
Book Description

There’s no question that the goal-setting methodology OKR (Objectives and Key Results) helps companies achieve substantial goals—just ask Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter—but some organizations have struggled to make it work. This O’Reilly report explains how companies use OKRs to create focus, unity, and velocity within their teams, and how your company can succeed with this methodology.

With examples from several companies, including Google, Duxter, and Zynga, author and consultant Christina Wodtke walks you through the process of selecting short and aspirational objectives, along with difficult-but-achievable key results to quantify each objective. You’ll also learn how to inspire team members by baking OKRs into the daily and weekly cadence of your team.

  • Create team objectives that are qualitative, inspirational, time-bound, and independently actionable
  • Quantify and define the success of each objective with three key results
  • Adopt OKRs to help your team achieve focus, alignment, or acceleration
  • Learn a practical method for having your team choose objectives each quarter
  • Track and evaluate OKRs through weekly confidence ratings, Friday "wins" meetings, and end-of-quarter grading
  • Introduce OKRs in your organization gradually to help your team master the process

Table of Contents

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. An Extremely Short History of OKRs
    1. What Are OKRs?
      1. Objectives
      2. Key Results
    2. Why Use OKRs?
      1. Focus
      2. Alignment
      3. Acceleration
    3. Living Your OKRs
      1. Monday Commitments
      2. Fridays Are for Winners
  3. 3. How to Hold a Meeting to Set OKRs for the Quarter
  4. 4. Improve Weekly Status Emails with OKRs
    1. Tracking and Evaluating OKRs
      1. A Short Note on OKR Software
  5. 5. Getting Started with OKRs
    1. Quick Tips for Using OKRs