Influence
    44. Other Points to Consider in the Field
  12. Chapter 6 Counterinsurgency Techniques for Organizations (for Natural Ecosystem Balance)
    1. Seven Golden Rules
    2. Propaganda
  13. Bibliography
  14. About the Author
  15. Formal Permissions Obtained for Quotations >250 Words
  16. Index
  17. Back Cover