
Book Description

Preparing for your COG-310 certification is more engaging and enjoyable with this tutorial because it takes a hands-on approach and teaches through examples. There are also self-test sections for each exam topic.

  • Successfully clear COG-310 certification.
  • Master the major components that make up Cognos TM1 and learn the function of each.
  • Understand the advantages of using Rules versus Turbo Integrator
  • This book provides a perfect study outline and self-test for each exam topic

In Detail

IBM Cognos TM1 is enterprise planning software that provides a complete, dynamic environment for developing timely, reliable and personalized forecasts and budgets. It is a real time, in memory tool that helps any sized business perform planning, budgeting and forecasting as well as other financial exercises.

This book prepares you to master COG-310 certification using an example-driven method that is easy to understand.

The IBM Cognos TM1 Developer's Certification guide provides key technical details and background to clear the current IBM Cognos TM1 Developer (test COG-310) certification exam.

This certification book covers all the modules of the certification clearly and in depth.

The initial chapters cover in detail the components that make up Cognos TM1 and designing and creating dimensions and cubes. The book then dives deep into basic and advanced scripting using TurboIntegrator and then we learn to understand and write basic Rules. We then learn about the drill-through functionality of TM1, virtual and lookup cubes and lastly Time, and presenting and reporting data

Table of Contents

  1. IBM Cognos TM1 Developer's Certification Guide
    1. Table of Contents
    2. IBM Cognos TM1 Developer's Certification Guide
    3. Credits
    4. About the Author
    5. About the Reviewer
    6. www.PacktPub.com
      1. Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        1. Why Subscribe?
        2. Free Access for Packt account holders
        3. Instant Updates on New Packt Books
    7. Preface
      1. Certification
      2. Benefits of certification
        1. Self assessment of skills
        2. Know what you know
        3. Identify your areas of weakness
        4. Resume builder
      3. The certification exam
      4. Exam specifics
        1. Length
        2. Format
        3. Maximum time allowed
        4. Topics
        5. Minimal score required to pass
        6. Test languages
        7. Location of exam
      5. What this book covers
      6. What you need for this book
      7. Who this book is for
      8. Conventions
      9. Reader feedback
      10. Customer support
        1. Errata
        2. Piracy
        3. Questions
    8. 1. The Components of TM1
      1. The components of TM1
        1. Client components
          1. TM1 Client
          2. TM1 Perspectives
          3. Features of TM1P
          4. TM1 Architect
          5. TM1 API
        2. Server components
          1. TM1 Admin Server
          2. TM1 CFG
          3. TM1 Server
          4. TM1 Web
            1. Setting up a worksheet reference
          5. TM1 Top
          6. TM1 Contributor
      2. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self test
    9. 2. Dimensions and Cubes
      1. Introduction to cubes and dimensions
      2. Dimensions
      3. Elements
        1. Editing element properties
      4. Aggregations
      5. Consolidating using dimension hierarchies
        1. Element attributes
          1. Descriptive attributes
          2. Alias attributes
          3. Display format attributes
      6. Creating dimensions using the Dimension Editor window
        1. Ordering elements in a dimension
      7. Cubes
        1. Loading cubes
        2. Viewing cube characteristics
        3. Lookup cubes
        4. Control cubes
          1. Security
          2. Client and group administration
          3. Object attribute and properties control
          4. Performance monitoring
          5. Hold tracking by username
      8. Cube replication
        1. Replicating your cubes between your servers
        2. Replication must knows
      9. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self test
    10. 3. TurboIntegrator (TI)
      1. Introduction
      2. Data sources available with TurboIntegrator
        1. The Data Source tab
        2. The Variables tab
          1. Defining your own variables!
          2. More on the Variables tab
            1. Local variables
            2. Some very special local variables
          3. The Maps tab
            1. Cube tab
            2. Dimensions tab
          4. The Advanced tab
            1. Order of operations within a TurboIntegrator process
          5. The Schedule tab
        3. Key notes on TurboIntegrator processes
        4. String lengths limit in TurboIntegrator
        5. Reserved words
        6. Functions
        7. Cube logging
        8. Summary
          1. Two-minute drill
          2. Self Test
    11. 4. Rules
      1. Rules
        1. Rules — how do they really work?
          1. Sparsity
            1. Combinatorial explosion
            2. Wikipedia
      2. Dissection of Cognos TM1 Rules
        1. Rules — calculation statements
