
Book Description

America’s health system has been a polarizing issue in most presidential campaigns throughout our lifetimes. It is hardly surprising that an industry that consumes nearly one in every five dollars spent in the U.S. economy will be prominent again in 2016 and beyond. This book will guide you through the fusillade of campaign promises and countercharges you will hear about health care and “reform”. They will be more strident now that the fiscal calamity of Boomer retirements has arrived. This book also offers a powerful tool of reform. The Health Insurance Revenue Bond ™ (HIRB) is a new and completely self-liquidating financing approach that fully funds escalating liabilities such as health care—without deficits. If you can’t bend the curve on health costs, bend the curve on the cost of funding™. HIRB can assist governments in developed nations to begin the long and painful process of deleveraging.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
  6. Part I: The Economy’s Vampire: Health Care
    1. Chapter 1. Health Care, Deficits, and the Economy
    2. Chapter 2. The Absent Free Market
    3. Chapter 3. The Economy’s Vampire
  7. Part II: Three Generations of Reform Proposals
    1. Chapter 4. The New Deal and Its Progenitors
    2. Chapter 5. World War II, Tax Deductibility, and the Fair Deal
    3. Chapter 6. Medicare and Medicaid
    4. Chapter 7. Hillarycare and Its Progeny
  8. Part III: What Is Wrong With Democratic and Republican Plans
    1. Chapter 8. 2016 Plans
  9. Part IV: The Key Problems in American Health Policy
    1. Chapter 9. Problem I—Unlimited Demand Due to Third Party Payment
    2. Chapter 10. Problem II—High Costs = Poor access
    3. Chapter 11. Problem III—The Health Cartel
    4. Chapter 12. Obamacare
    5. Chapter 13. The Shadow of 2018
  10. Part V: A NonPartisan Health Financing Alternative: HIRB®
    1. Chapter 14. Bending the Curve on Funding Health-Care Cost
    2. Chapter 15. Financing Basics
    3. Chapter 16. HIRB and Public Policy
    4. Chapter 17. Why HIRB Works
    5. Chapter 18. HIRB’s Robustness Over a Range of Interest Rates
    6. Chapter 19. A Health Insurance Requisite
    7. Chapter 20. Summation
    8. Chapter 21. HIRB’s Versatility
  11. Part VI: Conclusion
    1. Chapter 22. What Democrats Get Wrong About Health Reform
    2. Chapter 23. What Republicans Get Wrong About Health Reform
    3. Chapter 24. The Path to a Sustainable Health System
  12. Glossary
  13. Notes
  14. Bibliography
  15. For More About HIRB
  16. Index
  17. Adpage