
This IBM Redpaper publication presents and positions the DS8910F Model 993 storage system.

This modular system can be integrated into a 16U contiguous space of an IBM z15™ model T02 or IBM z14® Model ZR1 with Feature Code 0937 and IBM LinuxONE III model LT2 or LinuxONE Rockhopper II model LR1 with Feature Code 0938.

The DS8910F Model 993 allows you to take advantage of the performance boost of all-flash systems and advanced features while limiting data center footprint and power infrastructure requirements.

Table of Contents

  1. Front cover
  2. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  3. Preface
    1. Authors
    2. Now you can become a published author, too
    3. Comments welcome
    4. Stay connected to IBM Redbooks
  4. Chapter 1. IBM DS8910F model 993 introduction
    1. 1.1 DS8910F overview
    2. 1.2 Product highlights
  5. Chapter 2. IBM DS8910F hardware configuration
    1. 2.1 DS8910F machine types
    2. 2.2 DS8910F hardware components
    3. 2.2.1 High-Performance Flash Enclosure Gen2 pair
    4. 2.2.2 DS8910F 5U I/O enclosure
    5. 2.2.3 IBM POWER9-based servers
    6. 2.2.4 Management enclosure
    7. 2.2.5 Power subsystem
    8. 2.2.6 DS8882F to DS8910F Rack Mounted comparison
  6. Chapter 3. IBM DS8910F installation and integration
    1. 3.1 DS8910F integration
    2. 3.1.1 Planning the DS8910F installation and integration
    3. 3.1.2 Planning for power requirements
    4. 3.1.3 Planning for host connectivity
    5. 3.1.4 Planning external connectivity
    6. 3.1.5 Planning for safety and service
    7. 3.2 Integrating the DS8910F into IBM Z entry models
    8. 3.2.1 z15 model T02 and LinuxONE III model LT2
    9. 3.2.2 Integrating DS8910F into z15 model T02 or LinuxONE III model LT2
    10. 3.2.3 IBM z14 Model ZR1 and LinuxONE II Model LR1
    11. 3.2.4 Integrating the DS8910F into the IBM z14 ZR1 or LinuxONE II LR1
    12. 3.3 Integrating the DS8910F into a standard 19-inch rack
    13. 3.3.1 Planning the installation into a conforming standard 19-inch rack
  7. Appendix A. Remote Code Load
    1. Overview
  8. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. Help from IBM
  9. Back cover