          1. Area definition
            1. Area definition syntax
            2. Special characters and non-unique element names
            3. The CONTINUE function and area definitions
          2. Numeric, consolidation, or string (oh my!)
          3. Formulas
            1. Numeric constants
            2. Arithmetic operators
          4. Using conditional logic
          5. Cube references
            1. External cube references
          6. Drill assignment rule
          7. More important Rules facts
      3. Rules performance
        1. Key notes on Rules behaviors
      4. Rule feeders
        1. Persistent feeders
        2. The special feeders
        3. Modifying rules and feeders
        4. Guidelines for simple feeders
      5. Troubleshooting
        1. Rules Tracer
      6. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self test
    12. 5. Advanced Techniques for TI Scripting
      1. ETL
      2. TM1 TurboIntergrator review
        1. The Data Source tab
        2. Using TurboIntegrator Variables
        3. Dynamic Definitions
        4. Important TurboIntegrator functions
          1. ExecuteProcess
          2. ItemSkip
          3. ProcessBreak, ProcessError, and ProcessQuit
        5. View handling
          1. ViewZeroOut
          2. PublishView
          3. CubeClearData
          4. CellIsUpdateable
          5. SaveDataAll
          6. SubsetGetSize
        6. Security functions
        7. Rules and feeders Management functions
          1. CubeProcessFeeders
          2. DeleteAllPersistentFeeders
          3. ForceSkipCheck
          4. RuleLoadFromFile
        8. SubsetCreateByMDX
      3. Order of operations within a TurboIntegrator process
      4. Aliases in TurboIntegrator functions
      5. More on data sources
      6. CubeSetLogChanges
      7. Revisiting variable types
      8. TurboIntegrator sections
      9. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self-Test
    13. 6. Drill-through
      1. What is drill-through?
        1. Components of TM1 drill-through
        2. Where to drill from?
        3. Drill-through (source) types
          1. TM1 cube views
            1. MaximumViewSize
          2. ODBC
          3. Other
      2. Drill process
        1. Creating a drill process
        2. Drill process parameters
        3. Editing drill processes
      3. Drill rules
        1. Feeders
        2. Area definition
        3. Creating a drill assignment rule
        4. Drill-through area examples
        5. Assigning drill processes
      4. Conditional drill rules
      5. Drilling from an Excel Slice
      6. Drilling from an Active Form
      7. Drill-through performance
      8. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self-test
    14. 7. Virtual and Lookup Cubes
      1. TM1 cube types
      2. Virtual cubes
        1. Virtual cube creation
      3. Feeders
      4. Intercube feeders
      5. Submitting a forecast to a virtual cube
      6. Unmatched dimensionality
      7. Conditional rules
        1. Using conditional rules within a virtual cube
      8. Consolidating data with a virtual cube
      9. Reporting with virtual cubes
      10. Other advantages of virtual cubes
      11. Additional reporting options
      12. Lookup cubes
        1. Translation of data
        2. Lookup cube example—using rules
        3. Loading data with lookup cubes
        4. Spreading data with lookup cubes
      13. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self test
    15. 8. Time Considerations
      1. The importance of time
      2. Granularity—the lowest level of time detail required
        1. Month—two time dimensions
        2. Month—one time dimension
        3. Weeks
        4. Days
          1. Lower than day detail
        5. Date format flexibility
      3. Time dimension maintenance
      4. Date and time Rules functions
        1. DATE
        2. DATES
        3. DAY
        4. DAYNO
        5. MONTH
        6. NOW
        7. TIME
        8. TIMST
        9. TIMVL
        10. TODAY
        11. YEAR
      5. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self-test
    16. 09. Data Presentation and Reporting
      1. Basic data browsing in TM1
        1. Cube Viewer
        2. In-Spreadsheet Browser
      2. Modifying your view of data
        1. Stacking a title dimension as a row dimension
      3. Saving the view
      4. Formatting view cells
        1. Zero suppression
      5. Worksheets
        1. Slicing a view
        2. Snapshots
      6. Active Forms
        1. Refreshing and recalculating
        2. Deleting an Active Form
        3. Active Forms and special formatting
        4. Formatting Active Forms
          1. Active Form default formatting
          2. Modifying default formatting
          3. Applying formatting
      7. TM1 reports
        1. TM1 Print Report Wizard
          1. Selecting the sheets
          2. Selecting the title dimensions
          3. Selecting workbook print options
      8. TM1 Web
        1. TM1 Websheets
        2. TM1 Web Cube Viewer
          1. Creating a new TM1 Web cube view
      9. Custom display formats
      10. Summary
        1. Two minute drill
        2. Self-Test
    17. Index