
Book Description

This issue defines and describes a 360-degree feedback program. It walks the reader through the steps of: 1) design and plan the process, 2) design and develop the tool, 3) administer the instrument, 4) process and report feedback, and 5) plan responses to feedback.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. What Is 360-Degree Feedback?
    1. Why Use It?
    2. The Instrument
    3. Who Can Do It?
    4. Buy or Build?
      1. Buy
      2. Hire
      3. Build
      4. Combine
  3. Setting Up the System
    1. Step 1. Design and Plan the Process
      1. Too Many Forms
      2. Too Much Time
      3. Not Enough Knowledge
    2. Step 2. Design and Develop the Tool
      1. Focusing on Behavior
      2. Buy-In
      3. Looking Toward the Future
      4. Length
    3. Step 3. Administer the Instrument
      1. Accurate Coding
      2. Incomplete Participation
      3. Too Many Forms
    4. Step 4. Process and Report Feedback
      1. Inaccurate Transcription
      2. Editing
      3. Slow Processing
    5. Step 5. Plan Responses to the Feedback
    6. Pitfalls
      1. Too New
      2. Inexperienced Raters
      3. External Customers
      4. Performance Appraisals
    7. Benefits
      1. News
      2. Global Perspective
      3. Standards
      4. Accountability
      5. Efficiency
  4. References & Resources
    1. Articles
    2. Books
  5. Job Aid
    1. Is Your Organization Ready for 360?