
Book Description

New technology and organizational structures are transforming the workplace, but management skills have not yet caught up. Harnessing knowledge and using it as a competitive advantage is one of the key priorities of organizations today. Honing Your Knowledge Skills looks at how to define knowledge working and identifies the practical skills of knowledge management needed by line managers. This book shows you how to *handle information overload *become an expert *harness new ideas *turn knowledge into action * keep knowledge skills fresh
* understand IT resources and knowledge based systems

The New Skills Portfolio is a groundbreaking new series, published in association with the Industrial Society, which re-defines the core management skills managers and team leaders need to be competitive. Each title is action-focused blending 20th century management initiatives/trends with a new flexible skills portfolio.

The Industrial Society is one of the largest public training providers in the UK. It has over 10,000 member organisations and promotes best practice through its publishing, consultancy, training and advisory services. For more information contact their website on www.indsoc.co.uk

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Halftitle
  3. Series
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright
  6. Dedication
  7. Contents
  8. Series Editor’s Preface
  9. Acknowledgements
  10. Introduction: a map for the journey
  11. 1 Why become an expert knowledge manager?
    1. Our objectives
    2. Where are we going?
    3. Knowledge managers: where are you now?
    4. Summary
    5. Learning review
  12. 2 Knowledge and experts
    1. Our objectives
    2. What is knowledge?
    3. What is knowledge working?
    4. Becoming an expert
    5. The knowledge management process: a step-by-step guide
    6. Summary
    7. Learning review
  13. 3 Gathering data for effective knowledge working
    1. Systematic enquiry in the absence of real prior knowledge
    2. Talking to people purposefully
    3. Identifying your questions
    4. A coherent and complete set of questions
    5. The stages of purposeful talk
    6. Pitfalls in gathering data
    7. Summary
    8. Learning review
  14. 4 Creating frameworks when knowledge working
    1. Our objectives
    2. Overview of the process for creating a framework
    3. The range of representation schemes
    4. Structure: ways in which you can organize your emerging ideas
    5. Forming a view
    6. Summary
    7. Learning review
  15. 5 Skills of knowing
    1. Our objectives
    2. Why bother with skills of knowing?
    3. What is a skill of knowing?
    4. Let us understand understanding
    5. Summary
    6. Learning review
  16. 6 Your skills of knowing toolbag
    1. Our objectives
    2. Perceptual literacy
    3. Perception is selective
    4. Conversational literacy
    5. Sense language
    6. Sense properties
    7. Mental literacy
    8. A few words on physical literacy and emotional literacy
    9. Summary
    10. Learning review
  17. 7 The expert knowledge manager’s top ten tips
    1. Our objectives
    2. How acquiring and understanding are not ‘the same thing’
    3. The top ten tips and more
    4. Some common pitfalls in our thinking about knowledge
    5. Summary
    6. Learning review
  18. 8 Knowledge skills and information technology
    1. Our objectives
    2. You and the knowledge management revolution ... or evolution?
    3. What can technology do for you?
    4. Supporting thinking and decisions
    5. Accessing information through structured storage
    6. Interpreting data
    7. Disseminating information
    8. Facilitating the emergence of cross-functional teams
    9. What might be your first step?
    10. Summary
    11. Learning review
  19. 9 Knowledge and the future
    1. Getting your organization down the knowledge-sharing route
    2. On why ‘more thinking’ does not work anymore
    3. Knowledge, knowing and learning: a lifelong cycle
  20. Appendix 1: Conversational literacy in action
  21. Appendix 2: Resources for knowledge management
  22. Appendix 3: Some knowledge terms
  23. Appendix 4: More knowledge information technology
  24. Bibliography
  25. Index