
Book Description

Android is the most popular mobile platform today, and this book is a gentle introduction to Android programming. You will learn how to create applications and use the Android APIs in the examples that accompany this book.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview
    2. Online Reference
    3. Downloading and Installing Java
    4. Downloading and Installing Android Development Tools
    5. About This Book
    6. Downloading Program Examples
  2. Chapter 1: Your First Application
    1. Creating An Application
    2. The Android Manifest
    3. Running An Application on An Emulator
    4. Application Structure
    5. Changing the Application Icon
    6. Logging
    7. Debugging An Application
    8. Running on A Real Device
    9. Upgrading the SDK
    10. Summary
  3. Chapter 2: Activities
    1. The Activity Lifecycle
    2. ActivityDemo Example
    3. Starting Another Activity
    4. Summary
  4. Chapter 3: UI Components
    1. Overview
    2. Using the ADT Eclipse UI Tool
    3. Using Basic Components
    4. Layouts
    5. Summary
  5. Chapter 4: Listeners
    1. Overview
    2. Example
    3. Summary
  6. Chapter 5: The Action Bar
    1. Overview
    2. Adding Action Items
    3. Adding Dropdown Navigation
    4. Summary
  7. Chapter 6: Animation
    1. Overview
    2. Property Animation
    3. Example
    4. Summary
  8. Chapter 7: Handling the Handler
    1. Overview
    2. Example
    3. Summary
  9. Chapter 8: The Media Recorder
    1. MediaRecorder
    2. Example
    3. Summary
  10. Chapter 9: Asynchronous Tasks
    1. Overview
    2. Example
    3. Summary