
Book Description

This handy pocket guide tells you what you need to do to prepare for a data breach. It explains the key measures you need to take to handle the situation and to minimise the damage. The information is drawn from various regulatory publications, and interviews with security experts, lawyers and software suppliers.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Foreword
  3. Preface
  4. About the Author
  5. Introduction
  6. 1. Assessment and Containment
    1. Hit the ground running
    2. The penny drops
    3. Dissecting the data
    4. Severity assessment
    5. Let the response fit the crime
    6. Gathering evidence
  7. 2. Notification
    1. The disclosure conundrum
    2. Data notification and UK law
    3. Data notification and US law
    4. Who to inform
    5. Notification infrastructure
    6. Public relations considerations
  8. 3. Winning Hearts and Minds
    1. Formulating a media strategy
    2. Keeping customers onside
  9. 4. Post-Breach Review
    1. Learning from mistakes
    2. Red alert for IT
    3. Forming a data breach recovery plan
    4. Planning privacy into the system
    5. Enforce policy
  10. Appendix
  11. ITG Resources
    1. Pocket Guides
    2. Toolkits
    3. Training and Consultancy
    4. Newsletter