
Book Description

Get up to speed with one of the the world’s most popular NoSQLdatabase

  • Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results
  • Query in MongoDB from the Mongo shell
  • Learn about the aggregation framework and Map Reduce support in Mongo
  • Tips and tricks for schema designing and how to develop high performance applications using MongoDB

In Detail

MongoDB is a high-performance and feature-rich Document Orientated Database. This popular, highly scalableNoSQL database is used to power some of the world's most used applications and websites.

MongoDB Starter is designed to get you working with MongoDB as quickly as possible. Starting with the installation and setup, we quickly show you how to start importing your data into the database. Furthermore, you will learn about CRUD operations in MongoDB, its Map Reduce support, schema design, and performance tuning operations.

After successfully installing and setting up MongoDB, you will be introduced to important configuration parameters and the terminologies used in the Mongo world and their equivalent in the relational world. You will learn how to import data into the database and connect to the MongoDB from the Mongo shell and execute some queries. We will then move on to advanced topics such as performing insert, update and upsert(update + insert) operations, executing advanced queries, schema design concepts, and creating indexes for performance. MongoDB Starter finishes with a look at the new aggregation framework, Map Reduce operations, and how to bulk import and export data.

Table of Contents

  1. Instant MongoDB
    1. Instant MongoDB
    2. Credits
    3. About the Author
    4. About the Reviewer
    5. www.packtpub.com
      1. Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
    6. packtlib.packtpub.com
      1. Why Subscribe?
      2. Free Access for Packt account holders
    7. 1. Instant MongoDB
      1. So, what is MongoDB?
        1. What is a document?
        2. What does a document look like?
        3. Need for MongoDB
          1. Scalability
          2. Ease of development
      2. Installation
        1. Step 1 – basic requirements
        2. Step 2 – installing MongoDB
        3. Step 3 – server fails to start
        4. And that's it
      3. Quick start – setting up database and querying
        1. Step 1 – executing your first query on MongoDB
        2. Step2 – summing up and moving on
      4. Top 4 features you need to know about
        1. Finding documents
          1. Let's find one and all
          2. Nailing down to few documents
          3. Selecting a limited set of fields
          4. Paginating and sorting documents
          5. Yet more comparison operators
          6. Checking for the existence of a field
          7. Getting logical
          8. Accessing the nested fields
          9. The leftover operators
          10. Putting it all together
            1. Scenario
            2. Analysis
        2. Inserts, updates, and upserts
          1. Update operators to our rescue
        3. Design something that does not exist
          1. Index creation
          2. Designing the collections
            1. Good old relational way
            2. The Mongo way
        4. It's all about grouping things
          1. The aggregation framework
            1. The project operator ($project)
            2. The match operation ($match)
            3. The limit operator ($limit)
            4. The skip operator ($skip)
            5. The unwind operator ($unwind)
            6. The sort operator ($sort)
            7. The group operator ($group)
            8. Scenario
            9. Analysis
          2. Aggregation using Map reduce
            1. Scenario
        5. Summary
      5. People and places you should get to know
        1. Official sites
        2. Articles and tutorials
        3. Community
        4. Twitter