
Book Description

Increasingly, library personnel are called upon to teach classes, deliver presentations and represent their organizations in an official capacity. This book is designed to assist those professionals with little to no experience designing and delivering training, instructional sessions, and presentations. Suitable for all librarians, library staff and library school students, this practical guide will get the library professional up and running as a trainer and presenter.

  • Written by practicing professional librarians and trainers for use in the library setting
  • Features a combination of training, facilitation, and public-speaking skills
  • Covers all aspects of training from audience evaluation to lesson plans to evaluation to lesson delivery

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. List of figures
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. How to use this book
  8. Preface
  9. About the authors
  10. Part 1: General Overview
    1. Chapter 1: To train or not to train?
      1. Abstract:
      2. Action plan
    2. Chapter 2: Whom should we train or instruct?
      1. Abstract:
    3. Chapter 3: How should we train or instruct?
      1. Abstract:
      2. Presentation-style training
      3. Demonstration-style training
      4. Hands-on training
      5. Virtual training
      6. In-person training
      7. Mixing virtual and in-person training
      8. Useful links
  11. Part 2: Content
    1. Chapter 4: Developing the training plan and content
      1. Abstract:
    2. Chapter 5: Evaluating your training plan and content
      1. Abstract:
      2. Four levels of evaluation
  12. Part 3: The Nuts and Bolts
    1. Chapter 6: Who will conduct the training?
      1. Abstract:
      2. Useful links
    2. Chapter 7: The logistics of training
      1. Abstract:
      2. Choosing the right location
      3. Handling people
      4. Administrative tasks
      5. Useful links and further reading
    3. Chapter 8: The trainer’s toolbox: tips and tricks for making training successful
      1. Abstract:
      2. Co-teaching
      3. Taking your show on the road!
      4. An ounce of prevention – a trainer’s toolbox
  13. Part 4: Training Completed! What Next?
    1. Chapter 9: Keeping current
      1. Abstract:
      2. Why continuing education?
      3. Continuing education/professional development
      4. Building online learning communities
      5. Professional development 2.0: examples
    2. Chapter 10: Keeping connected
      1. Abstract:
      2. Listserv
      3. E-newsletters
      4. Blogs and wikis
      5. Online discussion groups
  14. Afterword
  15. Index